@ULOGGERS: People Should Now Desire To Join Steemit And Stay Because "YOU" Are Here And "The YOU" That's Here Is A "Shining YOU"..

in #ulog6 years ago

This Is It!

"True celebrity-hood" once and for all, for "everyone"

Well, isn't that possible? Let's see!

Basically, a ULOG has two core parts, covering "everyone";  

  • True Celebrities
  • True Fans

However with ULOGS, we will apply "beautiful disruption", adding some "Mathematics" into English, with this simple infinitely-looping equation: 

True Celebrities = True Fans + O; where letter "O" equals loop 

Basically, if you are "true celebrities", you will have "true fans" but in this case there is an infinity-loop because "true celebrities" can afford to be "true fans" too.

Since the birth of #ulog, alot of awesomeness has occurred on steemit and the internet across. A fresh trend is in-the-making on the internet as whole but we want to take this trend into spanless-ness, by means of the full expanse of the beauty that "steem blockchain" affords us, right here on @uloggers

We want to celebrate each ULOGGER and create grand incentive for "everyone" to take on the "difficult as 1, 2, 3 art" of ULOGGING; becoming ULOGGERS (True Celebrities). 

We want the world to join steemit, also for the sole reason of ULOGGING; becoming ULOGGERS.

Thus, we have conceptualized an entire model to rehearse this out into fruition, while accomplishing grand good all-journey-long, here on steemit. 

In this model, we will play out the infinitely-looping equation mentioned earlier, out!

On @uloggers, we will bring each ULOGGER to the limelight before the faces of hearty "true fans". 

Right here on steemit, we look into creating a really solid, visible community of ULOGGERS. Though, we have a base-community building on behind-the-scenes on the discord, there is timely need for something visible; "in the limelight"; right here on steemit.

@uloggers will hold physical evidence of a growing list of "true celebrities" ever-ongoingly. Our shine will fill steemit and will provide incessant inspiration to on-lookers and ULOGGERS alike, to strive towards span-less levels of greatness. 

We want to create a vibe right here on steemit, by means of a visible community of ULOGGERS, that stirs further community and amplifies steem & steemit's beauty inside-out, growing steem/steemit into further levels of mainstreamity.

At this timely moment in steemit's young life, we want to unveil the true depth in beauty of the steemit community, to tighten and strengthen our conviction in steem as technology but moreso, in steemit as medium upon which "humans" can shine regardless of status. 

Beautiful disruption

We want one steemit account, that each steemian can present to a mainstream audience in their efforts to promote steemit; one steemit account full of "shine"; one steemit account that is able to appeal to the soft-spot of every genre of "human", to levels where "new ones" begin to desire to flock onto steemit because of us, moreso than just the incentive to get rewards.

@uloggers will be this one steemit account!!!

People should join steemit and stay because "YOU" are here and the "YOU" that's here is a shining "YOU". 

We want your very own shine to draw the masses in.
Thus, on @uloggers we will shine forth the awesomest version of "YOU".

Please read all the resources about #ulog and @ulogs, so that you can grasp the grand underlying of what we will constitute.

To a large extent, we will create concepts and a curriculum to build great ULOGGERS; "true celebrities", 

Allowed to be yourself in your ULOGS; "we your fans"; you are bound to shine forth.  

Now let's do a slight recap of the vision and what it's tied to and how many things are tied to @uloggers:

Note that the entire curriculum is; "SurpassingGoogle with steemit".

First let's re-establish what a ULOG is, to give you a grasp into what @uloggers is about: 

ULOGS are simply steemit posts containing logs of YOU, whether it be Vlogs, picture-moments, stories, plain text write-ups or a combination of all forms of media etc. Any steemit post that records your daily activities; celebrating "YOU" and life. Ulogs don't have to be perfect. They simple need to be real and utmostly "YOU".  

A ULOG should contain mostly freshly created content. We want to reshape the internet for the most part; not resource from it.

The "U" in "Ulog" represents "YOU".

We want to document daily, every moment that constitutes you. People will have breakthroughs as a result of YOU and the information about  "YOU", that you dispense using your Ulogs. 

At the end, each Ulogger would have created something; a gift to the world; evidence that you were here etc. 

We will reshape the very Internet and sway it with fresh pieces of you. Google can't know you more than "you" any longer. You aren't cookies. You will take charge and together we will surpass Google. 

You are celebrity and we your fans.

"flaws allowed". You are allowed to be un(dis)talented in your ULOGS

Basically, we want real stuff. The real deal. "YOU"!!!.
We want to leave outer-space just a bit and come back down-to-earth.
We want you to shine. We want you to lit the steem blockchain and shake it with your beauty.
We want you to evolve. We want to see your flaws. We want to forgive them.
No longer should a day emptily slip by, without "your shine" in it.

