1)by any stretch of the imagination:it's used to emphasize a negative point 用于强调否定
2)the final stretch:the last part/尾声
I’m not fluent in English by any stretch of the imagination, nor am I in the final stretch. I wonder how many more years it is going to take me to get there! Probably a lifetime! I’m just grateful that I found a teacher like Mr. Bob who always makes my endless race more enjoyable! Thank you, awesome teacher!👨🏼🏫❤️👨🎓
3)bite the tongue: 忍住不说话;极力克制自己,强忍着不说
What he had done really made me angry, but I bit my tongue.
4)bite the dust:
Thousands of small businesses bite the dust every year.
My car finally bit the dust.
5)bite the bullet: 忍痛做某事;咬紧牙关,忍痛面对=set one's teeth/grit one's teeth
Though it is difficult to achieve, you have to bite the bullet.
6)get under way: 开动;开始进行;启动
Don's story unfolded as the cruise got under way.
7)out of hand: 无法控制;脱手;告终;立即
I initially dismissed the idea out of hand.
8)It is not adding up:不合乎情理
=It is strange; It is suspicious; It is unnatural
9)go through the motions: 走过场;装装样子
10)take stock of: 观察;估量;盘点
You need to sit down and take stock of all the factors in a situation before making a decision.
11)go over the top: 超出限额;做过头
=go too far; go beyond a reasonable limit
I think our teacher goes over the top with the amount of homework that he usually gives us.
12)pull strings: 在幕后操纵;走后门
John used the influence of his friends and family in order to get the job.
=John pulled strings in order to get the job.
13)stand sb. up: 放某人鸽子
She stood me up again, and I don't want to date her anymore.
被放鸽子:be/get stood up
I don't know if I've been stood up or if she's just late.
14)blow someone off: 不认真对待;不理会某人(也有放鸽子的意思)
Don't blow me off. Otherwise you are done.
15)hang in there: continue trying and surviving 坚持下去
I know things are tough, but hang in there!
16)make a scene/create a scene: (吵架)当众大吵大闹
You just blew up again to get so angry that you create a scene or outburst.
17)break in: 磨合;使逐渐习惯
Before our hike, we need to break in our new boots.
18)sneak peek: 先睹为快;快速前瞻
A 'sneak peek' is a chance to see something before it is officially released or available.
Check out this reel with a sneak peek of the new Marvel movie.