American Idiots (not the Green Day song)
This is the before video, showing the aftermath of this morning's "trash pickup" from the local garbage "men".
Here is a film after Larry picked up the trash for the "garbagemen". Take note, there was no monetary incentive for Larry to do so. It was just common sense.
You Had ONE Simple Job To Do
The longer I live in this country known as the United States of America, the more stupidity I am subjected to its lazy cavalcade of overpaid failures. The links above show you a before and after image of today's trash pickup here in Idaho Falls, ID. Of course, Larry and I are well aware that the garbage men in this town do not pick up the trash that is on the ground near the dumpster, however, today the garbage that was on the ground was of their own doing. They have one simple job to do, "dispose of garbage" and they can't even do that job. They aren't "lazy" Mexican "stereotypes" either but, white folk who probably complain about the illusion of Mexican "laziness".
Fear not, after the initial film, Mr. Dreamtree did pick up the garbage. However, the dumpster is already full which will lead to the very circumstance that created the situation from the start. He has his eyes on them like a hawk and is more than happy to write a opinion laced letter to the city expressing his utter disgust that is dipped in rattlesnake venom. This level of laziness should be a crime but, it is actually part of their policy. This means, whoever wrote said policy has the intellect of a tube of toothpaste. None of these people are "earning" their money and deserve to be homeless over Larry any day of the week. He picked that shit up for free and actually earned some pay.
This phenomenon isn't just restricted to garbage pickup. It can be found in every industry/business in this country. People only care about lining their own pockets with gold and do not give a flying fuck if their environment is cared for in a way that it is beneficial to our kind. Rarely do we meet anyone who is competent at their job. If you want, we can list all of the idiotic things Americans are responsible for and let me assure you, it would be the longest post ever to be present on Steemit.
So much for what the supporters of Capitalism refer to as, "monetary incentive". These jokers are paid to pick up trash, yet, failed. Like a lot of the failures we have seen over the years. There is a reason why we don't order fast food besides the obvious reason it is bad for you. Hint: The employees seemed to be paid to fail.
Pick up your garbage, lazy Americans. We hope this becomes the standard stereotype for this country on a worldwide scale.
Much Love.
Lucy Sage Dreamtree
PS: Help us out with the links below. Donations for compensating for this degrading stupidity surely merits some sort of reward.