WWBHSA911? — What Would Bill Hicks Say About 9/11?: Part Two — by Hugh Mungus
"Turn off your television sets. […] Turn them off and leave them off! Turn them off right in the middle of this sentence I'm speaking to you now! Turn them off!"
― Howard Beale *
- Network:
Your vibrator broke moments before orgasm. Your chainsaw cut out in the middle of a tri-state killing spree. The burners at your meth lab stopped working hours before a shipment deadline. Your gun jammed during a drive-by shooting.
These types of events happen to us all, and we never question why products don’t simply work for centuries. Again, the monetary system is to blame. Think about it. If you bought a television set that lasted 100 years, you’d never need to purchase another. As a result, TV manufacturers wouldn’t be the gluttonous, controlling conglomerates they are today.
It’s called planned obsolescence, and it means companies produce goods designed to break down on you, the consumer. ** *** If that isn’t the epitome of conniving, what is? Yet, you support these calculating corporations by purchasing their products.
** Planned Obsolescence:
*** Ending the Depression Through Planned Obsolescence:
Is it possible to produce a refrigerator that would chill food for 75 years without having to be replaced? Well, some affluent assholes built a thriving ski resort ― including mountains and snow ― in one of the hottest deserts on the planet. Seems the three quarter century fridge would be child’s play.
Provided the contemporary degree of human technology, it’s been proven products we purchase every day could last several times as long as they currently do.
Companies ― big and small ― will bombard you with slogans the likes of, “We care about you,” “The customer is our bottom line,” and “If you’re not satisfied, neither are we.” In reality, these businesses don’t give a damn about you, and the proof ― via pricing ― is right there in front of your eyes. Items that cost $5.99, $10.99, $29.99 are evidence whomever’s hawking them is swindling the consumer before he’s even purchased anything. That alone should make one skeptical regarding the quality of the products being bought.
Affixing 99 cents to the end of a price is obviously a mendacious method to trick customers into thinking they’re paying less for something. A product costing $8.00 initially looks more expensive than one selling for $7.99. Yet, there’s a one cent difference in price, and the consumer falsely views the latter as being $7.00, as opposed to $8.00.
The above is a marketing scam employed by companies ubiquitously. It’s proof corporations informing you, “Your safety is our main concern,” could care less whether you were about to drive off a cliff, so long as you continued buying their product.
Even so, consumers allow themselves to be abused in this manner all the time, foolishly believing companies are worried about their welfare.
“The economy is horrible!”
How many times have you heard the above?
In this paradigm, the aforementioned assertion is delusional.
“How can this be, when people are struggling to make ends meet?”
Wish I could say I’m sorry to break it to ya’, but there never has been — throughout recorded history ― an economy.
We’re all brainwashed to think we reside thanks to this currently non-existent idea. Few of us have researched what that means. Take two minutes to look up the word economy, which is defined as: "frugality" or “to be frugal.” ****
**** Economy:
There’s nothing frugal about a system based in debt. You give me a stereo, and I give you a bunch of intrinsically useless textile; i.e. cash. You can listen to said stereo, play CDs on it, inform yourself via radio stations, but I’ve got a pile of worthless cloth I can stare at, should the monetary system no longer exist tomorrow. Can’t listen to it, as it doesn’t emit broadcasts. Can’t play music on it, nor use it as a source of education.
In short, I’m in debt ― which is what money is. Since the system we’re toiling in is founded on money, all of us are continuously in arrears. Because the word economy is defined as frugality ― thus the opposite of debt ― there is no economy.
Yes, that means studying to be an economist is pursuit of a career that doesn’t exist.
“Well, the economy will bounce back.”
How can something that fails to be, bounce back?
“With the poor state of the economy, I can’t afford to refinance right now.”
If something isn’t real, how can it be in any state at all?
“The economy was better when Clinton was in office.”
What the fuck―?!
What's economical about creating a wealth of products ― as with planned obsolescence ― designed to break down?
Pound this truth into your skulls: As long as you provide valueless pieces of cloth in exchange for items which have palpable uses, you’re dealing in debt. In debt, there is nothing economic. Thus, there is no ― and as long as you can remember ― never has been, an economy. Again, something the powers you’re allowing to be don’t want you to know.
According to “economist” Milton Friedman:
"The pieces of green paper [money] have value because everybody thinks they have value."
If that’s not delusional, what the fuck is?!?
The heat was unbearable.
The inferno was unlike anything the men had encountered before. After all, these weren’t professional firefighters, but instead individuals developing plutonium to fuel Britain’s first atomic bomb.
What was burning wasn’t wood or even coal. It was the nuclear core used to produce the above unstable element. This radioactive behemoth towered over the men, who were clad in clothes as protective as cardigan sweaters, and poking the leviathan with alloy poles, like cavemen prodding fire with sticks.
This menacing device came filled with uranium rods, now in various stages of ignition. Unlike wood — which has a half-life in minutes, when burning — uranium is one of the most lethal materials known to humans, sometimes hanging around hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years. Uranium-235 spends its existence damaging anything it contacts ― including people ― and altering atomic structure.
