Ulog #23 Bankcrupt.....

in #ulog6 years ago


Hi everybody!

This is a sad day again in my life....
We have done the harvest and it looks like i am in minus 7-800 EUR.

Few hours ago i almost start to cry than i was angry and now i am trying hard to look positive on this.

1.6Ha of rice farm should make a clear income of 3000 EUR every 4 months. Instead of that i am in minus. How it can happen?

Actually the answer is very easy. As a foreigner the local people here in #philippines they dont want to listen my advice even i am the owner. According to them i dont know the farming.

Than let me show you something....
The smaller one is plantad by locals. The bigger one was planted by me. The different in the tillers is more than double. But there was plants that the different was 3x less compare it to the mine.

And it takes almost 1 year for me that finally they told me that next time they will follow my opinions.

So now this very bad experience i will try to turn in positive way and i dont know yet how but i will make the next planting😉

Actually i knew that it will be a bad harvest but i didnt expect that much bad. Even i had a plan that i can invest little bit here in #steemit but now the chance is gone and i have to wait again.

By the way it is not time to give up i have my baby and my wife so i have to do my best😊


it's hard to change the habit that had a deep root in the people mind, but with this experience it will be much easier in the future, so sad to read this post and I can feel you positive energy in high level and hope you will get the best harvest on the next seasons. seeing is believing.. now they've seen. thanks for sharing

Thanks for your comment 😊 yes it is not easy to live here in philippines as a foreigner. But soon i will see if they learned the lesson because maybe 2 weeks and the most important part of the farming will come. The transfering of the plants. I am curious and worry in same time but i will prove that i can make it what ever happen. 😉
The positive energy is comming from my mistakes from my past. I had to learn the lessons also and now i know that if u give up that is not a solution. 😉

it's a bit different in my country Indonesia, where people always respected the foreigners opinion but they'll believe it after seeing the first result. and I agree with you, give up will never be a solution for anything in the world especially after a big investment. Philipines was well-known for their best rice seed in the South East Asia around 70-80's. now they get a lesson learned and it will be more easier for you... universe will support your energy too.

Indonesia huhuuu i wish i can visit one day. I have a lot of friends there. They invited me many times but no money no time😔 i was working also on a cruise ship before like many indonesian😊
Yes i also believe in that if once you make a decission and you keep focus on that it will be happen. 😉

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Soha nem szabad feladni vagy abbahagyni!

Elég rossz minőségűnek tűnik a talaj, használtok valamilyen baktériumos turbót hozzá?

Nem igazan. A talajjal szerintem nincs baj az aposom anno amikor elt es elkezdtuk ultetett ugy hogy szep haszon volt rajta. Itt amit elrontottak az az ultetesi technika. Tul keson es kicsit barbar modjara ultettek. De most kicsit maskeppen lesz remelem. Volt egy kis darab amit en ultettem. A kepen is latszik azok 2x 3x nagyobbak voltak. Szoval most ugy nez ki vegre kovetni fogjak a tanacsaim. A baj csak az hogy nem hiszem hogy elegendo lesz a penzem a kiadasokra😔 de feladni nem fogom.😉

Mi a kertben minden évben használunk baktériumtrágyát, a gyökereken látszik nagyon durván, meg persze a termésen is :) Igazából nem is a mennyiségén, hanem azon, hogy sz.r időben is rendesen van hozam :)

Hat most ami tortenni fog az az hogy eloszor is nem hagyom hogy felegessek a tarlot. Hanem mindent ami van visszaforgatunk a foldbe. Plusz meg adtam hozza most bananleveleket azok is be lesznek forgatva mert tele van tapanyaggal. Aztan majd ha ultetunk par nap mulva kapnak tragyat is. Nagyon nehez itt mert mondom itt ok a tradiciokat kovetik. Elmagyarazni nekik hogy mi a jo iszonyuan nehez. A kepen a gyokerek nem igazan tutik mert azokat csak kiteptem😁 ha nedves lett volna a talaj akkor a nagyobbiknak szep nagy gyokerei lennenek azt 4 honappal ezelott mar tapasztaltam. De akkor meg nem tudtam nekik igy bebizonyitani mert csak par darabot ultettem en hogy megbizonyosodjam. Most egy sort ultettem lehetett is latni a kulonbseget igy most vegre hala a jo Istennek mar hisznek nekem es most az en technikamat fogjak csinalni. Csak hat tudod mar eleg keso mert a baj megtortent.
De a pozitivum hogy most van eselyem bebizonyitani kovetkezore hogy lehet ezt maskeppen is😉

