
in #ulog3 years ago (edited)

1)no great shakes:平凡的,技术不高的

2)throw the weight on: act you have a lot of power or authority 施加压力

3)the best of 2 worlds: 两全其美

4)have your cake and eat it: 鱼和熊掌兼得

5)against all odds: unlikely 不可能;困难重重

6)a stick in the mud: don't want to try new老古董

7)fools rush in while angels fear to tread:蠢人冒进,天使不敢涉足

8)full of hot air: talk nonsense 夸夸其谈

9)clear the air: a)to remove doubts from a situation 解惑 b)to remove stale air or unpleasant smells 通风清理 c)to deal with an otherwise troublesome problem by trying to talk and reduce the tension or confusion 处理问题

10)while you are at it: 在你做这个的同时;顺便
I'm making myself a sandwich. If you like I can make one for you while I'm at it.

11)in nothing flat: in a moment;in a very short timely; very quickly 在极短的时间内;立刻
If you are hungry, I can whip up a snack for you in nothing flat.

12)get a real buzz: 兴奋

13)albatross around my neck: a recurrent and persistent problem; stop you progressing/doing other things; very difficult to get rid of 扰心事

14)burn your bridges: you do sth. that makes it impossible to go back to the situation or relationship you had before自断后路;破釜沉舟

15)be snowed under: a) informal to have more work than you can deal with
I find myself snowed down with work. 我的工作令我不堪重负。
b) if an area is snowed under, a lot of snow has fallen there so that people are not able to travel

16)from the get-go: 从一开始

17)slave away: 埋头苦干
Why should I slave away all my life!

18)in droves: 成群结队;陆陆续续

People were leaving the countryside in droves to look for work in the cities.

19)keep one's chin up: to be confident and brave in difficult situations 不气馁;勇敢

20)cut the mustard: 符合要求(或条件);达到标准

21)pick someone's brain: trying to get important information from sb. who has experience or knowledge in the area or category you're interested in


I know you travelled throughout Europe and lived there for years. I was thinking of organizing a European trip. Do you mind if I pick your brain on the best places to go?


22)be dead set on sth : decide; commit yourself to sth. ; make up your mind 下定决心

23)dailed in: focus; laser focused 聚焦;专注

24)on a first-come-first-serve basis:

25)on the rocks: 触礁;毁坏;加冰
Sue's marriage is on the rocks.

26)big guns: the most important and powerful people

27)get down to business: go about doing wth; enter into sth. 着手处理正事

28)that's the way the cookie crumbles:
said when sth. slightly unlucky has happened that could not have been prevented and so must be accepted


It looks like we're not going to be able to go abroad this Christmas. Well, I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.

29)freak out: to become or make someone extremely emotional(e.g. anxious, upset, angry, surprised, excited or afraid). 使某人极度情绪化(或害怕或惊喜或紧张等)

She started to freak out when she discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her. (shocked/surprised)

30)get a kick out of sth./it: 因某事感到愉快 You enjoy it, you find it amusing and interesting

I get a kick out of reading your comments!读你的留言我很开心!

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

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