Check out Pocketnet App. Stop having kids to save the planet they say. They have deadlier engineered diseases a thousands times more deadly than what we saw in 2020, they're waiting for the right time to release the next one. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Please wear your lucky dirty socks for good luck and wear them socks over your face. Breath in the yummy dirty socks. Never ever clean your lucky socks. Keep them on forever. They are lucky socks and will make all your dreams come true. BITCOIN CONFERENCE KICKED OUT Laura Loomer, the organizers there should be ASHAMED of themselves for going AGAINST FREEDOM and much more than that too. Plastic makes you infertile. So, kind of like free birth control. So, just continue drinking out of plastic bottles and you will be unable to have babies. Hope you enjoy never having children. Thank you, Lord Plastic.
You Might Be In a Cult Redneck Joke
If you're a comedian, I'll give you some free advice, substitute the famous redneck jokes with, "You might be in a cult if...." instead of "You might be a redneck if..."
And you don't even have to make up your own material to fill in the blank, just follow leftists all day to see what they're doing in 2021 and watch videos of what people did in 2020 all around the world. Feel free to steal this idea and to go wild with it. You might be in a cult if you wear a diaper on your face.
1992 - Random movies from that year includes Newsies
My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-04 - Friday | Published in June of 2021
Loomered, forget making wine, check out Laura Loomer
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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They have deadlier engineered diseases a thousands times more deadly than what we saw in 2020, they're waiting for the right time to release the next one. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Please wear your lucky dirty socks for good luck and wear them socks over your face. Breath in the yummy dirty socks. Never ever clean your lucky socks. Keep them on forever. They are lucky socks and will make all your dreams come true.
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies
1992 - Random movies from that year includes Newsies
Newsies was my most favorite movie of 1992 in the sense of I've been singing their songs ever since. Newsies stuck with me much more than even Home Alone 2 which was ironically also in New York.
Covid Log
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Deadlier Diseases Coming
2021-06-04 - Friday - 11:41 AM - Covid Log - Gab
They have deadlier engineered diseases a thousands times more deadly than what we saw in 2020, they're waiting for the right time to release the next one. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Please wear your lucky dirty socks for good luck and wear them socks over your face. Breath in the yummy dirty socks. Never ever clean your lucky socks. Keep them on forever. They are lucky socks and will make all your dreams come true.
People are dying of thing 2 but they say they are dying of thing 1 hoping you are really dumb.
You Might Be In a Cult Redneck Joke
2021-06-04 - Friday - 04:59 PM - Covid Log - Gab
If you're a comedian, I'll give you some free advice, substitute the famous redneck jokes with, "You might be in a cult if...." instead of "You might be a redneck if..."
And you don't even have to make up your own material to fill in the blank, just follow leftists all day to see what they're doing in 2021 and watch videos of what people did in 2020 all around the world. Feel free to steal this idea and to go wild with it. You might be in a cult if you wear a diaper on your face.
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11:51 AM
Please wear your lucky dirty socks for good luck and wear them socks over your face. Breath in the yummy dirty socks. Never ever clean your lucky socks. Keep them on forever. They are lucky socks and will make all your dreams come true.
12:58 PM
Gina has boobs, Rey Palpatine does not, that is why we love Gina.
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Oatmeal Health
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The Chosen 205
2021-06-04 - Thursday - 01:16 AM - 02:02 AM - The Chosen 205
Walking. Mary memorizing. Roman looking for Christ. Jesus frees a man of a demon and throws a dagger in the water. Finding Mary.
Fear The Walking Dead 615
2021-06-04 - Thursday - 02:05 AM - 02:47 AM - Fear The Walking Dead 615
He gets to her and feeds her ego. Submarine. Missiles.
Ron Gibson
Chris Sky
They have deadlier engineered diseases a thousands times more deadly than what we saw in 2020, they're waiting for the right time to release the next one. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Joel Kallman, bye bye.
Many people get thick blood which leads to blood clots which leads to death, especially in 2021. Aspirin can thin blood. It is good to try to thin your blood to counter the fact that blood clots are on a rise. You can save people around you by helping them thin their blood.
Ron Gibson
Stop having kids to save the planet they say.
BITCOIN CONFERENCE KICKED OUT Laura Loomer, the organizers there should be ASHAMED of themselves for going AGAINST FREEDOM and much more than that too.
Check out Pocketnet App.
They grow tumors in your body but they are not bad they say. So, go get one, Facebook says they're totally safe.
Plastic makes you infertile. So, kind of like free birth control. So, just continue drinking out of plastic bottles and you will be unable to have babies. Hope you enjoy never having children. Thank you, Lord Plastic.
Amazing Lucas
10:55 PM - Disagreement Day: Fauci emails are a NOTHING BURGER / CRT isn't that bad - CHANGE MY MIND
the old testament is hard to understand and easy to take out of context
i am against taxes and abortion is tax-payer funded
caller is off in that it actually starts way before that in regards to abortion
i do not care if you have an abortion but i do not want to pay for it, period, because it is my money, get your hands out of my pocket
get to the heart of the issue, my money
only thing that really matters is personal freedom
if a person wants to kill a baby, ok, no problem, but do NOT make me pay for it
morning after pill
discipline is a personal choice or lack thereof
most women who have abortions regret it for the rest of their lives
i am pro-choice because i am for the freedom to make choices on an individual level
but too many pro-choice advocates are also pro-taxes as well and I am against taxes
whether or not a mother slaughters her baby or not will be on her conscious and i would not mind if you took mothers to court and try them for murder
abortion is a lack of morality
but people are full of a lack of morality
I believe in no sex until after you marry a single person of the opposite sex (biologically), period.
Accidents can be prevented simply by NOT HAVING SEX.
Callers should come with exact quotes of what they disagree with.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
anarchist cat owner
The Chosen 205
2021-06-04 - Thursday - 01:16 AM - 02:02 AM - The Chosen 205
Fear The Walking Dead 615
2021-06-04 - Thursday - 02:05 AM - 02:47 AM - Fear The Walking Dead 615
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Amazing Lucas
10:55 PM - Disagreement Day: Fauci emails are a NOTHING BURGER / CRT isn't that bad - CHANGE MY MIND
Dear diary, got up at 11:00 AM, cloudy day. Waiting for coffee as it brews. Alex Jones. Breakfast. Weird dream of Rick singing but then he says he doesn't sing and stops. He washes dishes. Greenhouse peppers out, screen door up, fan on. I wash dishes in real life around noon, kitchen floor mop, 12:30 PM. Gardening work in the afternoon after that to 04:50 PM. Lunch. Garden yard work included weeding and transplanting dirt outside the side of the house by the new gate outside mom's room but inside the gate and then the potato hill by the strawberry cage. Mail. They're making wine. Saw the squirrel in the feeder as I went to feed it and tried to call him over. I can imagine by the time I got it trained like a pet, it would be dead of old age and it would likely be me tricking it as opposed to it being tamed in a proper sense is my guess. Chores and such all day as already mentioned plus helping my mom and Larry make wine or fermented grapes and such in the afternoon a bit and a whole bunch in the evening to 10:00 PM or so.
Food log
Breakfast: apple, tangerines, cashews on oatmeal, coffee, 11:13 AM.
Lunch: some soup, 02:00 PM.
Dinner: buttered bagel toast, more of the soup, 04:50 PM.