A tarlóégetés az egyik legrosszabb dolog, amit csinálni lehet, az konkrétan megöl mindent a felső 20-30 centiben, és nincs rá garancia, hogy a hasznos baktériumok szaporodnak fel utána.
5 évnél gyakrabban nem ajánlják, akkor is csak növényvédelmi szempontból. De ilyenkor mindig az jut eszembe, hogy az erdők aljnövényzetét sem égeti fel senki, aztán mégis milyen kövér televény-föld van a fák alatt.

Amúgy a beforgatás előtt érdemes lepermetezni szárbontóval. Én még plusz szalmát meg komposztot is hordok rá ősszel.

Hat igen nekem is ez volt a fejemben. De itt mindenki egeti. Tudod egyszer valaki elkezdi aztan a tobbi utanozza es huppp mar is ez a tradicionalis. Amugy a hamu jot tesz a foldbek a ph erteket javitja de azt ra kell hordani ha jol tudom. Komposzt az jo lenne de itt nem tudom eloallitani. Venni sem nagyon mert nem ismerik😂 azert dontottem most a banan levelek es banan hej mellett mert az tapanyagban dus. Azt most a szalmaval szepen beforgato rosszul nem sulhet el😁 plusz minden nap hoznak tojashejakat is abbol is kap a fold egy kicsit. Aztan majd megy a tobbi tragya is amit itt hagyomanyosan hasznalnak aztan 4 honap mulva kiderul. Plusz ami nagy plusz es nagyon nagy hiba itt hogy a rizsneveldebol a rizst kitepik es ugy ultetik at. Igy megszabadulnak a rizsmagtol is ami nagyon nagy hiba. Most majd meg kell tanitanom oket hogyan ultessek at a neveldebol a palantakat es akkor elvileg ilyen nem tortenhet megegyszer.
Na meg meg egy dolg hogy itt annak a hivei hogy minel tobbet ultessenek. Nem figyelnek oda arra hogy ha ultetnek hagyjanak teret a novenynek igy jutva elegendo tapanyaghoz. Szerintuk a tobb az tobb pedig ebben az esetben a kevesebb tobb😉

A hamu k.rvára nem javítja a ph-értéket, sőt, hosszú távon ront rajta. Olyan, mintha sóval szórnád meg a talajt, akkora dózisú ásványi anyagot nem tud kezelni. Néhány évig növekszik a termés, aztán megáll, aztán elkezd romlani a talaj, 15-20 év után meg egy szikes pusztaság marad.

Amúgy komposztot bárhol tudsz csinálni, bármilyen szerves anyagból :) Egy aprítógép kell hozzá, meg 10m2 szabad hely, aztán kész. Meg persze némi fizikai munka, de az nem sok :)
Amúgy a hamut én pl. a komposztba keverem bele. A növényi savak nagyon jól feloldják, az ásványi sók szerves kötésbe kerülnek, és úgy már nagyon is hasznos a talajnak.

Aha ertem. Na milyen jo hogy ram irtal. Akkor lehet ki is hagyom azt most. Sajna itt szinte lehetetlen aprito gepet talalni. Vannak itt magyarok mar beszeltunk rola de sehol nem talalt senki. Max lehetne csinaltatni de arra most sajnos nagyon durvan nem tellik.
De ezt megfogadom amit mondtal egyenlore kihagyom a hamut.
Majd most fogom feldobni ide a kepeket is mindig ha eppen csinalunk valamit. Mar belottem a kutat is elkezduk nyomni a vizet hogy tudjunk kezi traktorozni mielott alhordjak a szalmat a szomszedok😂

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I'm sorry to read about stubbornness of you Filipino workers. No matter what they said, you could have insisted on what you want to be done on your field. If they insist, just tell them to stop and you wi just look for other workers. It is better to stop your loses earlier than watch over it later knowing that you should have done this and that. I presume your wife is a Filipina. She could also help taming her fellow Filipinos. 😊

Anyway, it's done so the lesson has been learned both on your side and the workers. To your point, take it positively. "Charge to experience" as we call it which basically means charge your loses to experience and don't do it again. Who knows, better things are coming your way.