The year was 1957. England’s governing body was desperate. The island country had watched the U.S. monopolize potential for human extermination since 1945 ― with atomic detonations above Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Great Britain’s sovereignty was itching to own a weapon of their own. If the asshole down the way can fry 13 lizards under a magnifying glass, you wanna be able to fry 14, right?
The equivalent of that street bully, the United States, refused to share its toys ― trinkets that had thus far killed hundreds of thousands of people. When you can beat everybody up, why play nice? Hence, the U.S. government denied other nations access to secrets used in production of their weapons of mass annihilation. Austere mandates were imposed to ensure details of the Manhattan Project ― from whence the first atomic explosion came ― remained a mystery.
Britain was stubborn, though, and wouldn’t be denied, even at the expense of countless human lives. Lives, no less, of their own citizens. Government: It’s as compassionate as a cannibalistic, psychopathic serial killer.
Begun in 1947, Windscale was a facility designed for production of plutonium-239 ― an essential component in atomic weapons. Unlike contemporary nuclear reactors, which tend to be cooled with water, Windscale was cooled by air. Radioactive cores at the plant were known as the Windscale Piles ― of which there were two ― standing 24 feet high and measuring 50 feet in diameter. Inside these structures resided numerous 12 inch long uranium rods.
In Britain’s race to become a member of the Atomic Club, safety precautions at Windscale ― that would’ve slowed production ― were overlooked. Twin 400 foot tall chimneys were employed to vent the air that cooled the reactors ― fraught with radionuclides ― over an unawares population. It wasn’t until the final stages of production that a filtering system of questionable ability was included as a safety measure. This last minute addition was known as Cockcroft’s Folly ― named for the physicist who insisted on its implementation.
Windscale was designed in the early stages of the Atomic Era, when scientists were finding their way via trial and error. The problem with this approach is, not only could scientists be affected by their mistakes, so too could billions of people worldwide.
“Experts” were unaware that graphite exposed to the bombardment of neutrons often stockpiles that accumulated energy, releasing it in a sudden emission of heat. As a result, scientists blindly built carbon — a.k.a. graphite — stacks around the reactor core for protection.
Over time, this recipe for disaster became apparent, and a process known as annealing ― superheating the bricks to gradually discharge their reserve energy ― was developed. This procedure was always carried out when the reactor was loaded with its maximum uranium storage, thereby at its most dangerous.
Since Windscale was never created with this contingency in mind, instruments used to calculate heat accumulation were often ineffective. Workers at the plant were constantly recording inaccurate readings.
Even though annealing worked for a time, on October 7, 1957, this process proved disastrous. After inserting control rods to cool the reactor, employees noticed no temperature decrease, due to faulty equipment. As a result, workers started the procedure again, releasing the rods. Immediately, heat increased. Graphite bricks ― which only ignite at extreme temperatures ― began to slowly burn.
It took a mere four days for plant operators to decide things had reached a crucial point, and mitigatory action need be taken. Two facility workers donned protective gear and headed toward the reactor’s charge face, where uranium rods were stored. Opening the wall, these men were astounded to discover “four channels of fuel glowing bright cherry red.” In layman’s terms, this indicated the reactor had been burning at least 48 hours.
These guys were on as much of a roll as a square bowling ball.
Let’s emphasize the difference between a coal facility ablaze and a plutonium plant burning. Smoldering coal can be lethal, and thus should never be ingested. The same can be said for burning uranium. The disparity being that uranium-235 is invisible and lingers for hundreds of millions of years, entering organisms, causing deformities and creating cancer.
Unlike dust, radioactive fallout isn’t swept away. The horror released by Chernobyl in 1986 will remain on Earth far longer than you, your children, their progeny and a number of generations subsequent. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Since Windscale was unprepared to handle a burning core, workers were willing to try anything to palliate this catastrophe. The plant being air cooled, employees deduced starting the fans may remedy the situation. Anybody knows you blow on flames to stoke them. Oxygen fuels fire. When faced with an emergency, those at the helm failed to think rationally. As a result, fans were engaged, and the fire raged even more out of control.
Next, employees approached the charge face, using ad hoc poles ― normally part of scaffolding ― to push irradiated rods out the back of the reactor core. When removed, these alloy staffs were often drenched in liquefied uranium. Workers found themselves stabbing a raging reaction, begging it to cease its onslaught.
Conventional fires rage, but eventually burn out, due to lack of oxygen, dissipation of fuel or perhaps contact with a water source. Every moment a nuclear fire burns, deadly particles are released into the air that travel vast distances. Should these radionuclides come in contact with someone 100, 1,000, or even 10,000 miles away, they can result in suffering and death. To a degree, workers at Windscale knew this. As a result, abandoning the facility meant genocide for countless individuals worldwide.
Another improvised solution was employed, when liquid carbon dioxide was shipped from Calder Hall ― a nearby gas-cooled nuclear facility. Hopeful this substance would douse the flames, 25 metric tons of it were pumped into the charge face. Rather than diminishing the blaze, when the heat contacted the dual elements, it separated the oxygen, and fed off it, increasing the fire’s intensity.
