I used to sweat blood, i did
but now i have to pay someone to draw it out with a needle.
"Post more!" they say, write that six page essay for those 50 cents because you wanna !
that's a lot of keywords for assumptions there, precious

What if you feel like a ball of lead wrapped in rags or vice-versa instead of writing ? The exact same use of language that has people telling me im being incomprehensive on a simulated application as they train me to be a nice doggie.
So i go, that's perfect plain english and it shows creative use of language in a tongue not my own so basically its slightly win to minor epic.
Turns out you have to use goodspeak and dumb yourself down to use the words they learned in school
(school-people ... no reasoning with them , 40 years after the fact they STILL cite their schoolbooks , as if those werent outdated the moment they went to print, right?)
But well, yet another test, where does this pain come from ? the chronic fatigue (all in my head) ... im sure it will once more come back aids-free, drug-free (VERY VERY sure of that) and with nothing but a bit too much cholesterol and minor to very small vitamin D deficiency (vampiritis)
So its all in my head and i just imagine the pain and the weariness and being tired (of it?) all the time ...
if you're lucky maybe sue you over your own code as they patented it where you were a hippie about it or didnt have the money (like sony for instance ALWAYS opensource the software for the playstation on release ... because that is how its done)
then save the rainforest with opensource and no money while the magnanimous look down benignly and throw some crumbs and THEN

the view of death ... its like a still because i can picture it without the picture
It could be worse because you dont get to complain unless you're raped by boko haram and then still if you still have two legs WHO ARE YOU TO SAY SOMETHING AND ALSO
stay in your place peasant and SMILE!
i got that from here btw
so the bible-terrorists can safely NOT attack me over the whole truth (because its really a fact and if you believe in the guy and you believe in that book that's actually exactly what it says ...)
but well ...
and then some
no one seems to get it but it is what it is :
there you go, you have your post, now no complaining because i said
i have nothing to say and i think that might last quite a while and
if i dont even get to programming on what the normies would call "my main project" then i sure as hell wont get to writing witty rantsies pages long on how to not do it how its done because its clear
how its done is how the world today was made
to what it is ...
... that's right, baby,
Save thyself before you do any saving unto others
(i dont think that book says anything like that but its more like stoning and stuff but
same thing really, imo ...)
i did spend nine years in catholic schools ...
never say any more playground violence and abusive teachers but there :D
bye now
so, thats why i say an said who's more like yo boy then You, them or me ?
A bit of an obnoxious bastard who refused to do as he was told, but on the other hand also a bit of a daddies boy ... quite some actually
He did , however, cast out salesforce and the marketing department from the temple and the house of his father which is another nice overly applicable metafor for many things
As all major "religious" works seem to be filled with those as basically the wise-men were the original scientists who HID behind the mysticism, right ?
Down to the point where 10k years or older Ka-Li could be seen as the suppermassive black hole at the center
thats the worst part, you can read it from all sides but
being polytheist agnostic myself there's room for every god who doesnt force it up my ass and the last thing i do
is religious debate
although i tend to be interested in the real intricasies of how its supposed to work as
pop-culture overlaps everything
and paints baby-blue and rosy, now
if you'll excuse me the gnomes are on strike and despite my angelic patience the lawn still hasnt mowed itself so
i will ignore the lactic acid overdose in my legs thats been there for a few days and i guess just do it
and hope it rains for the rest of the month
saves me the trouble