
in #uih4 years ago

Vaccinate your kids, they're sick not of Covid but of the lies they're told at school which is more deadly than Covid has ever been.

They do not put out AMBER Alerts when foster children go missing.

Walnuts is code for the brown children they rape, torture, and murder.

The Internet and the Information Age in general played a pivotal role in the past century especially in countering the global takeover.

Some people in Michigan took the jab, caught a common cold, and then died. This man was released out of jail and is allowed to fly while Chris Sky is forbidden. Alex Jones is spinning in his grave. Police put up a fence around this church in Alberta, Canada. Grace Life Church Bye Bye and You Are Next. What do you want? I believe in making the world a better place. So, I do things. I take action. You are reflecting and deflecting what you call as fear onto me by saying I have fear. But I take action. Cyber punks stole encryption technology from governments and made it available to the world, this was happening especially in the 1990s as a precursor towards setting the stage for the development of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. Kung Fu 101: "About the only time not being white has its advantages" said the younger sister regarding how they as Chinese Americans blend in with others who are yellow as well, talk about racist and a lie built on a series of lies designed to divide and conquer the world.

Prison Planet Via Global Taxes

Global tax means global government which means they will go after good people all around the world, it means the death to freedom everywhere. You're right that things has continued to get worse and will as long as people don't do what they must to counter it. The reality is 1776 happened and it can happen again. They do not put out AMBER Alerts when foster children go missing. CDC will release biowarfare PATHOGENS in Texas and Florida. Delta Airlines hates Voter ID but requires other types of ID. Mars has 0.6% the atmosphere of earth's meaning helicopters can't fly there, NASA is lying. It is causing PRIONS to eat your brain, zombies are real, you'll become one when you go get it injected into your blood. Vaccinate your kids, they're sick not of Covid but of the lies they're told at school which is more deadly than Covid has ever been. Watching The Chosen.

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-08 - Thursday | Published in April of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-04-08 23:37:16.png

Watching The Chosen

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Some people in Michigan took the jab, caught a common cold, and then died.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Police put up a fence around this church in Alberta, Canada.

Global Tax Means Prison Planet

2021-04-08 - Thursday - 03:34 AM - Globalism Log

Global tax means global government which means they will go after good people all around the world, it means the death to freedom everywhere.

NASA Helicopter Atmosphere Lie

11:29 AM - Gab

NASA says there is a helicopter flying around on Mars but that's not possible without an atmosphere for creating lift. Therefore, it's possible Mars has an atmosphere, has oxygen. If not, then NASA probably faked that as well. Try to find the lie. Either the lie is Mars has no atmosphere or there is a helicopter flying around on Mars, one of those two statements cannot coexist with the other statement.

Covid Log

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2004 WOLBI Hangers Joey.png

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02:44 AM
Some people in Michigan took the jab, caught a common cold, and then died.

03:24 AM
Police put up a fence around this church in Alberta, Canada. Grace Life Church Bye Bye and You Are Next.

Learning English

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Which season do you prefer?

11:00 AM - Facebook

Summer. That is why I lived in Vietnam, perpetual summer there for 5 consecutive years nonstop minus some warm rain-storms a few times a year.

Oatmeal Health

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When does an Apple computer become not an Apple computer?

08:00 PM - Facebookchell, there are parts inside Apple computers which are also found inside computers made by other manufacturers as well. So, in other words, Apple actually does not create all the individual parts but instead they get bits and pieces from different companies who make the individual parts who in return sell their parts not just to Apple which means an Apple computer isn't really an Apple computer any more than a car might be a car.

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Freedom vs Fear

03:54 AM - Hive

What do you want? I believe in making the world a better place. So, I do things. I take action. You are reflecting and deflecting what you call as fear onto me by saying I have fear.

That is a bad thing to say that a person has fear. When a person has fear, they lack the courage to confront Rothschild who you mentioned by name among other things.

The good news is that people are taking off masks. The good news is people are using Bitcoin, Hive Blog, cryptocurrencies in general, blockchain, Bit Torrent, decentralized technology, etc.

States in America are doing things to fight against federal and global governments. On top of that, you see this in a variety of countries who rejected Covid vaccines for example.

The Internet and the Information Age in general played a pivotal role in the past century especially in countering the global takeover.

People can call me crazy for believing in hope but it's better than believing in fatalism, nihilism, pacifism, depression, suicide, etc.

