If Your Post Is Really A ULOG, Then Cheetah Will Rarely Visit. You Can Introduce Those With Cheetah-Worries To The Art Of ULOGGING.

in #ulog7 years ago

Special Dedication To:


She has been a "true fan" everywhere on #ulog spreading love and encouragement. Kindly follow her and become her "true fan" as well.

One more thing we can thus do, while curating as "true fans" on #ulog, is to inspire the inspires of #ulog e.g look at the screenshot below:

What happened in the screenshot above is very simple! 
@cassyjanine visited a ULOG to leave a loving and engaging comment and @ulogs arrived on the same post during the course of curation and left an encouraging comment in return, to @cassyjanine to inspire her.
That is how the web goes. That is how the spread goes.
We can do the same while curation on #ulog as "true fans".

Many things are dead simple when "everyone" gets involved. Ulogs, Ulogging etc is very simple. Worse case scenario? "It is a difficult as 1, 2, 3".


@dreemsteem only recently began ULOGGING yet she explains it like she has been doing ULOGGING before #ulog began because she indeed has! 

Look at the screenshot below to spot her explaining ULOGS (to @kiwideb):

Did you see how @dreemsteem who only recently found #ulog explained it? 
Well, see her explaining the "u" out of it in this recent post of hers: Ulog Fog? - Ulog Day 3

Then, more ensue in the same comment thread! See below:

Did you also notice that @dreemsteem is a "private figure"? Can she carry out #ulogging still? Here are two or three of her recent ULOGS:

Did it take much for @kiwideb to understand what a ULOG or ULOGGING is? Well, she has began ulogging too!

There is a lot more to ULOGS, ulogging etc but the surface is simple! In the grand scheme of things, the art of #ulogging "mines the human".

Before we go though, let me show one more comment (since today showcases the comment section). This comment was made by @ulogs earlier today. See the screenshot below:

One major essence of ulogging is, "gifting to the internet daily, thus, reshaping it, moreso, than resourcing from it". 

Even in the art of ulogging, there can exist rare cases, where your very notions (as original as they are) may have been shared/expressed by someone on the entire web but very rarely. 

In such cases, cheetah is known to encourage you with upvotes.

In the past this wasn't the case (with cheetah). Perhaps, highlighting this past will help you appreciate cheetah better now and steemit as a whole. 

Cheetah used to favor down-voting in the past. 

Among other things, in those days, it wasn't even too-known that cheetah was a bot and there was/were few/nobody then, to tell you that it was because first there weren't that many steemians and "everyone was seeking help too". 

We would spend hours talking to cheetah even without it responding because we just couldn't take it. Especially, when you felt your content was original etc you just couldn't bare its flag. Hahaha, then you would find people lost in non-stop replies to cheetah and cheetah's silence kept the replies flocking in.

I got to a stage once in my steemit journey where i was only writing my posts in 6-word-sentiments, to break every possibility that anyone on the entire internet had shared/expressed my sentiments.

ULOGS also form a historical means to help curb on cheetah-worries and assisting steemcleaners etc and steem as a whole, in reducing plagiarism by creating a reason each day to create content that's fresh; "YOU".

We now have one more audience that we can educate together and direct them organically towards the art of ulogging as this will help the steem ecosystem as a whole even in terms of displacing fears, worries and strengthening conviction for these audience about the beauty of steem and these audience can be found here: 


Not everyone who has received a cheetah comment has cheetah-worries. 
However, we can spot opportunities to educate lovingly some who do, by looking at: https://steemit.com/@cheetah/recent-replies

Note that cheetah has done some 400,000 posts so far most of which are comments. Now imagine how many steemians may be needing us to give them a helpful direction or even inspiration. 

Infact, during my times as minnow, "cheetah replies" was my hangout spot as i sought avenues to inspire. 

If you typed "cheetah grew heart" into google, you will likely find this post of mine:

  • How @cheetah Grew A Heart Overnight! - The Funniest Post On Steemit!

Many things are easy. I would usually say if i had 10k followers, i would rally them and together we will push and displace Mount Everest by 20km at 20km/hr

We have wanted to accomplish this (the power of community) on #ulog to where "everyone" is involved. For the curation aspect of #ulog especially with regards to maintaining a clean tag, so much so that every post on #ulog is a ULOG, we have implored help from "everyone". We do this by a model of curation called "fan-style curation" that involves "everyone";  sought-ing to remove the rigor that can come with curation. 

A ULOG is easy to read, easy-to-engage with, easy-to-travel-through-in etc making curation on #ulog a bit more fun. Plus, we invited "everyone" to participate in curating on the tag as "true fans". Our curation endeavors have involved tons of education, engagement, encouragement, love etc and has been left open to everyone. 