By October 11th, scientists were at wit’s end. Roughly 11 tons of uranium were on fire, and temperatures inside the reactor had reached 1,300 degrees Celsius, increasing 20 degrees every minute.
With the containment surrounding the reactor near collapse, scientists decided to vanquish the blaze with water. This may have seemed the obvious resolution all along, but one need understand molten metal oxidizes when combined with H2O. As a result, capacious quantities of hydrogen would develop, possibly leading to an explosion of epic proportion.
Fortunately, this procedure, along with shutting down the fans, worked, saving humanity from a monumental cataclysm.
It’s been concluded Cockcroft’s Folly ― at the top of both Windscale smokestacks ― actually prevented discharge of much more deadly contaminant than the 20,000 curies released.
Like Janet Jackson’s face, I find it difficult to believe this historical happening is real. Unfortunately, what occurred at Windscale, and the stupidity displayed therein, is fact.
Arnold, Lorna. Windscale 1957: Anatomy of a Nuclear Accident. (2007). MacMillan Press Ltd. ISBN: 9780230573178
Online Movies:
Windscale: Britain's Biggest Nuclear Disaster:
"It seems that all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin — flying saucers, or UFO's [sic] (unidentified flying objects), if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."
— Maurice Chatelain, NASA scientist and Chief of Communications for the Apollo lunar flights
You just shit yourself.
What else could you do? Whatever the "machine" is in front of you, it's over half a mile wide. Moreover, it's hovering nearly 10 miles above Earth.
You'd heard hushed rumors around the mess hall about others pissing themselves like terrified children, but you'd always laughed the stories off, certain they couldn't be true. How do grown men — who'd raced across the periphery of the planet's atmosphere at speeds that would cause heart failure in normal people — piss themselves? Up until now, it hadn't seemed possible. Then again, up until now, you hadn't believed UFOs of otherworldly origin were real.
"Fatigued," you'd surmised. "Hallucinations even, or battle flashbacks."
Some of the others had been known to tip the bottle a bit too far, in order to forget the horrors they'd witnessed — or caused — "in country." You can only fire so many times on a populated town, or launch so many missiles into a village of civilians, before nightmares become daymares, and you realize you've got a reserved parking space in Hell.
For a time, that's what you'd concluded was causing so many of the others to see things; things the government, as well as the public, ridiculed; things that just couldn't be.
What kind of craft could tear above the planet at 20,000 miles an hour, perform a right angle turn, and become invisible?! Again, it hadn't seemed possible; not until now. Not until you'd found yourself miles above Earth, in the cold, uncertain blackness of the night, squared-off with a vehicle of unknown derivation, that was twice the length of the Empire State Building. Not until you'd found yourself shivering in your own excrement.
"Colonel, do you copy that order?" the discordant voice from GCI bellows within your headset.
Your trance shattered, you gaze at the confining cockpit of your jet fighter.
"Colonel, do you copy?"
The "thing" a few miles outside your aircraft, and keeping pace with you, begins to pulse. Simultaneously, the illumination of your control panel wanes. Your plane's engine — akin to an old car in the winter cold — cuts out a few times before firing up again.
"Jesus fucking Christ," your mind races, as your reserve adrenaline kicks in. "This thing's gonna shut me down," you realize. The consequences of such a scenario become painfully clear. At the speed you're traveling, and as high up as you are, ejecting would be suicide. But what are your alternatives? Plummeting back to the planet, inside your plane, as it disintegrates in free fall?!
"Colonel Meyers, do you copy that order to open fire?"
That's it! Your one remaining option. Staring at the floating city before you, you grip the stick, and do your best to arm your missiles. You realize bullet fire would be useless, but perhaps an air-to-air--
What the fuck are you thinking?!? The behemoth in front of you is at least twice the size of Yankee Stadium! What could your insignificant firepower possibly do—?
Before you can finish your harried conjecture, three blinding orbs jettison the colossal craft and circle your plane — flying rings around you, as you race forth faster than the speed of sound. The bulbs spin in a tighter concentric loop, with each circumnavigation of your jet.
In a Hail Mary, you realize your missiles are "hot," and press the launch buttons on your stick.
At once, the cabin goes black, as your avionics shut down, and your missiles become useless.
"Fuck!" your inner voice screams, while you crane your neck to determine whether or not your engines are still ignited. With no sense of weightlessness, you deduce you're not in free fall. Thus, either you're still flying, or the UFO in front of you has you in some sort of tractor beam, and is holding you stationary. Either way, you're not waiting around to find out, as the spinning orbs outside your jet are now a few feet from your window, and closing fast. What occurs when they connect with your fuselage isn't something you care to find out.
"Colonel, again, fire at will!"
"Mission aborted, fucker!" you shriek internally, as you grab the stick, close your eyes, and pull with every muscle to the right.
In the hysteria, it feels as though nothing has happened, until you open your eyes and no longer see the monstrous object before you. You gaze about, and realize the orbs have also vanished. Twisting in your tight quarters, you peer around to determine not only where the uncanny enigmas have gone, but where you are in the scheme of the night sky.
There's no sign of the anomalies you'd seen at close range mere moments before. Above you, speeding into space, a pinpoint of light clears the atmosphere and vanishes.
