1)take its toll:
to cause damage 造成损失
例句:Is it hard having a new baby in the house?
Yes. Having to carry the baby around every time she cries takes its toll on my body.
2)can't make heads or tails (of it):you don't understand sth. 搞不清头尾;搞不懂状况
3)at bay:陷入困境;陷入绝境 keep stress at bay 缓解压力
4)concern oneself with:
例句:The writer of the second text concerns THEMSELF WITH the inertia of talking about sensitive feelings.
5)lay bare:揭露,暴露 THE Pandemic has laid bare our vulnerabilities.
6)come out of the woodwork:show up 突然冒出
If you won the lottery, I'm sure that people would come out of the woodwork.
7)at each other's throats:互相攻击
例句:The boys are always at each other's throats. They can't ever get along!
8)have my heart set on:to have decided on sth. you really, really want. 一心想要做某事
I have my heart set on Tiananmen.我的心飞到了天安门。
9)catch my drift:understand the hidden meaning 理解言外之意
10)come as no surprise to:不令...感到吃惊;不足为奇
11)on clearance(sale):清仓换季价
12)to give props to:to give proper respect to someone 给予某人适度尊敬
13)on top of that:in addition to that除此之外;最重要的是
14)have at it:a)have (a go) at it;give it a try; go ahead 试一试;你试试(挺难的,不是吗?)
b)attack 袭击
15)come into one's own:得到自己应得的东西;盛行起来
a)come into:unexpectedly be in a fortuitous situation, most often in relation to money 意外得到(好运或财富)
例句:I booked a holiday because I came into money recently.
b)come into:to become effective or reach your true potential 兴盛起来;潜力迸发
例句:The team came into their own after a few games and won the league.
c)come into:to be an aspect of a situation充当...角色
例句:I just want to be happy in my future. Money doesn't come into it at all.