Balloons, cake, singing! Ulog 19

in #ulog6 years ago

I'm a Leo, born in the Year of the Dragon

If I could be any sign of the Zodiac, it would be Leo. If I could be born in any year - it would the Year of the Dragon. Jackpot, baby!

Bicentenial baby, too.

Red, White, and Blue.

Now I'm 42.

and I love every bit of it. (probably doesn't hurt that I look pretty young! he he heeeee!!!) I've grown so much in these 42 years. I've learned a lot and am still learning, but here were some major milestones achieved!


  • Patience (well, if you don't think so - you should have seen me before!)

  • Grace (That's been a tough one, too.)

  • How to say no. (woo ho - no! Nope! no way - nuh uh - not doing it!Why?  ummmmm cuz I just don't want to. How freeing is that?!?!?)

  • Picking my battles. (This one took until age 38 to really sink in, but gaining ground on this one, year after year.)

  • How to lose at any game with dignity. (HA! just kidding!!!! lose? what??? shame on you!)

All joking aside....

My gosh, there have been some painful phases in my life. But they've all made me who I am. Some people think back to their youth and think "oh, how I wish I could go back to those days!"

Me? Never. EVER! I have absolutely no desire to go backwards - only forwards. I have my eyes on where I'm going, who I'm going with, and bringing all the love and joy in my heart each step of the way.

Leo in Dragon image source, edited by @dreemsteem
All other images by @dreemsteem


Thank you !!!!!!! I've been missing you.. but we've both been wrk wrk wrk wrk wrking! Hahahhahaa hugs to you Teddy Bear 🐻 thank you for my birthday wishes!!!

Missing you too! Hstl hstl hard :D what can I say :( Waiting for this summer to end and hopefully I will have more time!

Have a great day <3

Me too!!!! When summer ends - then I'll have more time to play on Steemit! hehehehee

my day is going splendidly so far <3

Happy birthday Leo sister! Today Is my birthday too, although I am a tad older than you. I was born in the year of the Horse. Happy Birthday! 🎂


I am woman ~ hear me roar!

Happy birthday, BIRTHDAY TWIN!!!!!!!

How exciting for us hehehehehehhee I love it!

Anything special planned for today???

Nothing for today. It is still too dangerous for us to travel so that the family can be together. So it will be just another normal day.

What about you? Have special plans?

I like quiet birthdays... just reflecting on the love in my life. I really love cards with personal notes, or emails ... just words from the heart make my birthday special! :)

My most favourite birthday ever was one in which my husband took the boys out and when they came back they sequestered themselves in the garage. They were busy making my birthday presents, all with reference to my favourite flours, lilacs. It was so special because we were living in Costa Rica and lilacs don't grow there!

that really does sound so special!!!! its those tender moments - where they show how much they know you. i love that! to be known and appreciated!!! <3

heading out the door to my second shift of work...
i hope your birthday continues to be the lovelies ever, dear friend

Stay safe!


Leo's rule!


Yeah they do!!!!

and when would your Leo birthday be, sir??? :)

toooo soon, forgot all about it until I read this post!

well come on now.... I need to be able to return the birthday greetings to a fellow Leo! ;)

Happy Birthday Beautiful!

Hope your day has been as special and awesome as you!


thank you love!!!!! it has been a WONDERFUL birthday - lots of love and giggles and hugs and everything nice hehehe

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!


thank you so much my friend!!!! it is wonderful!!!! :)

We still sing Happy Birthday in English and Indonesian at our house. Selemat Ulang Tahun, @dreemsteem!

Thank you @sumatranate!!!! I appreciate the birthday wishes in BOTH languages hehehehee

Happy Birthday!!!!!

thank you @simgirl!!!! :)


Thank you dear friend!!!! I'll be sure to watch out for any suspect truffles ;) hehehehehe

Happy happy birthday! Every year is a new experience and new lessons in life. Sounds like you have a positive outlook and attitude to carry you forward. To many more years of brightness and happiness!


I certainly try!!! :) I've loved getting to know you through your reading and our commentary back and forth hehehehe thank you for the birthday wishes @beeyou!!! :)

Happy Birthday, Sis. I wish you all the best in life.

What really makes me happy is that today is my first daughter's birthday too. She is now 10 years of age and today is her graduation day in school but I am a little bit sad because she is not with me right now. She is in my home country.

Stay Fabulous @dreamsteem.

I love that I get to share this special day with your daughter!!!! and don't worry - I'm sure that she knows that you love her across the miles and is enjoying her birthday with your love in her heart!!! <3

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