Suddenly, your cockpit is once again aglow. It's as if nothing out of the ordinary even happened, except of course for the foul stench emanating from your seat. That — combined with the streak of gray hair that would become obvious when you grew your locks out — was the only physical proof you'd had a run in with a UFO. After landing, you'd learn GCI radar returns from your encounter had strangely disappeared.
With quaking palms, you twist the stick in the opposite direction of whatever you just experienced, in hopes of returning to Earth and planting your feet firmly on the ground.
It would be the last time you'd don a pilot suit and take to the sky, as you'd request a transfer as soon as you landed. A veteran airman, with prodigious hours of flight time, your request would quickly be granted. From that point forth, you'd never so much as board a commercial flight, and all subsequent family vacations would be taken in a motorhome.
Your wife and daughters would be unaware of your harrowing dual with mortality — and an otherworldly species — until a deathbed confession you'd make 42 years later. As for your fellow flyboys, they'd never know what happened to you that fateful night. Fear of ridicule, and being threatened with a loss of pension, would keep you, and countless others in your position, silent.
Although the above may be unique in detail, fighter jets are scrambled on a regular basis to intercept UFOs. In fact, it's such a common occurrence, by 1953, Major Donald E. Keyhoe — a retired U.S. Marine who had access to classified government documents — declared hundreds of planes had been sent aloft to engage anomalous craft. If such was so 60 years ago, by now how many times have military jets been sicced on aerial conundrums? Thousands? Tens of thousands?
"In the last two years hundreds of fighters had been scrambled to intercept UFO's [sic]. Blips from these mysterious machines had shown up on many radar screens, here and at foreign bases. […]
Usually the saucers' high-speed maneuvers were easily recognized by trained radar operators." *
- Keyhoe, Donald E. (1953). Flying Saucers from Outer Space. Henry Holt and Company, Inc. ISBN: 1122709498
And what about the Maurice Chatelain quote with which this chapter opened? Was this NASA scientist the sole individual of such revered credibility prepared to blow the whistle on the government?
Not even close. Fellow National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) smart guy Paul R. Hill, wrote:
"Analysis of the structural properties of UFOs shows that they are some form of craft having weight, mass, solidity, high density, and a hard or tough structural shell. All are normal physical properties of craft or machine […]
Educated people who accept the data of the UFO pattern at face value usually concede the probability that UFOs are produced by civilizations having at their disposal technologies far in advance of those available to man. The advanced technologies relate mainly to vehicle propulsive fields. Being knowledgeable of U.S. Government secrets on propulsion, I have known from the start that UFOs could not possibly be of Earth technology manufacture."
"Holy fuck! Top NASA scientists are saying this stuff?! But on The False History Channel, we're told only people with an IQ lower than their age believe in UFOs from space."
In the words of Sherlock Holmes:
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment."
And what of J. Allen Hynek — renowned astronomer for Northwestern University? Hynek was also chief scientific adviser for Project Blue Book — the U.S. government's most well-known "analysis" of the UFO phenomenon. This preeminent academician began his term with Blue Book a staunch non-believer in unidentified aerial anomalies of unearthly nature. Due to overwhelming evidence validating a number of UFOs are most likely otherworldly, the scientist became an ardent advocate of furthered objective research.
Whilst with Blue Book, Hynek kept a low profile — fearing if he contradicted lies the government was propagating to the public, he'd be fired. With family to support, and wishing to remain as close as possible to insider information, J. Allen stayed silent, and amassed as much material as he could from his position within the bureaucracy.
After the termination of Blue Book — between 1969 and 1970 — Hynek candidly wrote about what a farce the project was. The astronomer confessed the program was desperately understaffed. Additionally, Blue Book was deliberately run by middle management within the military. Captains or majors were placed in charge of the project, so that, should they question authority, they wouldn't be in a position to demand answers. No major will be able to coerce a general into providing Top Secret information.
In addition, Hynek asserted Blue Book was intentionally underfunded, working out of an office just this side of a broom closet.
Moreover, J. Allen affirmed the government was continually providing the populace with false conclusions regarding UFO encounters. Natural phenomena that — given the circumstances — could never have attributed to an overwhelming number of incidents, was typically provided as explanation for anomalies.
Understaffed and lied to by the government, Hynek had the following to impart regarding Blue Book:
"I am not permitted to peruse the files themselves. I have access to the files only when I request a specific case. But how can I request a specific case, to examine its possible scientific merits, if I don't know of its existence? I am certain, from past attitudes of Blue Book, that I would never have been shown these cases; fortunately I came upon them (and many others) only by accident. And, I might say at this point, that when I do request a case, and wish to have a copy of portions of an unclassified case, I am not permitted to make a copy on the xerox machine just a few steps away — even when I offered my own xerox material! I must request same through "Reproduction" and thus endure a wait of possibly several weeks before I get a few sheets I could have had in a few minutes. My usefulness as a consultant is thus grossly impaired."
