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RE: Money where my mouth is - Celebrating 7k SP
Mi querido amigo @meno.
No te imaginas cuánto bien me hace leer tus palabras...
A veces creemos que nuestras metas a corto plazo parecen tontas para otros, pero siempre habrá alguien como uno que las valora muchísimo.
Mi caso es el siguiente: Inicié en steemit en marzo 2018, pero para ser sincero publique 3 cosas y la abandoné todo un mes o mas.. Luego entendí como debía hacerse para ir subiendo en sp mientras haces publicaciones de calidad, cada ve mas gente me fue conociendo y en la actualidad tengo 155 días y 52.5 de reputación y 43 de SP, (como tu dices) para muchos no significará nada, pero para otros, esto es el inicio de un inmenso camino en este mar de conocimientos.
Gracias por compartir tus palabras cono nosotros,
Saludos desde Venezuela.
My dear friend @meno.
You can't imagine how much good it does me to read your words...
Sometimes we think our short-term goals seem silly to others, but there will always be someone like one who values them very much.
My case is this: I started in steemit in March 2018, but to be honest I published 3 things and abandoned it for a month or more... Then I understood how it should be done to go up in sp as you make quality publications, each time more people were getting to know me and now I have 155 days and 52.5 of reputación y 43 SP, (as you say) for many will mean nothing, but for others, this is the beginning of a huge journey in this sea of knowledge.
Thank you for sharing your words with us,
Greetings from Venezuela.
Again... THANK YOU!

You can't imagine how much good it does me to read your words...
Sometimes we think our short-term goals seem silly to others, but there will always be someone like one who values them very much.
My case is this: I started in steemit in March 2018, but to be honest I published 3 things and abandoned it for a month or more... Then I understood how it should be done to go up in sp as you make quality publications, each time more people were getting to know me and now I have 155 days and 52.5 of reputación y 43 SP, (as you say) for many will mean nothing, but for others, this is the beginning of a huge journey in this sea of knowledge.
Thank you for sharing your words with us,
Greetings from Venezuela.
Hey what is the code of this type alignment
@erode Estos son los comandos:
Don't slow down Kantos.. life is a little battle and consistency is key!
Cheers mate
That's right, but I feel that the battle is not with the world, it is with oneself to overcome oneself day by day @meno