1974 repeats 1947

in #ufo8 years ago (edited)

(fully illustrated version here-https://0knight.wordpress.com/2016/03/23/1974-reverse-engineered-to-1947/)

1974, Space is the Place. The year of universal contact. 1947 seems to be mirrored in 1974 in his way. Christopher Knowles over at the Secret Sun, has done some amazing work correlating contact from both years, in the form of Jack Kirby, Philip K Dick, John C Lily, and many others.

“It all started in 1974, before SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) was even formed (1984), but at the beginning of the Arecibo project. At this time, upgrading the Arecibo station in the US Territory of Puerto Rico was done with the help of Frank Drake and Carl Sagan.”

The Arecibo radio telescope dish to the left is the largest in the world. The first pulsar in a binary system was discovered in 1974 using Arecibo, leading to important confirmation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity and a Nobel Prize for astronomers Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor in 1993.

Says Sarfatti, “In 1952 and 1953, when I was about 12 or 13 years old, I received a phone call…in which a mechanical sounding voice at the other end said it was a computer on board a flying saucer. They wanted to teach me something and would I be willing? This was my free choice. Would I be willing to be taught—to communicate with them? I remember a shiver going up my spine, because I said, ‘Hey, man, this is real.’ Of course, I was a kid…but I said, yes.”

Sarfatti was a leading member of the Fundamental Fysiks Group, an informal group of physicists in California in the 1970s who, according to historian of science David Kaiser, helped to nurture some of the alternative ideas in quantum physics that today form the basis of quantum information science.[7][8] Sarfatti co-wrote Space-Time and Beyond (1974)

“The following are the ‘facts’ we have to go by:
1.) We can pin down Corso’s presence at SRI in the early 1970s
Corso has admitted that he visited Stanford Research Institute’s remote viewing labs in the early 1970s, and he stated that the reason for the visit was “to seek methods for remote viewing/technology interface between extraterrestrials and their craft.”


2.) HUMINT: Human Intelligence Monitoring of Alien Abductees
The military is known to be extensively interested in alien abductees. As a matter of fact, they are so interested that it has been suspected that they abduct them after their authentic alien abductions to find out what they know. The book MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions, by Helmut and Marion Lammer, discusses military-type abductions reported primarily in the U.S. and Canada. Alien abductees have reported that they are “spirited away” in unmarked helicopters, vans and buses to underground government facilities. The MILABs theory suggests that a covert task force is monitoring real alien abductees in order to debrief the victims, as well as to install full amnesia regarding both abduction incidents. According to The Excluded Middle, abductee Melinda Leslie claims the military is interested in abductees because “they were mostly curious about the pilot/craft interface and if we knew anything about that aspect of their technology.”

3.) The Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group
MUFON official Dr. Robert M. Wood also claims that any information pertaining to psychic pilot/craft interface that can be learned from UFO research is obviously very important to the military/intelligence apparatus in charge of the UFO cover-up. Dr. Wood was reputedly a member of a think tank called the Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group (ATPWG), and has admitted that this secret UFO working group “planned and set policy regarding the UFO issue.”


How does the Nine fit in 1974 you ask? Conveniently…

“This article will look at some of the similarities between the contact experiences of two American writers, Philip K Dick and Robert Anton Wilson. In the 1973-1974 time frame, both would have unusual experiences that they thought could be contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. Or some undefinable something that wanted them to think it was extraterrestrial. And as incredible as it sounds, some of their experiences are confirmed by other people, and include verified transmission of knowledge that it seems they could not have obtained from any human source. We will also look very briefly at some other possibly related contact experiences involving musician and cultural icon John Lennon, researcher into human-dolphin communication and consciousness Dr. John Lilly and the Swiss scientist and inventor of LSD Dr. Albert Hofmann.”


Sun Ra: Space is the Place (1974)
Excerpt from the introduction of Space is the Place (1974), starring Sun Ra.

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