Of Blue Book's duplicitous methods, J. Allen had this to attest:
"In the evaluation of cases it has been the custom to employ the terms 'possible' or 'probable' as modifiers to a given evaluation; thus 'possible aircraft' or 'probable meteor' are often used. However, in the year-end compilation of cases these modifiers are quietly and conveniently dropped. Thus 'possible aircraft' becomes simply 'aircraft' and the public will be lead to believe that there was no possible question involved but that some poor citizen or citizens had 'one too many,' or simply had been overexcited or suggestible."
In addition, Hynek affirmed the most definitive cases — rather than being sent to Blue Book — were forwarded to some other secret destination to be investigated.
Of the 12,618 UFO reports amassed by Blue Book, 701 still remain unexplained. This may appear an insignificant number, but consider that figure equates to over 5 percent of the total cases the government has no answers for. This isn't horseshoes nor hand grenades here. If only one of the cases — not solely one percent — derives from unearthly intelligence, that changes everything for our species on this planet.
In that brief instant, we're dropped countless rungs down the evolutionary ladder; made aware of the fact we're not the only game in town, and nowhere near the top of the cosmic food chain. One moment we fallaciously believe we're the alpha males, the next we're relegated to helpless, newborn pups. How's that for our first humbling breath of reality?
Even though Blue Book was a flagrant joke, clearly created to lead an uninformed public astray, the Condon Committee — and resulting Condon Report — was an even bigger load of shit. ** This next government "investigation" was responsible for the termination of Project Blue Book, and general consensus among mainstream scientists that continued study of UFOs is idiocy.
** Condon, Edward U. (1988). Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects. Bantam Books. ISBN: 0525198083
Of the Condon Report — government-sponsored, and headquartered at the University of Colorado — between 25 and 30 percent of UFO cases examined, to this day, remain unexplained. Edward U. Condon — for whom the program was named — was hired by the government to put an end to Blue Book, as well as public interest in UFOs. As Condon — a nuclear physicist — had to say, prior to releasing the Condon Report:
"It is my inclination right now to recommend that the government get out of this [UFO] business. My attitude right now is that there's nothing to it…but I'm not supposed to reach a conclusion for another year."
With such an obviously objective outlook, how could we — as a populace — not expect anything but the truth?
What's more, an internal memo from Robert L. Low — the main architect of the Condon Committee, and Condon's right hand man — when unintentionally leaked, stated:
"The trick would be, I think, to describe the project so that, to the public, it would appear a totally objective study but, to the scientific community, would present the image of a group of non-believers trying their best to be objective but having an almost zero expectation of finding a saucer.
One way to do this would be to stress investigation not of the physical phenomenon, but rather of the people who do the observing — psychology and sociology of persons and groups who report seeing UFOs.
If the emphasis were put here, rather than on the examination of the old question of the physical reality of the saucer, I think the scientific community would quickly get the message."
In short, lie to the populace that the Condon Committee was in search of the truth. When confronted with potential proof of unearthly craft, don't investigate it. Instead, do everything you can to discredit witness character.
When the Condon Report was completed, it ran 1,485 pages in hardcover and 965 in paperback. Due to its intimidating mass, most scientists chose to only read its Conclusions and Recommendations section — written by Ed Condon — which states:
"nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has added to scientific knowledge. […] [F]urther extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby."
Those who didn't peruse beyond would have no clue one quarter to one third of the cases within were categorized "unexplained."
With projects as adverse to the truth as Blue Book and the Condon Committee, there's no question about government's desperation to hide the reality of UFOs from the public.
As J. Allen Hynek stated:
"There exists a phenomenon, described by the contents of UFO reports [...], that is worthy of systematic, rigorous study. […]
Even allowing for the unfortunate and disorganized manner in which the data have become available for study, the body of data points to an aspect of the natural world not yet explored by science. […]
Investigations that have sought to disprove the above have failed to make a case. Blue Book and the Condon Report are the principal examples of such efforts."
Maurice Chatelain — recall him? — was even more outspoken when he wrote:
"James McDivitt was apparently the first to photograph an unidentified flying object, on 4 June, 1965, when he was over Hawaii aboard Gemini 4. Frank Borman and James Lovell took magnificent photographs of two UFOs following Gemini 7 on 4 December, 1965, at a distance of a few hundred yards. The UFOs looked like gigantic mushrooms with their propulsion systems clearly showing a glow on the underside.
The following year, on 12 November, 1966, James Lovell and Edwin Aldrin in Gemini 12 also saw two UFOs at slightly over half a mile from the capsule. These were observed for quite some time and photographed repeatedly. The same happened to Frank Borman and James Lovell in Apollo 8 on Christmas Eve 1968, and to Thomas Stafford and John Young aboard Apollo 10 on 22 May, 1969. The UFOs showed up both during the orbit around the Moon and on the homeward flight of Apollo 10.
Finally, when Apollo 11 made the first Moon landing on the Sea of Tranquility and, only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two UFOs hovered overhead. Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them."
