U.F.O. Magnum Opus

in #ufo6 years ago

IMG_20180616_141206.jpg![IMG_20180524_144950.jpg]( Sn 1987a
In 1987 the light from a star going supernova reached the earth. It was given the name sn 1987a. Sn because it was a supernova 1987 because that was the year the light reached earth. À because it was the first supernova of the year. The supernova is located 27 thousand light years in the southern hemisphere. So it took 27 thousand years for the light to reach the earth.![IMG_20180524_144900.jpg]( So if the light didn't reach earth until 1987. How did it get on an Egyptian painting thousands of years ago?
A red star just under the supernova in the distance can be seen in both the painting and photograph. For me the red star in the distance takes it this beyond the possibility of coincidence.![Screenshot_20180524-160043.png]( winged disk also has a remarkable resemblance to the supernova in shape and color.
The ancient Babylonians who predate the Egyptians occasionally depicted the wing disk as a void rather disk.![IMG_20180524_143125.jpg]( A void. Like when stars go supernova and causes a black hole. For sn 1987a to end up on a painting "say" four thousand years old. They would've had to fly four thousand light years toward the the light. Then beat the light back to earth by four thousand light years.Screenshot_20180524-155113.pngIs this possible? I think yes. I believe the answer is supplied by the painting itself. A close look just under the supernova reveals a very obvious "u.f.o.Screenshot_20180524-160026.pngU.f.o.s are very often described as using or utilising physics and powers beyond our ability. Time travel and faster than light travel are just two examples of such high strangeness.

U.f.o. whitenesses and abductees. describe craft as acting almost lifelike, like a star or brighter than the sun. They take off and make 90 degree turns at thousands of miles per hour. Blink in and out of reality.
They are associated with Lost time, loss of consciousness, physical uncontrollable terror, paralysis and loss of memory. It's also important to note witnesses describe lights rotating around the craft as well.3DText_03-27-39_16-06-18.jpg Everyone is familiar with Einsteins general and special relativity. Thankfully"all we need from these fields for this purpose is " space and time are intrinsic.that is they are stuck together and you can't have one without the other so when you bend one you bend the other.
"Energy is equal to mass." As in the formula E=M c2
And mass, energy, space and time are all "relative to the velocity of the observer"
Far less people are as familiar with his 1927 publication of torsion physics.
Torsion physics deals with gravity and the twisting of space time around spinning objects. This theory basically replaced the old idea of gravity that is that"mass attracts mass" having gravity trying to pull everything toward the center of mass.
with. gravity twisting toward the edge of the rotating body "in the away direction"
NASA devised a rather ingenious Ida of how to test both theories with one test. They were to put 4 various sized gyros on a satellite just inside earth's gravity. If the axis of the gyros point toward the center of the earth Einstein was wrong. But if they pointed towards the edge of the rotating away crust of the earth. He was right.
After 13 years of hard work and setbacks "the results were in". The gyros aligned themselves with the turning away crust. Proving Einstein right. Since then he has been proven Right on this in atleast 3 different ways.
The exact amount of space time bending by Earths gravity has been measured using atomic clocks.
On earth. time slows 1 part in ten per 16th meter of elevation. So not much. but time slows down more and more as you leave the strongest part of the field. "At ground level".

