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RE: Balcony Grove Update Ulog
I'm hoping since they're all nice and established, once they adjust to being outside they'll start making lots of flowers. The other day there was a bee looking for noms on my balcony and I felt really bad because none of my flower seeds have even sprouted yet!
I think the bee will now that and will be back to check them again soon for flowers and when they do will head off and tell all its friends and then they will be regular visitors :)
Wow that’s such a cool shot it’s really getting in there
Right? I didn't take it, for clarity - I just love the bee butt photos. None of my camera options can do macro like that. XD
Ohh I see it is such an awesome shot, and if i see any bees whe I have my macro ens on I will try and get some bee butt shots :)
Hooray bee butts! :D
NO promises getting shots of bees in general let alone their butts is a real challenge LOL
HA I understand. :)