Would You Panic in a Thousand-Year Climate Cycle?

in #un5 years ago

This video was originally published 14/12/2019

Drudge Report reports, the Sun has been in its quietest since 1913. That is over a hundred-year cycle, so I wonder what the climate was like back in 1913.

But more importantly, where did the sunspots go? The quiet period between solar cycle 24 & 25 has broken all records for anything in the Space Age and back into a full century mark, which is again over a hundred years.

Now, if you check the records a hundred years ago, far left to the chart, it was in the 1900s. The right side of the chart is where we are heading into, the solar cycle 25. Can you notice the similarities in low solar activity? This had led to cooler icebergs in the North Atlantic at that time.

Looking at 1510 A.D, how did it warm so much after the Spörer Minimum? The climate also warmed after the Maunder Minimum and Dalton Minimum. What happened, looks like a natural variability, but they are now blaming us, the people, for it. They blamed witches before in the 1600s, and now they are blaming the entire global populace spurred on by never ending consumption advertising and endless just in time delivery supply chains.

In another related story, Cosmic Rays are increasing. There will be a 9-month delay after we hit the very bottom of the solar minimum. Up and up we go with the cosmic rays.

As we move through the next 5 to 6 months, cosmic rays are going to increase. This will cause more cloud cover and heavier storms. An example in Australia in 2019 with six months’ worth of rain in a single hour in Brisbane. More of the same inbound.

In 2009 Al Gore told us that the North Pole would be completely ice free in 10 years. Now more than ten years later, we still have ice, not even close to ice free. Good one Al.

Those famous predictions were given in 2009 at COP15 in Copenhagen. He repeated again and again, that the state-of-the-art computer modeling is going to tell the future, but not by looking at historical cycles, farmers’ almanacs, and Sun cycles, but by scientists inputting climate variables, the thing is, they do not have all the inputs.


At present, they have been naming this an “Existential Threat”, but China is still allowed to burn coal unchecked. Only a selected portion of the populace has to adjust their lifestyles, live in a square-box, eat insect protein, and live on a 3-watts of power per day. They cannot even burn candles because those can release CO2. So, I guess some have to sit in the dark during night time, while the other half of the planet is allowed to do whatever they want. So progressive.

Anyhow, as these state-of-the-art computer models are interpreted. Colored lines are reality on the ground, the measured temperatures. Those squiggly opaque lines represent the “state-of-the-art” computer climate models that are mostly wrong. I think only one out of the 98 is correct. The thing is, if I was a stock trader and I was wrong 98% of the time, do you think I still have a job? Why do we keep giving these clowns our money?

Our money is literally stolen from us through taxes, which are then used to fund these people who only tow the approved narrative. Why are we not allowed to give our opinion to check and balance the information? Because if “state-of-the-art” models are wrong, climate scientists need to stop using them. They have been working on that for decades now, and we are still on this same garbage again and again.

Stuff New Zealand has reported, “Greenland's ice loss rapidly accelerates, hit highest sea-level projections.” This is an example of being irresponsible. Why did editors not back check this story?

Stuff New Zealand put links displaying ice charts that show increasing ice, not decreasing, yet they still described it to be decreasing twice as fast as the rest of the world.

In the article writers even added that Greenland is now shedding more than seven times as much ice each year, since the 1990s.

Somehow they missed the last five years with record ice gain in Greenland. How did editors miss that? Very amateurish mistake from the reporters, the writing staff, and the editors, to have not even back check the ice sheet mass balance. Those people should be fired.

Anyway, I present these charts that stuff could not? These charts can be seen in the Danish Meteorological Institute and Polar Portal. I left links to these resources at the end of the article.

Take a look at what Greenland has been doing with ice gain records for the last five years. The blue line is above average gain, anything below the horizontal gray line marked ‘Mass Loss’ is melt. Yet corporate media is trying to tell that Greenland is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, and that there is a massive loss of ice.

Numbers from the DMI, however, do not support that claim. By the way, that massive dip in August was from a broken station that gave false readings. Which brings me to this important point, why haven’t DMI and Polar Portal fixed that error yet? They should have put the real readings back in place by now. Maybe it would take another year before they readjust their bad data.

I also dug-out the ‘gold-standard’ in measuring ice loss. 12,000 square kilometers of ice was lost, and that funnels into certain rivers. This ‘gold-standard’ one-hour measurement shows discharge outflows of water. This is the newest and the best they have to prove that Greenland is melting. Yet the purple arrow, which I put, is the Greenland’s melt. Do you see any runaway melting at the moment? Stuff New Zealand should really double-check their sources before publishing their stories.

Outflow of the Watson River is the gold standard to prove ice melting on Greenland. You can check this yourselves, and you will notice how badly stuff has written their article.

It seems that this climate debate makes them look as if they are living in a bubble. They are not even looking at the reality on the ground and true measurements. Media is there with their hocus-pocus narrative.

This information from the IPCC to prove global warming is at anyone’s disposal, yet overlooked.

Then again, this is just another ploy to deflect and distract your attention from the heavier and more powerful multi-thousand-year climate cycle that is intensifying. This is going to involve more volcanic activity and that should alarm you.

If you notice the narratives at the moment, most talk about stability across the entire media network, from finance, climate, and food production; none of which is true.

I highly encourage you to look at what is happening, and Zero Hedge is a good place to start. The financial system was hanging on by a thread in 2019 so a break was expected in 2020.

Anywhere you see a giant uptick or down tick are massive volcanic eruptions that cooled the planet. Obviously, they could not flip the Southern Hemisphere on top of the Northern Hemisphere, so it is inverted the red. White Island erupting unexpectedly is another signal that we are in for an uptick in Southern Hemisphere volcanic activity. Stability stories and distractions are so you continue with your stable spending and buying habits; and you won't pull your money out of the banks and disrupt the global financial system, until they are ready to lock you out.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast of a 30-minute in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on-the-go through out your day.

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(MIAC #286) Food Production Unreliable As Seasons Are Now Inconsistent


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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Greenland's ice losses rapidly accelerate, hit highest sea-level rise projection

TEN YEARS AGO TODAY AL GORE PREDICTED THE NORTH POLE WOULD BE COMPLETELY ICE FREE IN FIVE YEARS https://electroverse.net/ten-years-ago-today-al-gore-predicted-the-north-pole-would-be-completely-ice-free-in-five-years/

Cosmic Ray updates https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=13&month=12&year=2019

Greenland Ice Budget

Greenland Runoff

Hypsometric amplification and routing moderation of Greenland ice sheet meltwater release

Deep solar minimum on the verge of an historic milestone https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/12/12/deep-solar-minimum-on-the-verge-of-an-historic-milestone/

30 years of failed climate predictions https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/12/13/after-30-years-of-failed-climate-politics-lets-try-science/

Climate models vs. reality

Observations vs reality in climate temperature modeling https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/12/13/cmip5-model-atmospheric-warming-1979-2018-some-comparisons-to-observations/

SO2 last 8000 years on Erath

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Thank you 🙏 for everything you do for us 👏 👍 ❗️ Al Gore can suck on it❗️

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