
in #ulog3 years ago (edited)

1)the lap of luxury:在优裕的环境中
She was raised in the lap of luxury.
2)there is no accounting for taste:人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的;人各有所好

She thinks he's wonderful─oh well, there's no accounting for taste.
"I love working at weekends." "Well, there's no accounting for taste!"
3)count for nothing:不重要;毫无价值
All that extra effort counts for nothing now that they have cancelled the whole project.
4)whet one's appetite:stimulate oone's appetite 吊胃口
5)out and about:到户外活动 going different places and doing different things away from your home
I've been out and about quite a bit recently, but I'll have more new videos starting tomorrow.
6)skin in the game:directly involved; personally involved 直接参与

7)smash together:smash it together组合在一起
“Smash together" implies some violence in the process. For softer alternatives, I would go with merge (simpler is often better), amalgamate, conflate, consolidate, blend or integrate.
Smash together 暗指有一些暴力因素在。同义词为merge, amalgamate, conflate等。
8)keep body and soul together
仅能维持生活 manage to stay alive with very little money
He said that he would not be able to keep body and soul together on the salary he was being offered by that company.
9)call the shots:发号施令;操纵=kingpin
Do you call the shots in your life?
10)a big plus:优势;优先
What's the advantage of living in Switzerland?
Well, the flag is a big plus~~
No, seriously! The cheese?
The food is great, but the low taxes. That's a huge plus.
11)put up or shut up:你行你上啊;要么行动,要么闭嘴
12)know (sb. or sth.) like a book:对. .. 了如指掌;精通
After 30 years of marriage, my wife and I know each other like a book.
13)pales in comparison to:相形见绌
14)at odds with:与. .. 争执;意见不一致;与. .. 不合
He was at odds with the boss.


15)luck out:侥幸成功

Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out?


16)jump to conclusion:过早下结论;贸然断定

It is easy for us to jump to conclusions.


17)head in the clouds:胡思乱想

Don't have your head in the clouds; it is the time to get real.


18)all in your mind/head:你想多了

You know, these problems are all in your mind.


19)[rave about](https://hive.blog/hive-163772/
):热烈谈论;(写作)热情地描写=wax lyrical
Rachel raved about the new foods she ate while she was there.

20)tuckered out:tired 疲倦的;exhausted(通常用于儿童,成人也可)
He is tuckered out at the end of day.
21)up to par:达到标准;合乎标准
It's a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.

22)blow off steam:发泄 you get rid of your feelings of anger or strong emotions

It comes from the days of steams engines on trains etc. where, if the pressure built up too much, the engine could explode. So to prevent this, the engineers let of or blow off steam.
例句:When I argue with someone, I need to go for a run to blow off steam.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

刚刚在看 Mike老师直播,开心😁 了很久。曾经无比美好甜蜜的记忆随着老师的直播徐徐展开,哦!

曾经的上流社会生活,真的如蜜甜!即使能够拥有一刹那,此生也算不枉活吧!即使为那一刹那的幸福歌唱付出了常人难以想象的惨烈巨痛代价,以致许多时候我甚至怀疑自己该不该后悔。但这甜蜜的记忆一旦再次袭来,滴血不止的心居然会瞬间又乐开了花🌸 !

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