"The World Needs To Hear From You. Even Steemit Is Calling!" Now, You Can Answer. "Create A ULOG Today". (The "U" in "Ulogs" represents "YOU".)

in #ulog6 years ago
If you don't know what Ulogs are just yet, ransack and digest this post. 

The birth of Ulogs

Yes "YOU", is what's pertinent and media formats e.g no-Vlogs, no-cameras, shyness etc should pose no barrier to you extending  "YOU" to us and to the world, ever-constantly; "tirelessly".  

You are celebrity and we your fans.
Ulogs are borns and are ever-handy

Style-Guide For A Ulog

This post will draw out a style-guide for how a Ulog can look like. 

These aren't rules per-say, thus, just be guided by the principles within this post; "flaws allowed". You are allowed to be un(dis)talented.

Basically, we want real stuff. The real deal. "YOU"!!!.
We want to leave outer-space just a bit and come back down-to-earth.
We want you to shine. We want you to lit the steem blockchain and shake it with your beauty.
We want you to evolve. We want to see your flaws. We want to forgive them.
No longer should a day emptily slip by, without "your shine" in it.

The world and its toughness can deaden and relegate "our shine" into remoteness and forgotten-ness; by means of the steem blockchain, we want to use each day, to recover some of "our shine" back.

This is it.

No more will there be a day on the steem blockchain, when you can say, "i don't have a steemit post idea. 

Each day and "YOU" in it; carries it's own freshness. So, not a day aren't we capable of re-shaping the entire internet with a piece of freshness.
No longer should there be a day, when we can't add value to the steem blockchain.

With @ulogs, we will look stir a curriculum that incites each steemian into a culture of Ulogging. We will create a trend for #ulog/#ulogs on the entire web-space, filling it with the indispensable awesomeness called; "human"; steemhuman; "steemians".

With Ulogs, you now have at least one steemit post idea daily, that constitutes YOU. No longer, should there be a day, that the world is starved of your beauty.

The world needs to hear from You. The world is calling!!!

A Ulog should contain "YOU" and your day; "each day". A Ulog is a steemit post. It can contain any form of media that constitutes you, e.g Vlogs, images, text or a combination of all. 

Ofcourse, you can relate the events in your day and as much of it as you want. With each passing day and each Ulog, you must evolve in your very substance.

Thus; here is a little style guide that you can use when you write a Ulog:

  • It is better when a Ulog is "once a day"
  • It should be about you or events in a day, related to you
  • You can talk in an undertone, if you want to maintain privacy
  • It can be a Vlog. (For Vlogs, you can post to Dlive, Dtube or Youtube + Steemit)
  • The edge of a Ulog over a Vlog is; you don't need to have a camera and the right selfie-stick or right poutty-lips etc to document or record your awesomeness each day, for you have your very handy, ever-present memory, hearts and minds; thus, you can record all that happened each day; all that involves "you", in entire steemit posts called "Ulogs", whether you were able to create a Vlog or not, because its all about "Ulogs" now. 
  • Ulogs can contain pictures but where pictures are used, these shouldn't be resourced from the internet, instead should be fresh pictures involving you or events and locations within your day.
  • Ulogs can exist without images but steemit posts in general as always better with images. (Where you are not able to take fresh pictures, you can always use old pictures, or craft out avatars, art or any graphic media that is original and shows "YOU" off.
  • Tell us how your day went.
  • Tell us about how you feel now and how you felt all day
  • Tell us about who you met and about who met with you.
  • Tell us about your kids; about your friends; about your pets.
  • Tell about your new shoes and where you wore them too and about who complimented your shoes.
  • Tell us about how you cleaned your mirror several times, so you can see your face
  • Tell us about what you saw, when you looked in the mirror.
  • Tell us about a new fan and why you feel the person became your fan.
  • Tell us about steemit, how you used it during the day; what amazing thing you saw on it; who you met on it; who you became a fan off on it; what new things you learned on it etc
  • Tell us about your resolutions for the day and if you met them or failed at meeting them.
  • Tell about the dog that barked at you and of how your cat meowed back and shooed the dog off.
  • Tell us about your stubborn boss and how you dealt with his stubbornness that day.
  • Tell us of how you solved someone's problem or of how you solved someone's problem.
  • Tell us of how the ever-missing piece of your puzzle popped out during a casual conversation with an acquaintance, stranger etc
  • Tell of us of how you got a contract to decorate the interior of 10 private jets.
  • Tell us of how you got drunk and regretted it or enjoyed it.
  • Tell us of your date plans and failed date plans.
  • Tell us of how you got one step closer to your dreams or went two steps back.
  • Tell us of how she said "no"; of how you got hurt and of if you tried to forget your hurt or of if you "took charge" and converted your hurt into "drive" for creating more beauty
  • Tell if you forgave someone. Tell us of how hard it was. Tell us if you didn't forgive.
  • Tell us if you turned the other cheek, when you got slapped or if you slapped back.
  • Tell us how things didn't go your way and how you improvised or how you tired out.
  • Tell us about "You" and everything that constitutes "You".
  • Put "You" in each of our days, using a #ulog.
  • Tell us "You" were here; "present" in the world today.
  • Don't starve us of "your beauty" today, for you now have a #ulog.
  • Be celebrity, let us be your fans. 
  • etc

