My entry of friday
@Ust. Qusyairi
Beginning maghrib tonight is Friday night to coincide with the 23rd night of Ramadan (from'Al 'Asyr Al Awaakhir_), it means that have gathered odd and night (23rd) and malam Jum'at.
- Imam Ibn Rajab -rahimahullah-in the book of "Lathaa-if Al Ma'aarif" _ quotes Ibn Hubairah saying, "If Friday night coincides with the odd night (from Al 'Asyr Al Awaakhir), then the chances Lailatul Qadr is greater than any other "._
- Shaykh al-Islam, Ibn Taimiyah -rahimahullah-also said, "If the night of Friday coincided with one of the odd nights of Al 'Asyr Al Awaakhir (the Last 10 of Ramadan), then the night is a great opportunity to happen Lailatul Qadr with the permission of Allah." _
اللهم وفقنا بليلة القدر *
اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنا جميعا *
_ # Do not forgetDo'akanKami_ *