Even if I'm wrong, I'm still going to try to encourage people to start their own gardens, to have solar power, to own guns, to lock their doors at night in the name of private property rights, etc.

I will continue to talk about the good and the bad for as long as I live, I believe in those things from the bottom of my heart.

You're right that things has continued to get worse and will as long as people don't do what they must to counter it. The reality is 1776 happened and it can happen again.

I'm not giving up because that is not an option. Giving up and saying things will only get worse does not motivate people to do things. Telling people they can do nothing makes them do nothing. I disagree with the idea of being a zombie.

Instead, I will die on my feet as opposed to bowing on my knees to tyranny. I will fight until they kill me. People have to murder me to stop me, period.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Ron Gibson


Some people in Michigan took the jab, caught a common cold, and then died.

03:04 AM
This man was released out of jail and is allowed to fly while Chris Sky is forbidden. Alex Jones is spinning in his grave.

Grace Life Church Bye Bye and You Are Next.

03:34 AM
Global tax means global government which means they will go after good people all around the world, it means the death to freedom everywhere.

Cyber punks stole encryption technology from governments and made it available to the world, this was happening especially in the 1990s as a precursor towards setting the stage for the development of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.

04:26 AM
Walnuts is code for the brown children they rape, torture, and murder.

They do not put out AMBER Alerts when foster children go missing.

Kung Fu 101

2021-04-08 - Thursday - 04:51 AM - 05:36 AM - Kung Fu 101

Quarter life crisis. She went from the dumps of San Francisco to another dump, China. Governments have done bad things to the world. Good people around the world. Ninjas burn down the monastry where she learned how to be a ninja. They killed her master and knocked her off a cliff. Women fighting women. ALso, women fighting men and beating men. Hey, it's another CW show with drama. Some of this show is silly. But the show is interesting. She returns after 3 years to America. She continues to try to investigate the gang who burned down the monastry. Brother is gay and told parents, father acted weird, mom pretends it didn't happen, she says it is Chinese Denial, yes in reverse. People are not really gay even when they think they're gay.

"About the only time not being white has its advantages" said the younger sister regarding how they as Chinese Americans blend in with others who are yellow as well, talk about racist and a lie built on a series of lies designed to divide and conquer the world.

Other than the racism and other similar propaganda being inserted into most CW shows and other places too in general, this Kung Fu show is a fun show to watch, the first episode just premiered on Wednesday meaning this is the first time I ever reviewed a brand new show online like this. The second show is not even out yet and I may be reviewing each episode until things get bad if they ever do. My first thought after reading the show summary was that this was a female Batman story. Bruce Wayne went to other countries and trained to become a ninja. So, in some ways, this show is kind of like Batwoman which is also strangely enough on the CW as well. By the way, the CW was once known as the WB32 channel back in the 1990s when I was a kid and/or the CW took over that channel 32 slot eventually. Not sure which.

Health Ranger

10:51 AM - Situation Update, April 7th, 2021 - ALERT: The CDC will release biowarfare PATHOGENS in Texas and Florida

Delta Airlines hates Voter ID but requires other types of ID.

Health Ranger

11:11 AM - Situation Update, April 8th, 2021 - VACCINE ZOMBIES! mRNA vaccines may cause PRIONS to eat your brain

Mars has 0.6% the atmosphere of earth's meaning helicopters can't fly there, NASA is lying.

It is causing PRIONS to eat your brain, zombies are real, you'll become one when you go get it injected into your blood.

Prager U

2021-04-08 - Thursday - 10:01 PM - 10:56 PM - Prager U - Fire Chat 181 - Armenian Girl, PREP Prager Jr For Kids

People from Columbia told Dennis Prager how people move from Venezuela to Columbia and are willing to work for less money which puts Columbians out of work. Dennis said to them, "Now you understand the problem we have in America." The Democratic Party is the party of the rich and too many poor people fall for the lies told by them for over a century since the early 1900s and in some cases even longer than that as well.

A mother is working to lead up a Prager Jr division for curriculum for children younger than ten, she is from a good school with good teachers in a small city near Los Angeles and even they have a decaying education system which introduces those magic words like inclusion, diversity, equality, problems with racism, and other woke propaganda garbage, words which sound nice but were co-op and changed.