"Time" is far less consistent. than we were ever taught in school.IMG_20180524_150217.jpgModern science has expanded greatly on this field of study. in what is now called Hyperdimensional physics. Hyperdimensional physics is not just the twisting of space time. It is also the study of hyper or multiple dimensions.
In the field of Hyperdimensional physics a mathematical symbology is used. it is called the double tetrahedron. The double tetrahedron represents a body in rotation. Two interlocked tetrahedron. "One representing mass" and the other energy. "Energy" in the form of rotation. The circle around it symbolises the rotation.
One thing about the double tetrahedron is
it keeps popping up in the strangest places
Lets look at it in a practical application.Screenshot_20180524-155742.png In the formula E=M c2. Energy is equal mass. In my formula shown here. M on the top left represents"mass". Mass in the form of a well balanced circular craft.
Plus E for "energy". Energy in the form of rotation. Energy in the form of rotation "Equals" a super mass. A super mass wich is superficially heavy due to extra energy being stored in the mass. "by way of rotation".IMG_20180615_162056.jpg Picture a U.F.O. from an observers standpoint. The UFO moves upward 20 feet. Form the observers standpoint the u.f.o. has only moved 20 feet. But if you were to place an imaginary dot on the edge of the u.f.o. then follow the trail of the dot as it corkscrews upward 20 feet.IMG_20180615_162608.jpgNow stretch out that corkscrewed line that the dot followed. What you'll find is that the u.f.o. actually traveled several miles.
So the u.f.o. has accumulated a great deal velocity. The sum total of traveling several miles per second. "Remember" everything is relative to the velocity of the observer. And there are two observer to consider. One inside the u.f.o. and one observing at distance with a very different velocity. This is why space, time ,mass , and energy are relative to the velocity of the observer. Because" time " is far less consistent. then we were ever taught in school.Screenshot_20180524-155742.pngSo the u.f.o. ads more and more energy by rotating faster and faster. And energy is equal to mass. It's the same as saying mass plus mass plus mass and so on. Until the u.f.o. becomes supermassive.
Super Mass creates super gravity. And super gravity creates gravitational time dilation. Space and time are intrinsic and glued together. Time becomes stretched and condensed. Depending on the observer's point of observation
inside the gravity of the u.f.o. or outside.IMG_20180616_160027.jpg Picture a u.f.o. building in super mass raising straight into the air 3 miles making a 90 degree or "right angle turn". and traveling out of sight in a straight line.
From an observation point outside the u.f.o. as the u.f.o. builds in mass it may appear to change size. Then the u.f.o. would appear to shoot straight up and make a 90 degree turn at thousands of miles an hour. Almost like a zigzag streak.
Now From inside the u.f.o. looking out as the u.f.o. builds in mass. All the people and objects outside the field of the gravitational time dilation. Would appear to slow to almost to a stop due to less time in and around the observed. They would appear to become very thin as less time is less space. Objects in the distance would all appear to pull in closer. Almost like cardboard cutouts in slow motion. Probably with a horrified look locked on the frozen faces. Screenshot_20180524-155923.png "Inertia". a property of matter. by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line,
It is because of this force "inertia" that the UFO can only spin so fast without exploding and sending it's mass flying outward in straight lines.
To overcome inertia let's look to plasma physics. Plasma is an electro magnetically charged gas. It has been described by its early founders as seemingly intelligent and almost lifelike. Almost lifelike.180525_145838.pngIn plasma physics there is an effect called a stellar pinch. sn 1987a is a great visual example of both plasma and the stellar pinch.
Inside the red circle you should be able to clearly see two distinct layers of plasma. These layers of plasma are called the "double layer sheath" another effect of plasma. On the Inside layer of the double layer sheath. extreme compression of matter can occur. This is the stellar pinch.
When this effect is created in labs it is commonly called the. Z pinch.
The outside layer of the double layer sheath works like a force field. Not good for stopping bullets but great for holding back "gases" otherwise known as atmosphere. by pushing against the electrons "orbiting" the gases atoms. Allowing the ufo to spin free of friction. This apparently works with water as well if we are to believe in U.S.O.s as well.
In short the inside layer pushes in resisting and holding Back inertia. While the outside pushes out holding back atmosphere and turning atmosphere into plasma itself. IMG_20180524_151044.jpgNow that inertia has at least theoretically been overcome. What would happen if we allow the u.f.o. continue building velocity?