A chronicle of scientists seeking objective investigation regarding UFOs would be incomplete without including James E. McDonald. Dr. McDonald was an eminent atmospheric physicist in the 1960s, and an esteemed professor at the University of Arizona. As stated by writer Ann Druffel — author of Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science — McDonald:
"was the first prominent American scientist to recognize clearly the possibility that UFOs were from extraterrestrial sources. With unwavering persistence he urged the scientific and governmental establishments to study the evidence with adequate funding and complete objectivity. His courage, honesty and stamina through years of governmental resistance are legendary. […]
He recognized that the UFO issue is perhaps one of the most important questions that has ever faced the human race, and that to ignore it could easily be a mistake of incalculable enormity. McDonald dedicated his life to gathering the best available data relevant to the question."
McDonald — a true scientist in his resolute objectivity — actually read the Condon Report, extracting the considerable number of unexplained cases within. Armed with this information, he engaged in a lecture tour to discredit this disingenuous summary as nothing more than the government's attempt to keep the public from interest in the truth. ***
*** James E. McDonald: Science in Default:
When it came to the topic of UFOs, McDonald hadn't been a believer in a bureaucratic cover-up, so much as a foul-up. He felt certain individuals we're either inept, or the system didn't understand the magnitude of the subject. In the late '60s and early '70s — near the end of his life — there is proof McDonald's opinion may have changed. The scientist began to see the depth of the dilemma the government was faced with, and how far it would go to insure the truth was hidden.
Although McDonald may have believed the government was withholding UFO validity for benefit of the public, he had no qualms pursuing science — his true passion. Hence, he stated in the late 1960s:
"As a result of the extremely heavy wave of sightings in 1952, the CIA and Air Force became so concerned over the sheer number of reports that were tying up American intelligence channels that they wanted to get this signal out of the system, the CIA asked the Air Force for a debunking policy — the literal wording was to debunk the flying saucers; to decrease public interest in the UFOs. Regulations were promulgated very shortly that made it a crime — punishable with, I think, it's $10,000 fine, and or 10 years in prison — to release any information at air base level on UFOs. And as result of that, nothing resembling any scientific investigation has been going on in the past 15 years."
During a 1968 UFO seminar, McDonald declared:
"I have become convinced that the scientific community, not only in this country but throughout the world, has been casually ignoring as nonsense a matter of extraordinary scientific importance….
My own present opinion, based on two years of careful study, is that UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in something that might very tentatively be termed surveillance….
I have interviewed several hundred witnesses in selected cases, and I am astonished at what I have found. I had no idea that the actual UFO situation is anything like what it appears to be.
I now regard the [extraterrestrial] hypothesis as the one most likely to prove correct."
As Dr. McDonald attested during his noted 1969 Science in Default presentation:
"We have a problem here that has been ignored. Science is in default for leaving it in this state for 20 years. Air Force Blue Book investigations, and all of the consultant panels and groups they've brought to bear on it, have not closed with the problem in an adequate way.
The phenomena do defy ready explanation. The extraterrestrial hypothesis is the hypothesis which I regard as […] most probable. […]
You are stuck with a problem that fits no conventional, terrestrial explanation, and this fascinating possibility that there might in fact be something roughly describable as extraterrestrial surveillance involved in the UFO problem, is the possibility — the hypothesis — that I regard most probable."
Dr. Robert M. Wood — an aeronautical engineer and physicist for McDonnell Douglas — was a colleague of McDonald's. Wood's own research of UFOs and classified government records lead him to relate:
"I'd concluded that the UFOs were real. One day when I was driving to work, I said, 'Wow. There's no other solution. They're clearly real; they're clearly extraterrestrial; and they work somehow. And I think we ought to figure out how they work, 'cause I wouldn't wanna be the last aerospace company to discover gravity control. I think we ought to be the first.' "
Wood went on to state:
"I came to the conclusion early on that the evidence for extraterrestrial visitation was just overwhelming. I mean, almost so large that you don't even have to discuss it."
With the termination of Blue Book, the government began issuing form letters — called "fact sheets" — to those seeking further information regarding UFOs. These duplicitous attempts to derail interest in the subject are composed of three main points. The first being that no UFO has ever posed a threat to U.S. national security. This remains the official position presented to the public to this day.
What's more, intelligence chief General John Samford stated the following in 1952, after a monumental UFO wave left the populace demanding answers:
"Air Force interest in this problem has been due to our feeling of an obligation to identify and analyze, to the best of our ability, anything in the air that may have the possibility of threat or menace to the United States.
In pursuit of this obligation, since 1947, we have received and analyzed between one and two thousand reports that have come to us from all kinds of sources. Of this great mass of reports, we have been able adequately to explain the great bulk of them — explain them to our own satisfaction. […]
However, there have been a certain percentage of this volume of reports that have been made by credible observers of relatively incredible things. It is this group of observations that we now are attempting to resolve.
We have, as of date, come to only one firm conclusion with respect to this remaining percentage. And that is that it does not contain any pattern of purpose or of consistency that we can relate to any conceivable threat to the United States."
Unfortunately for the government, countless military personnel — after experiencing their own UFO encounters — understand this declaration is a lie. A multitude of unidentified flying object incidents — happening around nuclear weapons facilities, plutonium plants, reactors, etc. — have been disclosed. One such event — as follows — defies the government's proclamation UFOs are of no national security threat.
"Sir, there's one hovering outside the front gate!"
"One what?"
