I think I see the problem...
I should have known better, but hindsight is always 20/20 as they say. About two weeks ago the washer started to play some tribal drums and the sound kept on getting louder and louder. It got to the point were I thought to myself, I should wait to do my laundry until radio duty for MSPwaves, because I could miss something(yes, that loud). And now... tis over.

Call the tech guy???
I can't be too upset about it because just this week a friend offered to gift me his old washer on sheer coincidence. Talk about some planetary alignment there, right? I've just woken up, hit this blog with some vapidity (not really) as I drink some unsweetened caffeine, only to depart in search of my new technological victim.

Call the tech guy???
I can't be too upset about it because just this week a friend offered to gift me his old washer on sheer coincidence. Talk about some planetary alignment there, right? I've just woken up, hit this blog with some vapidity (not really) as I drink some unsweetened caffeine, only to depart in search of my new technological victim.
Now that I think about it, I've never had one of these machines last a long time. Maybe they are not meant to, but of this I'm not sure. However, the Free-99 model is precisely what suits me at the moment, it's almost as if my friend checked out coinmarketcap before he called me.
If only I could get a new back for Free-99 that would be awesome, I still have to lift the thing. But, I know they will invent replaceable joints and back one day, they are just waiting for me to kick the bucket, the bastards.
Hope everyone is having a pleasant Sunday
• It's because of the wallet size
• I've been getting some weird resteems, have you?
• An explanation on Post Shilling
• Helpienaut Meeting - Shilling Fridays
• Alt Season 2 or just a departed Feline Leap?
That thing looks like a Bear tried to get at the Cookie crumbs.
Hi meno. Something seems to always go wrong somewhere. No smooth sailing for anyone at the moment.
Wild heart gypsy soul? Took awhile for me to read that blink :)
I didn't even see that..
this is subliminal, i disagree
/me flags
Hilariously and appropriately, the washer guy in the picture above looks the spitting image of Dan Larimer! :)
A veces en la vida nos pasa que estamos en un momento difícil y alguien llama a la puerta o suena el teléfono, y... "se pone peor" jajaj (es broma), la mayoría de veces se resuelven esos problemas, por coincidencia casualidad o destino.
Saludos desde Venezuela
Sometimes in life it happens that we are in a difficult moment and someone knocks on the door or the phone rings, and... "It "gets worse" jajajaj (as a joke), most of the time these problems are solved by coincidence, chance or fate.
Greetings from Venezuela
thank you for reading brother... got the new washer now, its actually even better than the old one!!
Oh, well, I'm so glad.... Things always happen for a reason hehe
Uff que bueno, me alegra mucho... Las cosas siempre ocurren por un motivo jeje
Well these things happen, you just have to take a deep breath and solve the problem, you have to go get your friend's old washing machine jajaja. I'm going through the same thing, my washing machine went to hell. Good luck with that.
Got it taken care of, everything is ninja now! :)