Crocheted Fuchsia Flowers

I have been crocheting for most of my life.  It was something that I was taught as a young girl.  I was brought up in a family where we made many of our things.  My mom was also a single mom so if she could make it cheaper and better she did. 

Crocheting didn't come easy to me.  I am left handed so I needed to turn everything around and do it my way.  I have gotten the hang of it now but as a young girl I spent many hours learning things. My mom would get tired of doing the same stitch over and over to show me how.  Now there are videos to assist people on how to do thing.  The videos really make things easier.  

A few months back my mom found a book in her crafts called 100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet byLesley Standfield.  I told her I wanted to borrow it.  I have been wanting to beautify our place a bit.  I have felt the need for more flowers and pretty things in my life lately.  What better way to have them than to make them.  I decided that if I make them I can wash them and keep them far longer than a flower.  I mean I love flowers, but I started making these flowers in March of this year.  I could make these little things faster than starting my own seeds.  The first ones I knit. I love knitting as well.  I was looking through the book and spotted these fuchsia flowers and wanted to make them.  My plan is to make a bouquet of them and put them in a pot as if they are a real pot of flowers.  I have run out of cotton but this is the beginning of my fuchsia bouquet. I figure I will do 4 to 6 more for the final project.


Nice flowers! Do they fit in a vase?

Thank you, they are pretty small. I want to put a wire in the stem and put them in a small pot with some moss around the pot to make it look real.

I just planted some green cotton. It will be my first fiber crop. I am motivated to learn crochet and knitting. I guess I need a spinning wheel too. I could send you some of the green cotton when it's ready. Do you spin?

Green cotton, I never heard of it. I will try to look it up. Knitting and corcheting are things I really enjoy. I find certain projects can be meditative. I don't spin but it is something that I want to get into. I have a friend that might be able to spin it.

what made you decide to plant green cotton? I wanted to plant cotton this year but we can only plant artic cotton because we are so far north. When I read up on artic cotton it didn't have much uses.

These look so beautiful! I was hoping some of the cotton that I brought would work. I hope you can get more cotton soon. They will make an amazing and unique decoration for your home; and I look forward to seeing it.

Thanks so much. I also have to figure out how to get a small wire in the stem for the arrangement. I forgot to put that in the blog. So many steps. See you tomorrow.

Those little crocheted fuschias are absolutely gorgeous @carey-page and you've chosen the perfect colours. I used to knit a lot in my younger days but never learnt to crochet as much as I would have liked to. It's good to see these crafts still going strong today.

Thank you so much. It is fun to do these flowers. Usually I am knitting or crocheting more functional things like socks and sweaters.

I am sure there comes a point where knitting and crocheting drops off in life and new crafts are born. Also there is not as much of a need anymore to do them. Now it is more for pleasure.

Here in Canada knitting and crocheting is becoming more popular again.

They are so pretty. I will look forward to seeing the whole bouquet together.

Thank you it will be neat to do the whole thing.

Oh my oh my! Those are beautiful!!!! I love fuchsias! they are my favorite flower <3 Well done! A great way to keep these types of flowers throughout the years ^_^

Thank you so much. It was fun doing them. I figured it was a good way to have flowers all winter long.

These are really beautiful and I think they would look amazing if attached to some dress or a blouse as little decoration elements. I've even seen people attaching little crochet flowers to their shoes, it can look really beautiful!
Well done!

Thank you so much. I have seen other crocheted flowers attached to clothing or shoes. I never though about doing that with my fuchsias.

The fuchsia flowers are so pretty. I like flowers inside now too. Cut ones don't last long enough and my cats like to eat the potted ones! lol So this would be a good solution for to find the time.LOL

The real flowers don't last as long. That is too bad your cat eats the potted ones. I have a friend and her cat eats her plants too. I did't know that cats do that. Our cat eats plastic in her spare time. Her previous home was not good.

Finding the time is a tricky one. You have so much to do there. How is everyone there? How did the operations go? Did you get a chance to make colloidal silver? I have read your blogs but didn't comment. I didn't know what to say. It had all been said already in others comments. I also needed to process what is happening over there. That is a lot to take. I can't imagine living through it. Your are one amazing woman.

Thank you for your support, Carey. Daniel had his surgery and was released the next day in rough shape. No antibiotics or pain medication. We are using the colloidal silver. Elliot (my son's brother-in-law) had surgery and will be home today. We haven't heard anything more other than he won't be able to work for a while. Our mama is in labour but was told to return to the hospital on Monday when they have a specialist! So far baby is moving and the heart rate is good. Mama is tired though. Ortega was given an ultimatum but he wanted two days to think about it. The answer is due today. We know he will say no to leaving. The violence is stepping up more and no one will be able to leave their houses today.

I am sure you are quite a busy woman today. I see that you wrote this 8 hours ago. I have contacted you on discord to discuss the labour . If there are any remedies I can suggest I am totally willing. Homeopathy can work for her depending on the situation.

I sure hope Elliot gets home safely.

I will head over to discord now. Haven't had a whole lot of time to myself today...

Really nice crafting and those flowers looks good.

I think now there are less people who do knitting at home. There was a time when the sweaters and other woolen stuff used to be prepared at home here for us, but now, it's like buying such things from shops only as it is a time consuming activity.

Yes I would agree, I know most people find it easier to buy these types of items. Usually I am making socks and sweaters. The flowers are a nice change and fun to do.

Crafts are always fun and learning whether it's something to wear or some decorative item. Glad you have interest in these kind of things.

For us, the most required woolen thing would be the Sweaters during winter.

Here I could be making sweaters and socks constantly. We have so many clothes for the different seasons.

Yes I imagine you would need a sweater in the winter. Do you need heavy coats as well? I am unaware of what other cultures do in their winter months.

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