Do A #Ulog Today.

We need new stories. Heartfelt experiences. Dynamism. Not too many crypto-kitties. Not too many pugs. More "humans". 
We want real! 

There is nothing as fresh (in terms of content) as "pieces of us". It is dynamic, fresh, unique, rare. And no "two days" are exactly the same, especially with "You" in it, for we accrue experiences, new moments, new adventures etc. We aspire new resolutions and fail and succeed and "succeed overall", by virtue of "the gift of life" and this we will document celebratorily on the steem blockchain here on @ulogs. 

Basically, we will start a movement here on steem, using solely our steemit posts to create our Ulogs, before we decide on moving forward onto a steem-based interface. 

You don't have to be a Vlogger, for you to become some form of celebrity.

You can be Ulogger and "all that's needed is "YOU" and each day and this we will celebrate".

#ulog or #ulogs And Curation

We will be curating either of the tags above gradually. It is not necessary to use both tags. You can use either and 4 others tags that you would normally use. 

Please help make it easy for us by keep it one #ulog a day and may it only be Ulogs.

We will look to vote on as many valid Ulogs as we can each day but note that in our case "votes" will constitute its very true essence; "love"; "incessant testimonies of possibilities"; "lasting-lasting inspiration" and "a celebration of You"; moreso than financial rewards or a measure of quality.

Many things involving "you", including content related to "You"; is priceless

Make sure you use #ulog or #ulogs, then continue with 4 other tags like you normally would. If you have tags related to your location, that opens you up to more exposure e.g #philippines #nigeria #venezuala #aceh #usa #canada etc please maintain those tags too, so that you don't lose out on possible curation from those community curators there. 

Also note the since Ulogs involve you and events in your day, your location may very much be involved, constituting a valid tag

We will look to curate as many interesting Ulogs as possible each day. 

The "U" in "Ulogs" represents "YOU". 

With amassing numbers, it is possible to miss out on some, so please note that the essence of the Ulogs movement is to remove "barriers to entry", when it comes to "mining the human", using each content blog that we create. 

Learning; especially learning about yourself; is the ultimate earning.

Moreso, by means of our Ulogs, we will be creating historical history by reshaping the internet; surpassing Google in the process. 

Our growth will keep us ever-present on the web-space; opening us ever-incessantly to opportunities; "even breakthrough opportunities". Too, our kids and generations yet unborn will read of us and know that we were here each day, evolving in our substance, so that we can leave them legacies behind. 

Then, we will have fun, fly, shine. 

And if we have lost our shine, we will gradually restore it and begin to shine again, like the celebrities that we truly are: "light in the tunnel".

Here at @ulogs, we also try to keep a repository of Ulogs, thus, we will have feature-posts creating summaries of these amazing Ulogs and celebrating Uloggers further. 

In the right moment, we will consider adding Ulog as part of a steem-based app.

Overall, we will create a trend with #ulog worldwide, with a new trend of Uloggers emanating worldwide. A world filled with many more of the awesomest version of "YOU(s)" each day, is a much better world. @surpassinggoogle

World Adjustment.

@ulogs is production of @surpassinggoogle and a subsidiary of @steemgigs

Join the community HERE!!!

If you have spare vote kindly vote "steemgigs" as witness by visiting https://steemit.com/~witnesses and typing in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!   

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.   

Special Reference

 The Birth Of Ulogs. "You Are A Celebrity, So Why Not Just Ulog?" No Video Camera; No Problemo.