I am inviting everyone to join-in in curating on #ulog as "true fans" once again. However, this post is out to remind us to spot opportunities to tell people who experience hassle while steeming, that steeming daily can indeed be as difficult as 1, 2, 3. 

Once, such key avenue to present ulogging as an option are on posts that may have cheetah-visits or have been visited by steemcleaners etc. 

Accounts visited by steemcleaners can turn a new leaf and start a clean slate by ulogging but these one will need to know that ulogging exists and we can be there to tell them. 

For those worried about cheetah-visits, we can allay their fears and give them joy and fly by telling them that "they can try ulogging" to put them back in a state of human, where everything they do starts to have "shine" in it.

Well, if you feel great, fly, shine, "true celebrity-hood"; your content will glitter, that and everything you bear forth.

Here are the simple resources you'll need, to educate and direct people into the art of ulogging. 

You can use these images as part of your own comments. However, on busy days, you can simply reply with these image straight-up.

If someone becomes interested in the grand picture (ULOGS), you can reply with this short video:

Your Boy Terry


Visit this link or leave a comment to indicate interest. You can also leave a comment directly on an issue on https://github.com/ulogs/ulogs/issues 

Let's Grow Steemit/Steem Inside-Out With One Other Hack!!! 

Click On The Link To Subscribe To My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TerryAjayi

I will be waking the YouTube channel up and storming it with  steem/steemit related videos. My videos will contain rare Intel, "no books" involved (in assimilateable bits).  

Quick Update:   

19,916 Steemit Posts Across   #ulog, Since Its Birth A Month Ago! Ulogs.org Is In Test Phase! We Can Now Simply Tell Friends To Join Steem To Try#ulogging!!!

Join in and become a ULOGGER today.     

You can use these graphics as comment responses while curation #ulogs as "true fans": 


graphics was created by @iwrite and picked from a post of @purpledaisy57

You can get minimalist-design ULOGGER footers like this (below) from @chaelpacia : 


I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.    

 Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT  

"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?

Your Boy Terry @surpassinggoogle  


I love everything Ulogging stands for and it represents exactly what i was looking for when I joined Steemit. I dabbled but then i was worried I wasn't doing it "right". But then along came @dreemsteem's post yesterday and got me right on track, and now I'm looking forward to sharing my daily ulogging journey with you- posted a ulog of my day straight away , and delving into the joys of other ulogger's days.

I would love to join your discord channel but when I click it says "link has expired" - can you give me a hint on where I am going wrong please?

Thank you for everything Sir Terry! E x

I have chills after watching that video!!!!! Didn't it just click with your heart, @eveningart??? I'm so honored and humbled that he would use my ulogs to share with others. And I'm just a beginner!!!!!
Your wild swim reminds me of what it's all about. That's when I knew I would love you! Hehhehee cuz it was YOU. Your heart and your smile and your passion...right there in that post :)
I can't wait to read more of You in your ulogs!!!!!

Absolutely- just the perfect real video - so inspiring and yes- spoke right to my heart @dreemsteem! Your post is what inspired me to committing to Ulogging daily, so I was so chuffed to see Sir Terry had highlighted it!

Thank you- I guess my wild swim was really my first attempt though I didn't know it then! I'm so glad that post spoke to you. Ulogging for me is already inspiring me to adventure more in my every-day life (tiny, real world adventures) because then I can tell you all about them... more about that later perhaps! E x

Right???? It's the truth!!! People have been doing it sporadically... But now they can be intentional about it through #ulog

I think we all have the desire to share and connect. I think it's what makes us human. To find that connection with someone else!

I look at the first things I wrote when I came back from my hiatus (and actually when I FIRST began) and the most meaningful posts to me was where I was able to drop my guard and be vulnerable and show what mattered to me.

Not everyone got it.and not everyone should lol
But the ones that got it.. they're still close to me. ♥️

love love love this idea. And I'm so glad that I got to be a part of inspiring you!!!

yeah- that was pretty awesome to wake up to "my boy Terry" highlighting my little ulog hehehehe


You are welcome. Stay awesome


Hello Boy Terry. Long time. Have sick for a while but am back now. I really like the topic you gave to this post. Very funny. I hope the Cheetah Ambassador can join us do some #ulog. Hahaha. One love bro

You too Sir Terry - wishing you and your dad lots of love and healing x

Oh my...I was so overwhelmed. Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle for featuring me as one of a #ulogs true fun. 😊😊😊 Indeed, ulog is a great platform for everyone.

