$380 Billion Dollars. That's the value of the Poor globally.

in #unbanked6 years ago

How do people with No money have such a huge economic Value?


The information we privileged share daily on our shopping trips, on social networks and whilst travelling around the internet has a massive economic value in advertising revenue for the big corporates. That's how Google, Facebook, Twitter and the like have made such massive financial gains : Your information, spending habits, interests etc. sold off to the highest bidder. (Notice how little of that you've seen?!)

Now that we're all aware of how they've scammed us, we've moved into technologies such as #Steemit to earn for all our efforts. The advent of Distributed Ledger Technologies allows us to earn for all of our time spent online.... or at least it will once all the ICO's have actually created the projects they've generated millions to create. It also allows us to be largely inconspicuous, anonymous and to be in control of our information.

New untapped consumer group!

Once we've got the poor a little money (probably through loans they can't afford, credit cards and the like), we'll also have captured them into the FIAT system of being indebted to financial institutions and the like...
When they've got money, we'll be able to sell so many products and services to them... creating an entirely new consumer group which currently does not exist.

Yay! Big corporates can make MORE money!!

Control of & Ownership of Us.

The control that distributed ledger technology, Blockchain and Crypto gives us means we can now choose who we sell our data to and how it is used. Taking ownership

The Unbanked in Africa, for example covers a massive part of the continent's population. Although most don't even have a home, let alone a bank account.
Honestly, a bank account is the last thing you're thinking about when food is the most pressing issue.
But once we all Do have Food, a Home, Electricity and Water supplies, we'll also then have cash to spend making us a very very valuable global asset.

Africa's Richness is in Millenial population

The African continent will have the largest Millennial population come 2030. Not too far away. So how do the corporates intend to harness this wealth of consumers who are in fact not consumers yet?

ICO's are flocking to create the next big product that will 'uplift' the 2 Billion people without a bank account. Unfortunately what most of these creators and ideas folk don't seem to grasp is that money is not available to the unbanked so it's really a moot point creating a banking system for them.

Micro lending and assistance with starting businesses is a great idea but unfortunately, again the ICO's in this arena haven't a cooking clue of what the poor actually need. They have no cotton picking understanding of the psychology behind being poor and that giving access to limited funding is not necessarily going to make a blind bit of difference because the cycle of living in a poor community means nobody else has money either, making your limited funding a very limited positive impact.

What's the Answer?

Autonomous consumer group $380 Billion Economic Value - Copy.png

In order to create wealth from the poorest who currently don't have a meal to eat, a stable home or running water, we need to see to the most pressing needs first, whilst also creating emotional opportunities for innovation within their communities so that we create a ciruclar system of upliftment.
A system that uplifts, creates food growing opportunities and business opportunities related.
A system that opens internet access for ease of learning, a system that ensures they can create opportunities for themselves once they know how to access knowledge online.
A system that provides easy earning opportunities regardless of the education level or capabilities.

Protect the poorest from the Richest

My personal mission is to ensure that the poorest are protected from the greed led economy which has all but destroyed humanity and the planet. With zero virtues and a mindset of money matters more than humans, they desperately need protecting from this destructive mindset.
We have a duty and obligation to everyone on the planet to ensure that nobody goes hungry. That every child has a home, an education and a warm plate of food every day.

A financial system which creates debt to an external party, is not a system that will uplift but will root the poor into further abject poverty. This is not a solution.

There have already been several ICO's attempting to deny the poor their human rights, by creating data opportunities and ensuring they're enslaved to governmental institutions through being led into giving their details into the system. A system which does not care for their emotional, mental and physical well being. It's only concern is the money to be earned from the individual and the tax the governments can gain once they start earning.

Psychology of being Poor in Africa

In Africa we don't like to give our names, telephone numbers or address (if we have one) to anyone. The governments, banks and anybody else who may want to take more from us than we have, will all find us. So we remain anonymous through choice.
We like it this way.
Being poor is not just a situation, it's an emotional state of being which needs to be overcome First before we can begin to unravel the financial issues.
That's where most ICO's and 'Do Gooders' are failing.
(I think I need to write a book about being poor, what it means and how it feels)

The emotional degradation of the poor is unrelenting stress and distress. Hopelessness.
Insecure in yourself. Unsure of yours place in the world, or how you must behave towards others. Always being subservient and 'grateful' for morsels of food or coins tossed at you like a dog. The psychology of being poor is a grave and difficult situation to overcome.

The Solution to the raising the Unbanked is Cryptocurrency.

How on earth can we raise desperately poor people into crypto wealth when they don't even have a bed to sleep in?


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I have devised a circular solution with micro opportunities, health and learning to create a valuable system of inclusion, innovation and inspiration to assist the poor out of their doldrums and slowly but surely into a sustainable lifestyle that inter-operates with technology.

Conclusion : $380 Billion Dollars in Economic Value means the poor are in danger of being taken advantage of.

We Must, as a crypto community, focus on ensuring that Decentralisation is used to see to their best interests.

To learn more about my system please join predictiveideology.slack.com or Bonnie Crofford on Linkedin.

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Save the poor from getting poorer. Save yourself by helping daily with a smile, a nod, a little hope for someone who can do nothing for you... because one day, that may be you.


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