Dreamtree Totem
Ending of One Cycle...
Larry Dreamtree had much fun with his European friends. They took him out to eat, gave him free reiki/deep tissue massage, a place to shower and good company during the "dark" solstice times, all while staying in a $4 million dollar home.
All things must pass so now muh dude must seek out a new place to camp. Near the Library is out for now. Due to weather, walking out into the desert is out of the question, for if it did rain there would be no place to seek shelter. He has it boiled down to a few options. He could camp on a private property that is empty and for sale. He could sleep in the lockable restrooms he found. He could sleep under the bridge and potentially discover some anti-illuminati message crudely superimposed upon the support structures. Lastly, he could camp near McDonald's? How much radiation does their food put out, anyway? Decisions.... what would you do, voodoo?
I am sure he will figure it out when rain pelts his face...
Image for Tonight
This "totem", which is called, "Dreamtree...", is a piece he did in 2016 where he drew his pastels over some Rafus print of a French Chef serving a party table he purchased at the local Goodwill. It is currently in storage and looking for a good home. Does this piece make you feel anything?
Much Love, Yo!
Lucy Sage Dreamtree
You just rose by 100.0% upvote from @curationhelper courtesy of @shaman-ra
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
Good luck!
He went with the "abandoned" property with the open garage. Seems like it will work out for now. Thanks for the love and support!
Good luck... Sounds a bit sketchy, but what do I know.
Be safe