Congratulations being a star and a true celebrity! @cassyjanine

Nice @cassyjanine you are a star. I remember 1 week ago after introducing myself. You've introduced me the #ulog thing and now i love doing it everyday. You are my inspiration. You deserve the special mention

Wow thank you @pmerryllimsic. I don't know what to say. 😊I am just so happy and inspired by you all. 😙😙

Congratulations dear. Keep ulogging

hello there,
that is because you are a true fan.
Now you are one of the celebrities thru ulogs that really shine so bright😊

Aww...thanks @atongis. I am now a celebrity and a true fan.😊😊😊

You can also try https://ulogs.org you will like it

Yes, I will. Thank you.😊😊

Very timelines Terry and one that is a great topic to talk about because that is one of the main reasons for Ulogs to be able to provide freshness.

Ulogs are changing not just the landscape of Steemit but also of the internet because it is breaking the barriers of what constitutes a post because there are no nations, no topic that can't be a ulog, nothing that is frowned upon as long as it is yours and celebrating your life either in joy or your tears.

If you are bringing freshness then you are indeed not afraid cheetah will be coming around your post because instead of you resourcing images and articles in the internet you will be giving the internet something new! The internet will be resourcing you!

So if someone looks for how you spent your day the internet will list your ulogs.

I hope that @dreemsteem will give me a video of her talking about Ulog because she has one of the most awesome voice here in Steemit!

We will celebrate your true celebrityhood as we become your true fans.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Hehehehe @maverickinvictus!!!! It's coming!!! I replied to your other comment... Today I'm going to look for a cute puppet.. again!!! Lol

If I can't find one... I'm gonna make one ;)

Hehehhehee this is gonna be kinda fun ... Dreemie the sock puppet! 😂😂😂😂

I am so glad that @snook introduced me to ulogs! This has been my heart all along!!! Sharing the YOU. Making me feel who YOU are. Love that @surpassinggoogle began it.... It was needed and it's come at the right time!!!

I know!!! That is why people are so passionate about it! you should join us in one of our shows! It is Every Saturday 16:00 GMT 0!

It would be awesome to have you there. You'll have to sing some bad karaoke though lol

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Well....I already love @snook's bad karaoke hehehehe so I guess I could lolololol

Ok I think that is 8 am my time??? I think?
Can you DM me the server invite? :)

It is 1PM Central time I think hahaha I am terrible with timezones and is dependent on the a time zone site to tell me or Microsoft outlook for meetings lol.

Invitation has now been sent!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Oh! Ok!!!!
That is 11 am for me.
I'm so bad with timezones too hehehe

But 16:00.... That is 4pm
I think that's still 8 am for.me

Awful how bad this is. I need a watch with GMT time on it hehehe
Or... We need to all be in the same time zone!!!!

That word "freshness" defines it all @maverickinvictus. #Ulogs gives a fresh touch to every steemhead. There is something amazing and unique to present each time.

ULOG, came with a paradigm shift for the whole Steemit experience for most people. I have a couple of friends like Joyce-okpobo who were thinking of leaving Steemit and it was getting tougher day by day. I talked to her about this and now she's back full time.

I've seen people smile again and post daily because they have a voice to share. People see value in themselves because they have fans waiting to read their stories. It's an awesome experience man, awesome.

As communities keep building and we keep expanding from WAfrica, to Steemjet and the rest to come, these initiatives shall be a pillar in keeping this blockchain alive. Thanks Terry for giving people a chance to voice out their world to the rest of the world. You have proven once again that everyone has something to offer.

She did a great job of explaining about ulog. When reading her reply is also when I thought of this, it is right, people no longer to plagiarize now that we have ulog. A lot of people feel the need to plagiarize as they do not know what to write on, so with ulog that's out of the window.
I recently made a ulog post which was more of an advice feature, hopefully that's ulogging too right?

Excelente post muy interesante @surpassinggoogle me gustaron los captures y el video estuvo genial, saludos.

this is awesome

Am a victim.. Cheetah visited my post once..
But you have enlighten and educate me,
Thanks @surpassinggoogle for sharing this innovative

#ulog all the way


Thanks for the support
Long-live surpassinggoogle

Hehehehe @cheetah grew a heart.

Its really incredible what #ulog has done for the steemit ecosystem. With ulog, people dont have to think about whag to write anymore. You just live your life and put it in writing at the end od the day. Its kinda cool to know that writers block would be eliminated with ulogs.

I must say that this has been one of the best initiatives on the steem blockchain and one that i am particularly happy about.

Cheetah 🐆 visited a friend yesterday and steemcleaners wiped off 3 of his posts.
I am definitely gonna explain Ulogs to him and invite himvto become a Ulogger

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