Sometimes You've Gotta Try Things on Your Own (Ulog day #8)

in #ulog7 years ago

Hello everyone, how ya doin'? Finally, I can call it a day a half day :D Let's see what happened.

I woke up at about 9.00AM today and was looking at nothing for a few minutes until mom blamed me saying that Time is money. The I too was wondering why I didn't take a look at Steemit but then I remembered that dad was using our laptop. So I took mom's phone and checked some stuff here. I wasn't feeling up to do anything so I was sitting on a chair playing Virtual Families 2 on mom's phone.

Time was flying at full speed and by any means, I got the idea to trim my hair. Normally, we go to the saloon to trim hair but this time, I don't know why or how that idea came to me but I was automatically combing my hair and took some supplies which I'm gonna need and that stuff only included the comb and a scissor. Then I told mom that I was gonna cut my own hair and mom told me that it's a great idea but be careful not to mess up with your hair.

Actually, I had no idea on how I was gonna cut my hair and after mom told me to be careful, I watched a video on YouTube on how to cut your own hair and then I got a simple idea.

Then I asked sis to bring me the spray bottle with some water in it and I sprayed it to my hair after I divided my hair into two parts. Then I carefully put a hair band to one part and started to cut it. It was a new and a fun experience to cut my own hair and I always loved the sound that comes when cutting hair.

Finally, I was finished cutting that part of my hair and I wanted to check out how it went before I mess up with the other part of my hair. So I let the hair part (which was already cut) fall and asked mom whether everything's okay and how my work went. She said "wow! That's amazing. Cut my hair too." I know that mothers always tell the truth but sometimes they tell things to confirm their children. So I wanted to take a look and after a few minutes of struggling with the two mirrors, I was able to see my hair. It was okay and all the hair was neatly cut.

Then I was ready to cut the other part and that's when I remembered that I don't know how to get the same measurements as the other part. If I cut that part without thinking about that, half of my hair would be short while the other part is long. So I had to ask sis for help but that's more disastrous than cutting hair on my own. Sis is not that much good at doing things with concentration but that was the only thing I could do. Then she cut just some hair and then I took that measurement and cut the remaining hair. After little adjustments I did with the help of my sister, the result was this.
Here's a side view

What do you think? Please tell me whether it's good or bad in the comments section.

Then it was time for me to mess up with sis's hair. To my amazement, she agreed and was ready from the start to take a haircut from the new barber :P

It was a bit hard for me to keep her unmoved. She can't stay still for even a few seconds. When I took a look after I thought that I was finished cutting her hair, one side was a little bit short. So I adjusted the other side. Then there was some hair which was long and after a lot of adjustments, I was finished. It had taken almost more than half an hour to cut her hair. Here's the outcome.


It was past 1.00PM when I had breakfast. But by now I had 4 meals and I haven't still taken dinner. So with that, it's 5 meals with about 9 plates of rice :D (It's a miracle that I'm still too thin. If anyone's got a trick to gain some weight, leave a comment)

After I finished typing the above lines I had to use the Backspace for some reason and I think that I accidentally pressed the delete button and this whole post was gone. I was about to cry but thanks to, it was saved in the drafts.

Then I was searching what to do with cut hair and I found this awesome calculator which calculates how much your hair is worth. It's a hair selling site and I know that I can't sell those cut pieces of hair but I wanted to give the calculator a shot and let me tell ya, my hair was worth more than $500. You should probably give it a try. Here's a link.

Then I was feeling that I should learn something new. I was craving for something new and then I started learning Spanish on Memrise. That is a great website if you want to learn a language.

Then I finished that History lesson which I started a few days ago and now I'm feeling very hungry and sleepy.

I am really sorry for my nee-chan @tegoshei's loss. Though Shei's grandma's gone, she'll never be forgotten. Let's everyone with that her soul will rest in peace!

And one more thing;

Did you hear about the Teen community me, @mashiliyanage and @justaboutart are working on?

We created the #tos tag which stands for Teens On Steem

So that we can make Steemit a better place for teenagers.

So if you are a teenager, you can also use this tag.

You can follow our account @teensonsteem

You can join our Discord chat here.

Thanks a bunch for stopping by

Have a good day or night!

Until we meet again ❤

This post was made from


Literally blogging how your day went by you are a true ulogger my friend :) By the way do you already have a byteball my friend?

Hehe, thanks ^^ Oh yes, I have Byteball :D

You're right it's great to try something new! I like how your hair and your sister's hair looks. I also think your outfit is cute! ☺

I don't really think you are too thin but if you want to add a little weight and your parents agree, you can try to eat more nuts. They are a great source of protein but they also have some extra calories that will add a little weight. But really I think both you and your sister are a good weight for fit active young women! 👍😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Hehe, thanks a lot @kenny-crane for those kind words. I always appreciate your support. I also love that frock :)

So nuts it is. I'll give it a try. Thanks again Kenny ^^ Have a nice day (or maybe Good Night!)

For me id rather to doing something great than sleeping thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

Hehe, that's great! 👍

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