Voting for South Africa’s Sixth Parliament

in #ulog5 years ago

It’s 25 years since I first voted, and I have voted in each election since. I have missed only one local government election because I was travelling on business and there was no possibility of a special vote.

Yesterday, I ventured to the polling station mid-morning, and earlier in the day than I had planned as my schedule had gone somewhat awry. I drove on because there was a queue out the door, I had things to do, figuring that as they would only shut up shop at 9pm, I had plenty of time.

So, late afternoon, having done what I needed to do, I headed out into the setting sun, under a gloomy sky. Not only was the polling station virtually empty, but there were happy party supporters - some from different parties - partying together. That would not have happened 25 years ago. Nor would the cheerful greeting of the mandatory police members at the gates.

Yes, there seem to have been some glitches, like the disappearing indelible ink that reappears and the inevitability of folk bucking the system, but by and large, the election seems to have gone well. We will still have the same ruling party, but it will not have a two thirds majority, and with 40+ other parties on the ballot, the final outcome will be interesting.

While I am concerned about the rise of the lunatic left and the reactionary right - not specific to South Africa - it makes my heart sing that South Africa’s democracy seems to be maturing.

#ulog #powerhousecreatives #teamsouthafrica #life #share2steem #democracy #vote #xse #ink #mcgregorvillage #magicmcgregor #countryliving

Until next time
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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Seems it is a election season all around. Few days ago we too had general election....and for Indians it was kind of national festival.

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I think those party agents were having a bit of a festival!

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Great news that your democratic system seems to be getting better while places like USA seem to be moving towards extremes!

Well, that move to extremes seems to be an international trend and is reflected in the results. Not, in sufficient numbers to affect the outcome. Although they make a huge fuss which makes people (including them) think they have more power than they really do. Sigh...

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They definitely do make a big fuss!

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Congratulations @fionasfavourites! This post was selected by the Power House Creatives as today's Rally Upvote Post :)

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


Mwah! Thank you

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We just had our local elections for Mayor of San Antonio Texas 🇨🇱. Of 900,000 registered voters only 11% voted. It's so pathetic that people don't vote in local elections, then bitch for two years that our taxes are too high. I'm really fed up with this City @fionasfavourites.

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Yes when folk don't vote and then complain.... You know the saying you get the government you deserve? That said, those that moan will always find something to gripe about.

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Going to vote is an honor ans a right great to see you never missed one electronisch hopes it turnsters out the way you want.

Well, the results are as expected. Now we see how things unfold in the next while. As for not missing: I first voted when I was 31 and in South Africa's first democratic election. Prior to that black folk did not have the vote. Now everybody can exercise that right. I do....

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Good luck with your election. I am glad to hear you have positive feelings from a maturing democracy when all I seem to read about is people complaining, especially if their party or politician loses.

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Ha! Perhaps I spoke too soon. There has been an awful lot of bickering among the smaller parties who feel aggrieved by a couple of glitches. If they have their way, which I trust the courts won't allow, they could scupper the entire election. Sigh...

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I read about this and it is a real shame.

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I have to believe it will be resolved

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We need an election here in the UK desperately

Oh, don't you just. Brexit: what a nightmare

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Ahaaaaa we have elections too this sunday. Hope you enjoyed giving your precious vote. :)

Maturing democracies are the best. That's when they hit their stride. The ones you have to watch out for are the old fogies. :-)

Well, we have just had 9 wasted years. I have to hope, no believe that then current and president-elect I hope will continue rooting out the rot and hold those responsible for looting state coffers to account

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Rings true

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Ah, yes. Corruption. It has a way of ruining great things.

All the best with the elections :)
.... or perhaps the results are out by now ....
Hope your party wins/won ;)

Thank you. My vote was strategic and not based on a party I support(ed). Our electoral system is such that you don't vote for a person so my vote was based on track record in our province and what could potentially happen nationally.

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Aaaah ok
All the best still :)

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