
I agree with some of the other comments that raincoat is the way to go! I guess I've seen the cover for the umbrellas... but usually aren't they attached to the umbrella for after (or thrown in the closest)? I didn't realize people actually get disposable umbrellas.. crazy.

Raincoats are great if you are working outdoors or have your hands full. I think best option is have someome carry your umbrella for you.
I think disposible raincoats are more popular, but those are definitely not reused.

Oh you covered it very well. I would only add being like Michael Jackson how he had "people" to carry his sun umbrellas for him :)

I say tough it out. By golly we didnt need no sticking umbrellas when we walked 10 miles to school uphill both ways! lol

The thing about umbrellas is if no one has them, no big deal, but if you are the only one without one, people tend to pity you. When I'm just out for a walk I actually don't mind the rain. I just put on a hat and cheaper clothing or a rain coat.

I have to refrain from shaking my head whenever I see those umbrella bag stands. I think about how much plastic waste is generated in a single day from using those and it makes my head hurt!

Can't stand them myself.

I've heard that if you keep your umbrella dry, your feet will no longer be too big for your bed. lol

Seriously, this post made me laugh in a couple of places. This isn't a bad idea, though.

Lol, yeah. It's hard to make this into a serious topic. Most countries don't use those bags I guess.

Hahaha, a good trade for you to get involved in my friend. Selling umbrella dryers worldwide and making millions Lol.
I am a BJ Thomas type, as I have never owned an umbrella.

I think you should try an umbrella one day. First I need to convince people to use umbrellas more before selling dryers for them.

Oh no! Now you are already trying to sell me an umbrella so that you can cash in be also selling me an umbrella drying machine hahaha.
If you want people to use umbrellas more, you should start praying for more rain my friend Lol.

I hate umbrellas and I refuse to use them! I just wear a raincoat, or put a plastic bag on my head - and/or get wet!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I never used to use umbrellas until I moved to Korea. Here everyone uses them.

I just try to fling the water off of mine as best I can. I think the disposable bags are often provided to minimize liability that might be caused from someone slipping on a wet floor. Perhaps we need better non-slip floors instead.

I've always thought it was handed out as a liability issue. However, I don't think you can get a lot of liability money in Korea for this reason, especially if it is rainy.

Maybe people can design a blast dryer cabinet, a bit like where you drive your car through the dryer after its been washed . All it needs it 5 or 10 seconds to blow the water drops off.

I've seen the blasters, they are similar to the hand dryers. The only problem is those would probably cost more than $700 each.

They exist already ? I was thinking like where you can open up the brolly and put it in the cabinet so the dryer can blast the droplets off.

I guess the electric one is good, but water and electricity don't really mix so well. Maybe there would be accidents?

Hahaha the dilemmas of modern first world living. Pollution is a problem though, and plastic - single use especially - is a big problem globally. There are simple solutions fortunately. The plastic industry is seriously toxic to our bodies and the planet. It is a by product of the oil industry, another top world polluter. We could have used other power sources but the fools in control blocked them and deliberately used the toxic stuff to make themselves more money at the detriment of the planet. This is, to me, the height of criminality.

I can't handle single-use plastics and the odd time I use them, I try to reuse them.
I stopped using straws way before it was cool and haven't used plastic grocery bags forever, really glad the idea is starting to become mainstream.

I think what put me off the most was starting to scuba dive. Once you see that the crap on the beach is only a small fraction of what is under the water, you will see the truth.

Now you're reminding me of the beaches I saw in Thailand two years ago, with so much plastic on some of them. I tried a little snorkeling there in the beautiful environment, but the plastic is a serious problem there.

That's quite a detailed post about umbrellas. I wasn't expecting the umbrella dryer at the end. I've never heard of them before. I did go into a building the other day that had these bags and I was quite prepared to have an argument with the security guy, because I didn't want to use one. Luckily he didn't notice. Unfortunately, that same day I left my umbrella on a bus. On a related note, I went to a restaurant the other day that had small complimentary plastic bottles of water on the tables instead of the normal pitcher of water. I complained and told them I wasn't going to come to their restaurant again. They probably thought I was weird.

Those driers tend to be in only a few places like government offices where they are trying to show off.
I've noticed a few restaurants handing out plastic bottles, too. I complain. Oddly, Starbuck's is the one leading the charge here. All these 1500won coffee shops popping up everywhere never give reusable cups and even look at me like I'm crazy when I hand them my cup. They should be forced to discount like 300won or not allow you to collect points if you take the cup.

The weirdest is the Paris Baguette, they give me their reusable cup if I don't leave immediately when I go on a break during work (I can't finish a hot coffee that quickly) and won't fill up my reusable cup for drinking in the restaurant because it is the wrong brand. They are even reluctant to fill it up for take away so I just pour it myself and tell them their customer service policies are backwards.

I wonder why they won't fill up your reusable cup. Maybe their cups are just the right size, and they don't want to give you extra coffee in another cup that might be bigger, but it's probably just pettiness because it's not one of their cups. I've been onboard the environmental movement since I was a kid, I can't understand why other people don't get it.

It's Americano which means they use shots of espresso and top it off with hot water so it wouldn't make a difference. Some of the really busy places have measured pours. In the case of paba they are just being annoying and stubborn.

I also can't get why people aren't on the environmental movement. Businesses are so wasteful because a customer complaint is painful. It's obvious most people just care about money, but it's sad and frustrating for the people who realize there is more to care about.

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