RE: Late Night Reflections... and Reminiscence (Ulog No. 11)
Our home owner's insurance is always doing something—we have it bundled with auto, so that price for the umbrella seems to go up every year—houses burn down somewhere, we get to pay higher premiums—for a while, they had our daughter-in-law on our insurance, even though she had her own insurance. They'd lived with us for a while, and so the insurance company just went ahead and added her, but not my son.
Seems like the economy has gotten better somewhat, but there's probably a lot more to go. I heard on the radio yesterday that they're predicting another recession by 2020—just in time for another presidential election, which probably has as much to do with the prediction as anything.
re: toss it out there
I agree. Conversation starters make for good posts, as far as I'm concerned. I have enough accumulated experiences now, there seems to be something that will fit most topics. :)