1)fizzle out:告吹;失败
2)make a few extra bucks:赚一些外快
3)to get by:通过;过得去
4)the proof of the pudding is in the eating:事实胜于雄辩
5)gloss over sth.:无视;掩饰某事
6)to be wired:high nervous 紧张的,不安的
7)to touch base (with): contact with or connect someone in a professional environment 和某人联系(尤其在商业专业领域) I need to touch base.(similar to "catch up"叙叙旧)
8)it's Miller time:Miller是一种啤酒🍺牌。休息时间(喝啤酒🍺的休息时间)
9)sour mood:to be in a sour mood/not happy 心情不好;心情低落
10)leave you in the dust:望尘莫及
11)at a loose end:无所事事
12)your blood's worth bottling:a phrase expressive of admiration(澳大利)英语-表达赞美的词语:你的血值得被保存
13)the sharp end:最多困难的地方;最棘手的部分the part of an activity, such as a job, where the most problems are likely to be found:
A job like hers would be much too demanding for me, but she enjoys being at the sharp end.
14)do away with:废除,去掉
I need to do away with my knuckle cracking. 我需要去掉掰指关节(的坏习惯)。
15)my day winds down (around 7 o'clock pm):start to relex(after stress /excitement /intensity);it starts to finish. 开始闲下来了