How to identify when a UFO saucer has popped up through the clouds and MUCH MORE!

in #ufo6 years ago (edited)

A Short Lesson


Intel Via Angelus Domini
Quotes AD

I can confirm that these are genuine flying saucer hole punches... Noticed that both of them have the same wispy clouds coming from one edge towards the center, that is from part of the cloud being sucked into and shot out of an air intake and exhaust manifold when the ship broke the cloud layer.

And not to overstate the obvious, but as I've been saying, the larger ships are taking position over the major cities as we speak.

[Thank you sister Sarah Kelvin for posting the video that contained the clip]

Video Found via Courtesy Samantha Kennedy

Angelus Domini replied to Samantha
Samantha, notice in the video that you just posted, ALL of the holes have the same wispy intake/exhaust manifold signature... Now you guys know how to identify when a saucer has popped up through the clouds. 😉

Quotes Bishop Mikey Harr
Taking up final positions for extraction!

Archbishop Eric Logan
So what sort of suction/exhaust method is used? I assume it's not jet technology since we all know what that would sound like. Simple high-powered fans/turbines might work if gravity is negated, but even those would need a significant power source.

Angelus Domini replied to Eric
Eric, it varies somewhat depending on which ship design is being used, but the air induction system on a basic saucer takes advantage of the countervailing magnetic plates that spin at the center to create an anti-gravity field, but the bottom plate has on its undercarriage a deeply grooved and raised surface area that acts as an induction fan, which provides lift when traveling vertically, and directional control through the manifold system when traveling horizontally.

Noise is negated substantially by creating a noise cancellation wave, which is a technology just now leaking out into the public sector.

Samantha Kennedy replied to Angelus
Angelus, Do you also use a type of liquid mercury element with magnets. so the liquid moves in one direction - like a repeal/attraction to help spin the motors? And I know Gold helps reflect heat so are they protected by a Gold element to stop them from getting hot?

Thing is I don`t remember where I saw it but it was like a circle type machine that has this silver looking liquid and when active it can go in one direction or the other depending on which direction the flyer wishing to go in. Deep down I

know that this is a magnetic fluid that reacts to the magnetic energy dispelled against it which allows the unit to spin. I would like to know if I'm correct on that.

Angelus Domini replied to Samantha
Samantha, there are several models of engines that use that type of system, but the one I'm describing above uses magnetic plates instead... There are advantages and disadvantages when comparing a magnetic mercury motor with a countervailing magnetic plate motor, safety being among the largest concerns since mercury is not exactly a healthy substance to be around if an accident happens to cause a containment rupture.

So with all the newest video captures of UFO around the Sun, within earth's atmosphere, you might want to know WHY

Well, Read the Book of Revelations...!

HE IS BACK with his Heavenly Fleets!


Prepared since 2011,

but NOW is that TIME they prepared for! One thing to be aware of ... They know how to direct the solar flares if ANY space force should try to stand against them.

Courtesy of Angelus Domini




Matthew 24:36-44 (CEB)
[The Coming of the Human One]
“But nobody knows when that day or hour will come, not the heavenly angels and not the Son. Only the Father knows. As it was in the time of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Human One. In those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark. They didn’t know what was happening until the flood came and swept them all away. The coming of the Human One will be like that. At that time there will be two men in the field. One will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill. One will be taken and the other left. Therefore, stay alert! You don’t know what day the Lord is coming. But you understand that if the head of the house knew at what time the thief would come, he would keep alert and wouldn’t allow the thief to break into his house. Therefore, you also should be prepared, because the Human One will come at a time you don’t know.”

Rescue Efforts Will Be In Place ... Do Not Get Left Behind

Sources and Credit
Angelus Domini
God and His Holy Son
San Ramon Big Daddy Youtube
mr BB333 Youtube
Gina Marie Colvin Hill


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A lot of important information to be seen here.

That's really neat to see how the craft works. I haven't seen one of those hole-punched clouds yet, may soon!

More and more hole punch clouds are now appearing around the world

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