The world and its toughness can deaden and relegate "our shine" into remoteness and forgotten-ness. By means of the steem blockchain, we want to use each day, to recover some of "our shine" back. 

This is it.

No more will there be a day on the steem blockchain, when you can say, "i don't have a steemit post idea.  

Each day and "YOU" in it; carries it's own freshness. So, not a day aren't we capable of re-shaping the entire internet with a piece of freshness.
No longer should there be a day, when we can't add value to the steem blockchain.

With @ulogs, we will look stir a curriculum that incites each steemian into a culture of Ulogging. We will create a trend for  #ulog/#ulogs on the entire web-space, filling it with the indispensable awesomeness called; "human"; steemhuman; "steemians". 

With Ulogs, you now have at least one steemit post idea daily, that constitutes YOU. No longer, should there be a day, that the world is starved of your beauty. 

The world needs to hear from You. The world is calling!!!

A Ulog should contain "YOU" and your day; "each day". A Ulog is a steemit post. It can contain any form of media that constitutes you, e.g Vlogs, images, text or a combination of all.  

Ofcourse, you can relate the events in your day and as much of it as you want. With each passing day and each Ulog, you must evolve in your very substance.

Now, note that #ulog created around 2029 steemit posts and 6k+ comments its the first week

See more of where we are headed......

With decentralization and distributed servers like the steem blockchain offers us, what was once impossible became entirely possible. 

Now, with steemit, when we serve the search engines, we can rank.

With power back into the hands of each human, we can reshape the entire internet. We can shine. We can be celebrities; "true celebrities" and what is more, we can serve the search engines and replace the spaces

The spaces have been filled with pugs, Blacky the cat, superman etc with "humans" relegated or rated by popularity, status, IP locations etc, but this is mostly because the state of the world has a set trend, pre-determined or influenced by inanimate things like cookies, artificial intelligence, analytics etc 


who says, that when i type the word "money" into the search engine, i am not seeking the address to the nearest ATM? Who says that i am not looking for the address to the nearest faulty ATM, so that i can withdraw all the money it contains, walk into the bank, return it into the hands of the bank manager, with hopes that he gifts me a handshake containing 5 dollars? 
Why does the world e.g google thinks it knows better; it can decide better? Well, because it does know better! We are our cookies etc to them but i tell you, we aren't exactly our cookies. We are actual celebrities and the steem blockchain and decentralization has bared this fact even more. 

On @uloggers, an entire model is in place that will celebrate each ULOGGER. We will re-put "every ULOGGER in the faces of "true fans" to celebrate them on-goingly and we will reshape the entire internet with "freshness" and fill its spaces with fresh faces.

We will keep a repository of permanence, with each ULOGGERS legacy in it. 

The world will know that "we were here". They will find the very elements of us, in all the spaces.

We will use @uloggers to grow steem and open it to new dimensions of mainstreamity, making it known as also a way of reshaping the internet. 

We will present @uloggers to the world and invite the masses to steemit to try #ulogging; to become ULOGGERS to become "true celebrities".

Among other things @uloggers will:

  • Strengthen the steemit community.
  • Unveil the depth in wealth and beauty of the steemit community
  • Strengthen the conviction of each steemian about steem/steemit
  • Celebrate each steemian regardless of status
  • Create further excitement on steemit each day. 
  • Create further incentive for freshly-made, authentic content-creation daily
  • Create incentive for "fan-hood-style" curation.
  • Highlight grand ways of maximizing the full power of a steemit post (as a means to shine, as a means to restore relegated shine, as a means to reshape the internet, as a means to keep dreams alive in dream-bits, as a means to wake up forgotten dreams, as a means to build connections, as a means to rehearse dreams into full-blown fruition etc).
  • Give each steemian further means to shine
  • Grow steemit by creating a trend for #ulog in the real world, presenting steem/steemit as a social home away from the rest of the internet.
  • Mentor steemians, stamping them "whale inside" and "true celebrities/true fans"..
  • Create a buzz and add to steemit's addiction.
  • Highlight the "steemit effect" i.e a "janitor janitor" is different from a "steemian janitor" because while one is only cleaning daily, the other is also "mining with his mind" and he is starting to grasp; "dirt is good; ask the soap master".
  • Create additional incentive for ULOGGING
  • etc

Pretty-fast, it became time to consider grander things for #ulog e.g enhanced curation, conceptualizing ways to attract curation from steem-power holders towards #ulog, restore fun and ease to curation, appeal to steem power holders to try fan-hood-style curation, attract steem-power investors, educating ULOGGERS, inciting sustained creation of ULOGS, creating and sustaining inspiration for ULOGGERS etc 

To do this, we must celebrate ULOGGERS

We want to attain levels organically, where every post on #ulog is a ULOG, so much so that each ULOG is on the white-list of every curator. We want to attain levels where every ULOGGER consciously evolves each day as they have come to be "about ULOGGING" and have become about creating awesomeness. We want every ULOG to reshape the very internet with "freshness" everyday, serving the search engines with content that constitutes daily pieces of us. 

