
in #ulog4 years ago (edited)

1)(at low) upward mobility 社会的向上流动性(固定搭配)

2)escape the rat race:逃离激烈的竞争(躺平)(固定搭配)

3)I'm gonna kick back:relax 我将去休息;轻松,放松

4)get your feet wet:you just try something by doing a little bit of it instead of all of it. 试试水

5)more bang for your buck:it means that for the same dollar value, you get more things or more features or you actually get more of the items.让每一份钱都花得更有价值

6)chip on your shoulder:feel inferior or grievance 感到自卑或不满

7)put them on the back burner:放在次要位置

8)spick and span:perfectly clean 干净a)neat and tidy b)well-taken care of c)neat and smart

9)more than one way to skin a cat:there's more than one way to do sth. or to succeed 条条大路通罗马

10)to pull the wool over someone's eyes: deceive sb.; give sb. misleading or confusing information 欺骗某人;给某人误导或困惑的信息

11)to pander to someone:迎合

12)to be in the cards:命中注定

13)dealt with a heavy card:to be given a hard situation in life 遇到生活里不幸的情况

14)takes one to know one:彼此彼此;半斤八两

15)to put the kibosh on sth.: to stop sth. from happening 阻止某事发生

16)shooting fish in a barrel:a piece of cake, (like) shooting fish in a barrel 易如反掌;十拿九稳

17)you'll walk away with:you'll walk away with something great/some benefit;end up with some sort of benefit 最终将会受益
If you take my classes, you'll wall walk away with English mastery.

18)rustle up:make or prepare sth. quickly, without very little planning 为经准备很快做成

19)to be taken for a ride:被宰/被欺骗 rip off

20)get worked up about:to be very excited or angry about sth. 对某事感到激动或生气

21)bragging right:吹牛的权利/炫耀的资格

22)keep/have blinder on:熟视无睹,视而不见

23)cut to the chase:get to the point quickly or to get to the end of the story quickly 开门见山,转入(或切入)正体 come to the point

24)don't get fresh with me:别对我轻浮;尊重我

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