What is your technique with those bigger plants anyway?

Yes my wife is a filipina. 😊 and the problem is just that really hard to find people in this area for work. Than if they come they dont want to accept a new technik.
They just keep blaming me that it is my fault because i dont put enought water on the field.
The big plant that u see on the picture is planted by me. I made a small part with SRI technik. Less fertilizer less water just organic fertilizer was used.
Now they saw the difference with they own eyes so hope next time we can make it better.
Just it is hurt that they didnt believe me and thats why now i am in trouble. Because to be honest this is what also they dont believe me that i am just a simple guy. I am not american or english that i have a lot of money we live here like a avarage filipino family.

I understand laborers can play hard if they know that you as the employer does not have a choice because there is scarcity of workers. I have been into that. But you know what? You can also play hard on them. Tell them to just stop and it is better that you do not tend the field anymore since you know it's a loss with how they are doing things on their own. That is better not to gamble your money with all efforts than to give in to them and yet you know you will lose in the end. That will also make the laborers follow you because there can possibly scarcity of employers.

Sometimes you also have to keep your ground and stand firm to them. I am not saying you have to be the intimidating bossy type but after all, you're the employer. 😊

He he yes maybe that is the problem. I am too much friendly here and some people they use it.
I will make one more try because i am not a kind of a man who give up easily. Specially that this is our main income and i have to think about my wife and doughter.
Now my man here who is maiking the main job in the farm gave me a promise that he try my way because he also have a percent. So actually i saw he was sad today same with me. By the way he is a good guy just the planters i dont find a good ones who are transpanting the rice.
Specially now that i wanna make all the farm with the SRI method huhuuuu it will be "fun" but i wanna show them that even they are not serious i can make it good😊

It is the more that you need to take charge of how to manage your rice field if it is your only source of income.

How is SRI method done anyway? I am curious...

Huhuu that is a really nice method. I try it on a small area. Until the traditionaly planted rice have just 12-14 tillers on those what i planted i had 30-35 tillers. So actually it double the harvest if it is made properly. The different is that with sri they transfer the rice plants after 8-10 days unlike the locals 21-25 days. And they transfer it straight away they dont leave it outside for a day. Tha it is transfered together with the soil on the roots. The second main thing is the water management. Here the farmers they believe that the rice have to stay in the water always. But with sri you just need do keep the soil wet but not flooded. Plus every week 1x have to be full dry. So more oxigen will go to the soil. In youtube u can find a really good videos if u search sri rice planting.😉

I remember our rice field when I was a child. Indeed, the rice plants are in water most of the time. My parents would dry it just once in a while. I guess the challenge in our case was that the rice field itself has spring. Water comes out whether we like it or not. If we knew your technique back then, we could have created a canal to somehow lead the spring water on the sides and not scattered throughout the field.

We are no longer farming but at least I learned something new. I'll share it to farmers whenever I have a chance.

Thank you! 😊

You know me since i live here i felt in love with a farming. I start to learn from the father of my wife but after that i also study from internet. I spent many many hours every day to watch videos and to read. Than i try it on a small part of the field. And really it was working. My main problem really is just that hard to find people. Even there is a lot guys in the family they dont have job but they dont wanna help me. And if i hire people u know i a just a "americano" or "joe" and they didnt make a proper job. There are some good teams here but they are always busy because most of the farmers they hire them always so almost no chance for me to hire them. But i dont give up u know i am not that kind.😉
Also i find out that the people here they need results. They need to see what you are talking about because they dont believe it. Like now. 8 months i was begging. And now i show them that my plants was 2x 3x bigger now they believe me and i just pray that the transfering of the plants this time will be my way😊
Thank u for your time i really enjoy to talk with you😊

Wov te tényleg a Fülöp szigeteken gazdálkodsz? Izgalmas lehet! :)

Melyik régióban/ szigeten élsz?

Szia! Igen. Luzon. Eszaki reszen Manilatol kb. 470km. Hat izgalmasnak izgalmas foleg hogy nem sok penzel jottem ki de majd lesz jobb is😊
Szeretek itt lenni csak igy most kicsit nehez. De ha beindul akkor jo lesz akkor vegre haza tudok latogatni.

The price of Steem will go up! Hope it does very soon. Tip!

Yes i know. This year should be. I am also checking always the currency predictions😊
Thank u very much

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