If you're celebrating the murder of Brian Thompson, kindly eff off.
You're both an idiot and evil.
What, you think that the bureaucrats in charge of government-run healthcare don't make decisions regarding rationing resources? Do you actually think that we only have scarcity because of capitalism? Some of you do. Everybody who believes that is retarded.
Yeah, our healthcare system has problems. It's a lie that we're particularly bad at handling healthcare.
Yes, I hate the corporatism involved in our healthcare system; but, that's a two way street.
The ACA baked collusion between government and corporations into the functional cake by forcing Americans to buy insurance under penalty of being fined by the government.
The Obama administration is just as culpable for any of the problems that we have in healthcare as Thompson was. I'm not calling for anybody to be murdered, because I'm not an evil fucking person.
Also, let's be real, none of you knew a fucking thing about this guy before his murder. All you knew was that he was a CEO of a large company, and he was white, and you immediately got a fucking boner. Then, you surfed the internet for a couple of minutes to grab a couple of data points to justify the morbid, disgusting joy that you felt regarding the death of a human being and the pain that brings to his family.
Go fuck yourselves.