Never be a quiter push on for better results
Have yo ever thought of giving up on something and you do not want to even think about it after the attempt of giving up?
Its very possible i have given up on several occasions and donot want to turn back and some people laughed at me and called me a quiter but i ignored their words and moved on. Being called a quiter is very easy but the question in mind is how do u raise up to gain your stragenth? Will you just give it all up or will you find ways to raise up?
After being called a quiter, i sat and meditated about what had all gone wrong Four years back as i sat down with my bad results i had scored and with no hope to go to the University, i was so angery with my self and i told myself that was the end of school. It had given me so much headache and i had tried all my best to archieve a dream everyone archieves but here i was with bad results and having no hope to the level where everyone was proud of and everyone's dream to the road of success.
It all drove me crazy as everyone called me a quiter because i never wanted to listen to their suggestions yet out there some people never get second chances but here i was and life was giving me a second chance with mum willing to pay for me and i get better grades to take me to the university.
Thinking twice before you act is what one is always advised to do and the way to go inorder to avoid problems and bad decisons, here i was burried in deep thoughts of what i was about to decied and what life had offered me to have so i sat down to think about it all.
"But you know what? Sometimes giving up is exactly what we should do. We’re taught to persevere, no matter what, but sometimes that perseverance — that unwillingness or inability to let go — keeps us from moving forward, from finding happiness, from adapting to the curve balls that life throws our way. We will all face many different life situations that demand that we choose to keep trying or give up: professional goals, artistic dreams, romantic relationships, relationships with family and friends, the desire to have children — the list goes on and on. Sometimes, continuing to strive will be the right decision. But other times it won’t be. Giving up doesn’t always make you a bad person, or failure, or a deserter, or whatever bad thing you’ve been telling yourself. Sometimes giving up means that you are someone who is mature enough to know when to cut her losses and move on, someone who has the bravery to protect her mental health, someone who is willing to take the risk of changing course.
Only you can ask yourself the tough questions about your current life path, but, for starters, here are 8 times it is absolutely OK to be a quitter?"
As you think of giving up weigh yourself and think is what am throwing away worth throwing away or i have to push on and not give up? Life is never a smooth journey its is a journey that has its ups and downs but how you move through those ups and downs is what makes your life interesting and valuable and worth listening to when your story is being told to people out there so the choice is yours to make.
It is ok for people to call you a quiter as long as you made the decison willingly yourself since you took the whole cross to yourself only you knows best why you did it.
After a long meditation i decieded to go back to school and prepared for my exams since i had the opporrunity of someone willing to pay my tutuion i went and did my best , i might have not passed to the extrem but it was better than my previous results and i could now smile as i was going to the university to join the level everyone went to to make their dreams come true.
Yes people go to the university to study their dream courses but the question was how many start the jouney and finish it off successfully?
We started as a class of 300 students and as time went on students quit some quit because of tution, others because of peer influence, others quit because they feel they chose the wrong profession, others may not handle the pressure the course has and give up some may even give up because of too many failed papers.
How one raises up is the most important thing
Someone out there is willling and ready to help you raise up when you have given up but the question is are you ready to let them in to walk with you and you do not be a quiter? No matter the situation always look at the brighter side of life where everything will be okay after all you go through because your testimony will inspire someone out there.