A dark day in broadcasting history.....
A radio legend has pasted away this past friday...
Art Bell is my all time favorite talk show host. He has entertained the globe for decades with guest talking about the weird and bizarre. Most of his guest were top notch. And who can't forget the story of Mel's hole and the sporadic appearence of JC.
We will all miss you, and hope you get the interview of your life in the great beyond.
I do hope Heather Wade is able to keep the show running and that she doesn't go into area 51. That will be a big no no...
I'll be in the Pahrump area in a few days to fly my drone, and will have to take a knee before my flight with a heavy heart :(..
If you never heard of him, go on youtube and listen to his past shows. Remember, he didn't believe about 90% of his guests... Did it for entertainment purposes.
Thanks for your read and go out and have fun... Cheers
Loved his Terrence McKenna interviews!
Yeah, he had him on quite a few times... Heather has a few good guest on now. She is good, but not an Art :)
I've never heard of him, but I'll have to check hin out tonight after work.
He had a show from 12am to 5 am 6 nights a week for twenty years... I started to listen to him in 97 he had a guy talking about tribal shamans and their hallucinations... I was hooked at that point hehe
Sorry to hear that! I think I will be spending some time on YT tomorrow. Get some great footage in Pahrump and have some fun! ❤
You might enjoy it. Losts of crazy topics.... Headung to vegas in two days. Xoxo
Lol..crazy topics..I'm in!! Cool, you gonna take your Yukon along with the drone?
Absolutely, in the Kindom of Nye. Gonna pull over and night vision in the direction of groom lake :O I hope I don't get abducted hehe👽👽👽
Definitely, don't get abducted! I'll have to look up groom lake. Sounds like an exciting trip ahead of you and hope you and family have awesome weather!! I'm listening to some Art Bell now about abductions! ;) xoxo
Thats funny, i loved his interveiw years back with jim sparks.. A truely crazy story. Groom lake is area 51 =) i am excited to Make this adventure. The departing weather looks scetchy here..... High winds....
Seriously?! Now that is exciting! Stay safe and I hope those winds calm down! Keeping my fingers crossed for ya'!!
If I can get a cell signal I might live you tube it.
I'll probably catch after live. It never seems to work for me but I'll still watch afterwards. If you catch something and see any MIB..run like heck and don't let them take your footage..hee hee..but really! 😊
Or, i can get footage of what it looks like inside... Hehehe