Ulog-Quotes #5: "Joy in the way that success sends us, has no price".

in #ulog6 years ago

Regards, dear #uloggers

Today's appointment is based on success. It does not matter if the success is small or big because the satisfaction is still indescribable. And they are moments of which they are enjoyed. For example: When we start in steemit and do not receive support or votes, we are sad, but when at some point all your effort is valued by someone and you add a good reward, you feel close to success or rather, you reach a goal, in other words that goal achieved becomes something successful.

Today's quote:

Following with other examples ...
Those who for the first time record a song, those who have been able to study what they have always wanted, those who are recognized for their magical writings, those who went out to face themselves and also for their family and got At least dinner to sleep in peace. All of them and many more experience that joy that comes after setting a goal or a plan that ends in success.

Any appointment that you can think of on this topic, leave it as an answer to this post.
Thank you for your time, I will read your views, I dismiss uloggers.
Thanks for everything, blessings.

By: @josecarrasquero

Spanish version:

Versión en español:

Un cordial saludo queridos #uloggers

La cita de hoy se basa en el éxito. No importa si el éxito es pequeño o grande porque la satisfacción sigue siendo indescriptible. Y son momentos de los cuales se disfrutan. Por ejemplo: Cuando nos iniciamos en steemit y no recibimos apoyo ni votos, estamos tristes, pero cuando en algun momento todo tu esfuerzo es valorado por alguien y sumas una buena recompensa, te sientes cerca del éxito o mejor dicho, alcanzas una meta, en otras palabras esa meta alcanzada se convierte en algo exitoso.

Cita del día de hoy:

Siguiendo con otros ejemplos...
Aquellos que por primera vez graban una canción, aquellos que han podido estudiar lo que siempre han querido, aquellos que son reconocidos por sus escritos tan mágicos, aquellos que salieron a la calle a dar la cara por si mismo y ademas por su familia y consiguieron al menos la cena para que duerman en paz. Todo ellos y muchos mas experimenta esa alegría que viene luego de fijar una meta o un plan que termina en éxito.

Cualquier cita que se te ocurra sobre este tema, déjala como respuesta a este post.
Gracias por su tiempo, leeré sus puntos de vista, me despido uloggers.
Gracias por todo, bendiciones.

By: @josecarrasquero

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This post was made from https://ulogs.org


Hello @josecarrasquero, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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