"A UFO! It's just [hovering] there. We're all looking at it. What do you want us to do?"
"What? What does it look like?"
"I can't really describe it. It's glowing red. What are we supposed to do?"
"Make sure the site is secure and I'll phone the Command Post."
"Sir, I have to go now, one of the guys just got injured."
Lieutenant Robert Salas wasn't having one of his better days. Sixty feet below the Earth's surface, astride a thermonuclear weapon the height of a two-story house, whilst a UFO hovered above ground, wasn't the way he'd wanted his night to progress. Still, that's the predicament in which Salas was immersed in March of 1967.
Missile silos at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana are lonely destinations. At night, this area is creepier than old men wandering playgrounds with bulges in their pants. Flat landscape stretches to the foreboding horizon. Meters below are the most deadly weapons humans have created, fully-fueled and ready-to-launch. Whilst traversing this haunted territory, one realizes the key to annihilation of most life on Earth is directly below one's feet.
Amidst this ominous environment, Salas suddenly understood the frail nature of his situation. "A UFO?!" his mind raced. "What the hell—?! Are we talking a flying saucer here?!"
The missile launch officer — who was at that time a First Lieutenant — wasn't certain what to do. It wasn't as though he'd been trained for this scenario. He was currently almost 20 meters within the planet, inside the Launch Control Capsule, and hence had no way of knowing what was occurring aboveground.
Initially, Robert concluded the Flight Security Controller topside was playing a prank on him. After this latest call, however, he realized what was occurring 60 feet above was serious.
As such, Salas had no other recourse but to awaken the officer in charge, Fred Meiwald, who was sleeping. In 1967, soldiers in missile silos worked in pairs. This tandem traded off resting periods, so that weapons of mass destruction could be monitored at all times.
During this frantic debriefing, both men heard it. How could they not? The damned klaxon periodically sounded off in their nightmares, causing their hearts to race. No one wants to hear an alarm shriek, when in close proximity to a nuclear missile. Ten thousand nails on a blackboard would've been more harmonious at that point.
The claustrophobic capsule was a hundred times more confining today, as the soldiers instinctively turned their attention to the Commander's station control panel. One of the 10 silos at Oscar flight — this particular array of missiles in no man's land — was exhibiting a "No-Go" signal. This meant the rocket in question had been shut down, and was inoperable.
Meiwald leapt up, racing to the panel. In the time it took him to cross the room, additional silos were reporting a similar distress signal. The situation escalated so rapidly, moments later, all 10 silos displayed "No-Go" status.
Following standard protocol, Salas informed the Command Post — which oversaw all operations on the base. Immediately afterward, he called his frantic security guard. The once-frenetic subordinate informed him the sentry who'd been wounded had attempted a distressed retreat, after being frightened by the UFO. In his haste, he'd scaled a barbed wire fence. Although the injuries the man sustained didn't appear serious, he was currently getting a free helicopter ride to the base hospital.
"What was going on up there?!" Robert puzzled to himself. He'd make the same inquiry to the sentry after his own shift ended, and he was once again aboveground.
According to the jolted man, whatever he and the other guards witnessed had a definitive saucer shape to it. In addition, it was glowing red, and had soundlessly hovered on the opposite side of the front gate.
When the object departed, it had done so at an explosive rate of speed.
Salas, himself, stated:
"We sent a security patrol to check our [launch facilities] after the shutdown, and they reported sighting another UFO during that patrol. They also lost radio contact with our site immediately after reporting the UFO..."
It was "very rare" for one Minuteman to go offline. For 10 to malfunction was — to the best of Robert's knowledge — something that had never happened before. Little did the Lieutenant realize a similar incident — at Malmstrom's Echo Flight — transpired less than 10 days prior. This aberrant occurrence involved Echo's entire 10 silos, as well. In addition, this first incident — according to wing historian David Gamble — also included numerous sightings of UFOs in conjunction with its shutdowns. Gamble affirms these reports were later changed by higher powers within the military, which denied — and thus lied about — anomalous involvement with this occurrence.
Colonel Don Crawford — one of the men replacing the Missile Combat Crew after the incident — stated those he succeeded, Captain Eric Carlson and First Lieutenant Walt Figel, reported UFOs prior to Echo Flight's missiles shutting down.
In addition, maintenance crews at Echo Flight on the night in question, asserted they'd witnessed enigmatic lights traversing the sky. Existence of these aerial anomalies were further corroborated by a Security Alert Team in that area.
It took roughly one day, respectively, for engineers and maintenance crews to bring Echo and Oscar Flights back online. Experts from Boeing — the company responsible for development and production of Minuteman missiles — concluded neither incident was attributable to commonplace causes. Extreme weather and surges in the power grid were ruled out.
These malfunctions at Malmstrom meant missiles involved would have been unable to launch in event of a thermonuclear attack. Many view this as a detriment. On the contrary, shut 'em all down; each and every one of 'em, before we annihilate ourselves. To paraphrase so many: "The kids found the matches, and are on the verge of burning the house down." In this case, humans are the kids, and Earth is the house.