To do this, we must celebrate ULOGGERS

@ULOGGERS will now celebrates you and the pieces constituting "YOU" (your ULOG). 

We will gradually feature each ULOGGER in very special ways

Each ULOGGER featured, will undergo an entire curriculum involving mentorship. An entire session that will cover:

Then, we will put them in incessant limelight, featuring them on @uloggers; where they will be catered to by "true fans" as they apply themselves in catering to these fans (based on their new-found INTEL) as "true celebrities"

Being stamped and presented ULOGGERS, adds an additional reputation dimension as these ULOGGERS try to maintain their "true celebrity-hood" on-goingly, which is now as "difficult as 1, 2, 3" with the art of #ulogging

Their legacies will be laid bare, kept permanent on the steem blockchain, opening them up ever incessantly (on steemit and beyond) to connections, solid relationships etc and creating indispensable evidence that "they were here", inspiring the world now and generations yet unborn. @steemit-legacies

@uloggers will feature both public figures and private figures alike:

Note that @uloggers can be private too as the steem blockchain has a privacy paradigm. 

ULOGGERS can carry out #ulogging and still maintain privacy. In this case; 

  • ULOGS can be written using an undertone. 
  • Pictures of locations, events etc can be used in the ULOG but have to be freshly taken or at least owned. 
  • Avatars can be used in place of selfies.
  • Vlogs used in your ULOG can cover locations, events, objects or you in a mask etc
  • etc

Thus, ULOGGERS can be private or public figures and @uloggers, will look to showcase all.

"True celebrity-hood" once and for all, for "everyone"

Our concept, the curriculum and model behind @uloggers has history. It didn't just start!

It began from the very beginning e.g look at @steemit-legacies
Then, do you remember the more recent "#1: 5 SteemHumans; 5 Questions; 10 Pieces of Advice. (Related To Steemit & Life Success)"
How about this one from 7 months back? Humanity Is The Brother Next To You! (My  Gift To Humanity). Read My Comment Response To #untalented (Who Am I?)  Part 1. (A Repository For Steemians' Legacies)

Thus, @uloggers is ready to go as we will simply combine what has existed and the unadulterated feedback that we have gathered from our steemit community over time. 

We will look to feature every ULOGGER over time but being that each ULOGGER featured will undergo an entire session of mentorship, it is bound to be a slow process; one involving patience and taking turns but "true celebrities" can afford not to join queues etc


We have a hangout spot in the community on the discord. Kindly join the community HERE!!!

Support #ulog by curating the tag as a "true fan". 

You can also support us further by voting "steemgigs" as witness. To do just so, visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and kind type in "steemgigs" into the first box for witnesses.


TO me, the beauty of ulogging is that is supports equity. That is, it gives everyone the appropriate exposure for our successes whether as a newbie or an oldie. Thanks to @surpassinggoogle and @ulogs. Steemit is beautiful

Because of this idea I became an instant celebrity 😊.. much thanks to you sir terry you are just awesome with kulitbess overload.. I may nit be a pro or a real blogger but you made me certified #ulogger.. God Bless

certified uloggers this ulog really gives me a new ideas a wide range of concept on what I will share here in steemit as @mermaidvampire said ulog is like our diary :)

Now, note that #ulog created around 2029 steemit posts and 6k+ comments its the first week.

This is such a great feat. It is indeed one of a kind. I'm proud to be a ulogger.

#ULOG makes commoners celebrity! We are your fans indeed! Keep soaring high!

I totally agree with your opinion,
#ulog will progress and become more successful when we are together

Two thumbs up dear

Now, note that #ulog created around 2029 steemit posts and 6k+ comments its the first week.
This is such a great feat. It is indeed one of a kind. I'm proud to be a ulogger.

Hi family, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.


If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:


We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

This is really an evolution of @ulogs!! This will really help everyone, especially they make it as a sole to their hearts. Thanks @uloggers!! @surpassinggoogle never failed us! ;-)

indeed bru such a great oppurtunity specially on us new at steemit.
it gives chills every seconds while reading this blog. steemitisbeautiful♡

Yes. So much!! :-)

Hi family, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.


If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:


We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I'm on it. Thank you @surpassinggoogle @steemgigs @ulogs
I'm a fan!

Thank you for making us all celebrities! Your belief in every individual's potential, skill and talent is reassuring.

Hi family, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.


If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:


We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I am proud to be certified #ulogger. I am celebrity in my own way. Thanks for making us celebrities and be our fan.

Proud Ulogger here!

Thanks for having this @uloggers. It is journaling our lives in a different level. We get to be celebrities and have our fans. Simply amazing!

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