RE: Ulog: My Life at 6:49 am - Best Medicine is Sleep
I commend you in your decisions, so many times we are just thrown pills at. Earlier this year my hubby was sick and was prescribed a strong antibiotic. Let me tell you, this was horrifying. Within A day he was complaining with his hand and hip bothering him.. within 3 days he could barely walk! I called the Dr and took him back in. But no one could tell us what was wrong. He was residing himself to being crippled, while I was trying to find answers! I researched lupus, rheumatoid arthritis.. anything I could think up. It wasn't until my aunt (who's a nurse) suggested it could be his antibiotic. Sure enough that was the culprit. It took him months to get over taking 6 antibiotic pills! He still has some aches and pain in his joints.. but nothing like it was!
Posted using Partiko Android
That sounds horrible!
I hope he gets well very soon.
Western medicine is not the best cure out there.
Posted using Partiko iOS
He's much better thanks! I hope you're babies are better soon
Posted using Partiko Android
By early afternoon I was wishing I had sent them to school! Sleeping to 1 pm is a super cure.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Right on! Lol im glad they're better😍
Posted using Partiko Android