Sebelum UNBK pelajar SMA Singkil diberi Pengarahan | Before UNBK Singkil high school students were given briefing
Hai Stemians...
Kali ini saya memposting kegiatan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer(UNBK) tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah(SMA/MA) wilayah, Aceh Singkil.
Hi Stemians ... This time I posted a National Computer Based Test (UNBK) at Senior High School / Madrasah Aliyah (SMA / MA), Aceh Singkil.
Kebetulan hari ini saya liputan mengenai UNBK, saat itu Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Singkil Nazwir sedang memberikan pengarahan kepada Siswa dan Siswinya sebelum mengikuti UNBK.
Incidentally today I coverage of UNBK, then Principal of State Senior High School 1 Singkil Nazwir is giving direction to Students and Students before following UNBK.
Nazwir mengatakan, 169 pelajar Kelas III SMA mengikuti UNBK yang di jadwalkan mulai tanggal 9 hingga 12 April 2018 mendatang. Jumlah fasilitas sebanyak 57 unit Komputer digunakan bergilir masing - masing Siswa satu hari tiga sesi mulai pukul 07.30 sampai pukul 16.00 wib.
Nazwir said, 169 Class III high school students follow UNBK scheduled from 9 to 12 April 2018. The number of facilities as much as 57 units of computers used rotate each - each student one day three sessions starting at 07.30 until 16.00 wib.
"Pelaksanaan UNBK bagi Sekolah SMA yang saya pimpin adalah yang ke tiga kali dalam tiga tahun terakhir ini, jadi tidak canggung lagi lah dalam proses pelaksanaannya," ujar Nazwir.
"Implementation of UNBK for high school that I lead is the third time in the last three years, so no longer awkward is the process of implementation," said Nazwir.
Nazwir menuturkan UNBK lebih praktis, simpel karena proses pengiriman data langsung online di ketahui Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Hanya saja kendalanya listrik PLN harus terus maksimal pelayanannya, karena bila listrik padam sinyal internet otomatis melemah.
Nazwir said UNBK more practical, simple because the process of sending data directly online in the Ministry of Education and Culture. It's just PLN power supply constraints should continue to maximize its service, because if the electricity goes out the internet signal automatically weakened.
Kemudian Ia berharap semoga Ujian lancar bagi pelajar SMA, terkhusus para pelajar SMA Negeri 1 Singkil.
Then He hopes that the test will be smooth for high school students, especially for SMA Negeri 1 Singkil students.