WOW!!!! This is just so beautiful!!! I sure will make one today. :) :) Thank you so muuuch @surpassinggoogle for this idea. :) :)

add #ulog to start title. e.g #ulog Day 1: Title... etc

Ohh, alright! Got it! Thank yoou, sir Terry :) :) I'll make mine now. Hehe :)

Do we have to do it everyday?

no its not compulsory. it depends on the person, but now at least there is no longer an excuse related to post ideas. overall though it is not about the post, it is about evolving in substance consciously among other things. mining the human and virtues etc. it is all part of the same curriculum. like teardrops untalented steemgigs etc is

Well done sir...... Uve been a role model anyway

Yeah, this is brilliant. since minnows like me usually ran out of things “worthwhile” to post. I mean there have been many times when Im hesitant to post something because I become a judge of my own post that it is not lworthwhile”. But with ulog, letting the world “mine” ME is a good excuse to post.
And that was a relief knowing it shouldn’t be everyday and not a compulsary thing.
Thanks @surpassinggoogle for making Steemit a minnow-friendly place.

@surpassinggoogle I just want to ask a question, is there any requirements aside from that? Thank you :)

hahaha digest the post. look at the grand picture in the post. there are two posts

Ohhh ahahaah! I'm sorry for that, Im just making sure that I didn't miss any of the requirements :) Thank you! I will try it, yehey!

hmmm. it's like a #diary Sir terry. Thanks for this idea of yours. You are so DYNAMIC! You do not want to miss our day. You want to know us more each day. No excuses for now that we cannot post an article. This is the beginning of a #newlife in Steemit. God bless you more, Sir!

This is another great potential article that every community awaited. Thank you again @surpassinggoogle for this another beautiful contest that everyone was honored.

Oops... I just found about this. In fact, I used to have Photo Story Day series, it's posting 5 pictures from a day and stories behind the pictures. Ulog seems a must try! Thanks again!

This is a kind of release for most of us. No more brain-squeezing for a competitive blog just to be noticed for good rewards. That standard had made others left the platform to be honest. And I hope with this, people would just enjoy posting as easy as ABC.

Share your day!

Thanks everyone!

Would it be awkward if I say "I love you @surpassinggoogle"? Oh well I just did I do love you brother!

not at all. I love you too. yes as easy as 1,2,3
add #ulog to start title. e.g #ulog Day 1: Title... etc
Become a Ulogger today.

Hahaha thank you @surpassinggoogle! I just did my first day of #ulog. Yeey!

Yes indeed! Easier to post when we don't need to think too much of the topic just about our everyday lives. 👍

Oh, my! This is a great idea. I have never thought someone would create something like this. This is a very good reason Sir Terry for a lot of Steemians who quit to come back and write again. I am very impressed with your capability to plan out things that can help everyone on here. Will support #ulog or #ulogs hashtag.

Become a Ulogger Today.

Definitely, Sir Terry.

Already in love with this idea, will be part of this to the foolest.


This is so just for me....

I love sharing my feelings so count me in...

ULog is the new deal....

@surpassinggoogle always coming up with new surprises

Now we can dance to the beat of the next big thing which is the Ulog buddy.

I knew you wouldn't miss out on this. Great way to appreciate the human efforts better, as we ulog about our daily activities. Truly we're becoming celebrities and thanks to @surpassinggoogle for such wonderful ideas. Keep being amazing Buddy.

Become a ulogger today

I am one already... 😂
Trust me
I want to be a part of anything you're part of....😂

Im so ready for this, when can we keep the posts coming

I think this is one of the best you blog lifestyle posts I have seen! Inspirational!

No, I think ulog is meant to promote, it's meant to bring out the better us and really sharpen us to our abilities and strengths, it's like a self adulation

Perfect idea finally I can blog about just me and what's more interesting is that this gives us the opportunity to relate better with other steemians. Let's GO!

Yeah... We gonna steem it deep👎👍

wanna try ulogs! thanks terry boy for sharing this post.

@surpassinggoogle sure dear, make a video tutorial on it for the beginners if possible 😊 BTW thank you!

dear @surpassinggoogle I was so much excited to make a post on @ulog or @ulogs that i misspelt the first tag of my 1st ulog post 😭😭😭 sorry for that. Hope you enjoy reading my 1st ulog here, https://steemit.com/ulong/@shohana1/my-ulog-day-1-she-left-sweetest-memories-miss-you-dear-baby-stay-blessed

I've never heard about ulog but it's just so creative the concept of the human mind becoming a better them, a better you and a better everybody makes for a fantastic ulog this is really amazing, I love this

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