1)against the odds: 迎难而上;冲破万重困难
We won against the odds.
2)feather one's nest:
3)far be it from me:我不想;我绝不会
Far be it from me to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice.
4)give someone the cold shoulder:to intentionally ignore someone or treat someone in an unfriendly way 故意冷落某人
He's been giving me the cold shoulder ever since I told him to shut up.
5)whip out:a)突然拿出 to take out rapidly; to take it out and to present or show sth. to sb.
He whipped out his wallet and gave me a five pound. a)
b)to create sth. or produce sth. very rapidly 快速制成;快速生产
I can whip you out an omelette in 2 minutes.
6)get the word out:散布信息
She placed advertisements in a lifestyle newspaper and called friends to get the word out.
7)in high gear:do sth. very quickly 快速做某事
Yesterday I was doing some work on the farm and I was in high gear.
8)write your own ticket:自行决定;取得决定权及全部优势
I think I' ll be able to write my own ticket after this project.
9)go the extra mile:加倍努力;做比期望多得多的努力
My birthday party was amazing. My family really went the extra mile to make it a success.
10)joking aside/joking apart:言归正传
11)without a scratch:安然无恙
He managed to come through without a scratch.
12)The course of true love never did run smoith:真爱的过程从来不是一帆风顺的
13)deja vu:French来自法语 deja: already vu: seen
the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time
experience deja vu
Did you ever have a deja vu experience?你是否有过似曾相识的感觉?
14)full of beans:精力充沛 have a lot of energy
My kids are always full of beans.
15)chalk up to:归咎于
Two cups of brandy, chalk it up to me, please.
he chalks them up to the former administrators
15)lay into:痛打;用言词攻击;to attack forcefully 猛烈攻击
16)fall head over hells:爱的神魂颠倒
They just met, but he's fallen head over heels in love with her.
17)knock it off:少来这一套
You're impossible:你真是不可理喻
Give me a break:别烦我了
I'm sick of doing housework. 我厌倦了做家务。
Get out of my face:立刻从我眼前消失
18)stir crazy:
19)bung up:
20)out of sight, out of mind:眼不见心不烦
21)stave off:avert/delay 避开;延缓
What is your plan in 2022 to stave off death?
22)not so much as:
甚至于;连. .. 都不
...unable to so much as turn his head without incredible pain from the tuberculosis as it attacked his spinal cord.
... 以至于连转头这样的动作都不能不承受来自结核病带来的剧痛,因为结核袭击了他的脊髓。
24)take to task:confront; criticize;correct 纠正,批评