Above and beyond those at Echo and Oscar Flights reporting atypical, aerial objects, multitudinous military personnel have logged UFO encounters in this vicinity. As Malmstrom Air Policeman James Ortyl states:
"I was an Airman 2nd Class at the time. We were working a day-shift at Kilo Flight in March of 1967. I remember the sighting was in March because it occurred near my birthday, which is March 17th. It was mid-morning and three or four Air Policemen were gathered in the launch control facility dispatch office. Airman Robert Pounders and I were facing the windows looking out to the yard and parking lot. The others were facing us. As we were conversing, I witnessed a shimmering, reddish-orange object clear the main gate and in a sweeping motion pass quickly and silently by the windows. It seemed to be within 30 yards of the building. Stunned, I looked at Pounders and asked, Did you see that?!' He acknowledged that he had. […]
I remembered that it had somewhat of an aura around it. It was very difficult to make out the shape of the object because it was shimmering and aglow."
Robert Salas believes both Echo and Oscar Flights were shut down as a warning to humans that termination of our obsession with nuclear weaponry is vital. In a 2007 letter, Salas wrote:
"[I]t is my thoughtful opinion, after years and years of thinking and innumerable discussions about my own experience and others that I have studied and evaluated, that the ET hypothesis is the most reasonable explanation for the phenomenon."
Wouldn't it have been infinitely more threatening if unidentified flying objects initiated launch countdown of missiles, instead of making these nuclear weapons inoperable? Such appears to have been the case in 1982, but I'll save that subject for a subsequent post.
The point here is: UFOs of unearthly nature — controlled by those of superior intelligence — are visiting Earth. Countless highly esteemed scientists know this. Whomever, or whatever, is commanding these enigmas is interested in our most destructive weaponry — over which they have more control than we do.
Government — being our enemy, disguised as our allies, and moreover our leaders — is suppressing this information from us. In addition, they're placing us in critical danger by lying that no UFO has ever posed a threat to national security.
First off, as previously proven in The Red Pill blog, there are no nations, so there's nothing to keep secure. This, governments know all too well. However, the population has been so brainwashed it can't see the obvious, even if it's pounding them in the kisser like a prize fighter in the throes of steroid rage.
Second, creating thermonuclear weapons is bad enough. Testing them on us — as was done at the Nevada Test Site, the Marshall Islands, Australia, French Polynesia, etc. — is infinitely worse. Now, you're gonna allow unknown entities of higher intellect to buzz these missiles, and possibly detonate them upon us? Moreover, you're going to lie about such occurring?
Again, people, how much do you enjoy anal sex? You must love it, since you're being fucked up the ass by government like ten million porn addicts with penile implants! End the monetary system, and watch these scumfucks — you refer to as leaders — vanish overnight like a weak zit.
When it comes to suppression of UFO evidence, renowned psychologist Carl Jung summed it up:
"If it is true the AAF (American Air Force) withholds telltale facts then one can only say this is the most unpsychological and stupid policy one could invent…The public ought to be told the truth."
In the words of Dr. Harlow Shapley — former Director of the Harvard Observatory:
"We must now accept it as inevitable — there are other worlds with thinking beings."
Or, as succinctly stated by Albert M. Chop, of the Air Force Press Desk:
"One thing is absolutely certain. We're being watched by beings from outer space."
Campbell, Art. (2008). UFO Crash at San Augustin: The 1947 USAF Site Two Roswell Week Crash. Granite Publishing. ISBN: 9780615195339
Carey, Thomas J.; Schmitt, Donald R. (2013). Inside the Real Area 51: The Secret History of Wright-Patterson. New Page Books. ISBN: 1601632363
Chatelain, Maurice. (1988). Our Cosmic Ancestors. Temple Golden Publications. ISBN: 0929686004
Condon, Edward U. (1988). Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects. Bantam Books. ISBN: 0525198083
Dolan, Richard M. (2002). UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up: 1941–1973. Hampton Roads Publishing Company. ISBN: 1571743170
Dolan, Richard M. (2014). UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery. Richard Dolan Press. ISBN: 9781495291609
Druffel, Ann. (2003). Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science. Granite Publishing. ISBN: 9780926524583
Hastings, Robert. (2008). UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. AuthorHouse. ISBN: 9781434398314
Hill, Paul R. (1995). Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis. Hampton Roads Publishing Company. ISBN: 571740279
Hynek, J. Allen. (1972). The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry. Henry Regnery Company. ISBN: 0809291304
Kean, Leslie. (2010). UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. Harmony Books. ISBN: 9780307716842
Keyhoe, Donald E. (1953). Flying Saucers from Outer Space. Henry Holt and Company, Inc. ISBN: 1122709498
Normus, E.; Mungus, Hugh. (2014). The Red Pill: Take It. CreateSpace. ISBN: 1503060365
Salas, Robert; Klotz, James. (2005). Faded Giant. BookSurge Publishing. ISBN: 1419603418
Online Movies:
General Samford: UFO Press Conference:
James McDonald: UFO Debunking:
Robert Wood: Secret Projects:
The preceding blog was written by Hugh Mungus. Feel free to contact the author directly here on Steemit, or via his personal E-mail address: [email protected]