When your kids come home from a progressively indoctrinated public school, vaccinate the lies out of them.
Vaccinate your kids, they're sick not of Covid but of the lies they're told at school which is more deadly than Covid has ever been.

Must have friends of kindred spirit even if married.

Start Kindred Spirit . com

Donate to Prager to join the parents PREP online group.

People are serving a life-sentence in fear.
Self-imposed prison
Other places
No place is perfect
Life is dangerous
She is Armenian, met and married another Armenian at a bar.

The great mistake from the greatest generation post World War Two was they didn't instill values to their children to pass it on and took them for granted. Don't take things for granted and pass things on or else bad things happen.


2021-04-08 - Thursday - 11:00 PM - 11:33 PM - Chosen 100 - YouTube

Old Testament whispered of the coming Messiah.
Whisper a good word which can mean when something is not emphasized.
He thinks Jesus may come and then he runs into Mary and Joseph and gives Mary water. Angels appear to him and his buddies in the field and they run off to see baby Jesus and they recognized him and let him hold Jesus. They run off telling people the Savior has been born and they all had the same look people had when Noah ran around telling people about the world flood. Pharisees were mean to the shepherd.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

The Chosen

2021-04-08 - Thursday - 11:00 PM - 11:33 PM - Chosen 100 Pilot - YouTube

Dear diary, got up at 02:30 AM apx. Sleep again from 05:40 AM to 10:20 AM, partly sunny day, instructions on the walk towards the back side of the bookshed while drinking coffee. Mom said to Larry, "Doesn't have to be perfect because perfect is stupid." Larry replied, "Then you must be stupid." That got me to laugh a little.

11:47 AM
Mom showed me an article on her phone to answer questions I had a week or so ago regarding ancient writings from central America, the Aztecs specifically and the history of how they came and their capitol was where Mexico City is now, the same spot. You find this true in some if not many capital cities in different countries around the world like that of Israel and even that of what was once South Vietnam. Aztecs had fancy picture-like writings and yet perhaps it was not just art but more sophisticated than what some scholars and others once thought.

Worked from 11:30 AM to 04:40 PM, sand onto the walkway thing and also on the bricks near the bookshed. Some raking, shoveling, most of the afternoon plus organizing the green house and added a shelf over the lawnmower in the garden shed. 5:30 PM clam on over. Imagine a story of an orphan dog not being the right color being saved and adopted. Not a mouse in church but a dog. Funny story I like it. Into my other room 10 PM.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee at 10:30 AM, strawberries, 11:20 AM.
Lunch: No lunch, too busy working.
Dinner: soup stuff with chips, 4:40 PM. Fries, fish sticks, 7 PM.

Where Are We Bus

2021-04-08 - Thursday - 10:20 AM - Dream Log

I was on bus number 57 or 58 heading back to home in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA. My brother was with me. I think my mom was there. I'm not sure about dad. My 2 sisters were a few seats over. We were seated immediately behind the driver. We might have been passing by Portland but I don't remember Portland. But maybe Beaverton and Hillsboro if not. I think I sort of remember Hillsboro or other places and I must have fallen asleep a few times and got up a few times and I was trying to make sure we didn't miss our stop to go home. Eventually, my 2 sisters were gone and I felt like we were in Cornelius but going the wrong direction away from home as if we missed our stop. So, I was trying to ask family where we were or anybody who would respond. I asked a few times and got no response. I then started saying it more often and louder, "Where are we?" The blond 30-year-old or maybe older female bus driver responded with something like, "Joey come back to me." Well, I think she was trying to get my attention. Not that I was leaving off the bus I don't think. So, she was probably trying to reason with me to get me to stop crying and stuff. So, she said something like that to me. I didn't respond and suddenly my older brother got up and ran over to the bus driver to say some silly things that only Oatmeal Joey Arnold (that's me) would say. I can't remember what he said but it sounded like poetry and random idioms and things all stuck together and talking in code. He might have said two lines or something. She kind of laughed and said, "Are you the brother?" As far as I know, she didn't really know us except that she knew my name I guess. And then I think later on I was with a church group on that same bus and they were praying via a DVD recording which plays like a recorded prayer song. I put my head on my lap to sleep during that. It might have been The Salvation Army who were around me, maybe more than a dozen people.

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STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.25
JST 0.034
BTC 94135.82
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USDT 1.00
SBD 0.68