Slavery was mainly in Africa especiallt in east africa.Slave trade was introduced by the arabs during the 15th century. It was first introduced i n East Africa where they could utilize them in farms and also as means of transportation in uganda we came up with asong "Slave slave slave , in America, working day,day and night, planting sugar, sugar and tea, when i was in america."
they coulf tie them with metal chains to avoid escapusm.
this was donemainly on Africans and it was before independence. When african countries were under colonialism.
there was no descrimination whether you had ababy or not so long as you were aslave. But still its the whites them selves whostopped slavery
due to civilization. And now africans are every where because of slavery. If you don't believe then you can trll us where the black Americans came from. Its all about steemit.
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