Faster and faster the u.f.o. would spin. Becoming more and more massive distorting time further and further. Until just like sn 1987a. The space around the u.f.o. can no longer support it folds in on itself and cause what is being called " black holes". This exact amount of stretching is well known in the field of quantum physics as the plank limit. mass , energy , spaces , even time it's self has plank limits. Plank limits have max amounts and minimum amounts. The plank limit to the smallest amount of time is 10 to the negative 43 seconds. That is a 10 with 43 zeros after it. Any amount Les than that no longer resonates inside the limits of this locality. To be in this locality or "dimension" is to resonate at its frequencies. To be in another dimension is to resonate in its frequencies. Because of this I propose" just as mass is equal to energy. Just as space is intrinsic to time. "Velocity" is Equal to "resonance'.Screenshot_20180611-123622.pngBefore we step away from plasma. let's take a look at one more effect of plasma. This portion of the star going supernova is known as the ring of pearls.
The ring of pearls are present when the star had passed into a black hole. A portal. A place of frequencies beyond our own.
Is this the ring of lights always associated with u.f.o.s coming in and out of reality?
Let's look at some examples.IMG_20180524_144600.jpgLet's look at some very old artifacts. With a new scientific eye.
Nimrod on the right. Appears to be passing through the ring of pearls. He also appears to be directly under sn 1987a.
In the legend of Nimrod. He opens a portal into heaven. and shoots an arrow through.
"Shiva" on the left. Also appears to be passing through the ring of pearls.IMG_20180616_160215.jpgOn the left of this photo we have Shiva demonstrating the mathematical symbology of a body in rotation. The double tetrahedron.
Now consider the legend of Shiva. In the legend of Shiva. Shiva had created a dance which passed the universe into extinction "and back again".
Considering both the ring of pearls and the double tetrahedron is present in the idol. Is it reasonable to assume that Shiva's dance was actually a body in rotation? And the universe passing into extinction and back again is actually an "inside observer's" observation of a u.f.o. passing through the Vale and back again?
Before you answer. Maybe we should explore where a u.f.o goes when they're gone.
Clue one. Using what we have learned from our u.f.o. formula. The u.f.o. at full power causes a space time distortion to great to support the craft. Since there is to little time for it "their for to little space". So clue one. They go to "a place outside the restraints of time".
Clue number two. Since velocity is equal to "resonance". and "resonance is frequency". It would be a place of highly stimulated mass. Mass which resonates at frequencies beyond the plank limits of our locality. "Beyond arc plasma". Hotter than lightning.
So clue one and two together. They are apparently traveling in and out of a place of. electromagnetic fire. "burning eternally". "But never consuming" "beyond the limits of time".
I call this "dimension Hell." Dimension Hell place of everlasting destruction".
To understand better. how a fire can burn eternally without ever consuming. You have to understand entropy. Entropy is the scientific term for the direction of time. The direction of time. is going from good to bad. more specifically "from bad to worse". In short time Equals destruction. No time. No destruction. And in the legend of Shiva. Shiva "himself" is the principal of distribution.
Is everyone sure the angel with the key to the bottomless pit isn't a fallen one? After all. a portal to dimension Hell is technically "a pit with no bottom". Screenshot_20180524-160026.pngpushing such a heavy load as a fully charged u.f.o. acrost the sky would take an enormous force. "Thankfully" we only have four observable forces to choose from.
The strong force. The weak force. Gravity. And the electromagnetic force.
The strong force and weak force belong to the quantum realm. And can only observed indirectly and gravity is the problem. not the solution.
The electromagnetic force is more than strong enough. It's is 10 to the negative 32 times stronger than gravity. A ten with thirty two zeros "times" stronger than gravity. And It also has the ability to attract "and repel". It determines the "structure" of the orbit of the electron around the atom. "Therefore" determines chemistry therefore pretty much determines reality.
It's also orthogonal.IMG_20180616_160148.jpgDefinition of Orthogonal.
"Of or involving right angles; at right angles". Right angle is just another way of saying 90 degree.
As in the u.f.o. rose straight up and shot off at a right angle turn.IMG_20180616_160255.jpgScreenshot_20180524-155856.pngAny decent electrician knows the the electromagnetic force is Orthogonal. They have what is call the right hand rule to help them remember force , field and current in their respective positions.IMG_20180616_123038.jpgIn short As far as the electromagnetic force is concerned the entire universe is a grid. A "grid" is straight lines orthogonal in respects each other. In overview of the ufo model.
Such a device would pose multiple health issues and undesirable affects on the human body.
Plasma for instance emits x rays, microwaves, gamma end other various types of radiation associated with cancer. Organ malfunction and failure.
And general radiation sickness.
The electromagnetic force" varying in with intensity". Has been known to elevate brain waves into frequencies of uncontrollable terror.
Jumbling in the sequence of events. Hallucinations. ,Paralysis, loss of memory and unconsciousness.Can you imagine the social disorder of of u.f.o.s in the hands of the masses? Distorting time, blinking in and out of reality unchecked.The people of the world can never have such power until every man woman and child is "chipped and tracked".IMG_20180524_150414.jpg"But" not to worry.Who believes in silly ol u.f.o.s anyway?


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