UFOs are back but did they ever leave?
This morning I’d like to rise above the fevered Earth to comment on some news that is far more significant than the quiet reporting of it would lead you to believe. The US Navy has been induced to declassify and release the accounts by their retired personnel of radar, visual and infrared gun-camera sightings of what must be intelligently directed machines from outside this planet and solar system. We who follow the UFO issue and those of us who have seen them up close might be tempted to say we knew it all before. But that’s not the point; we are few and we were and still are the butt of jokes whenever we speak up.
What’s new is that the general public and the political and military establishment who form governments in their name will have to wipe those stupid grins off their faces. The Extraterrestrials must be acknowledged because the facts speak for themselves. The undeniable facts have been published over TV two days ago by the most mainstream outlet I can readily think of, CBS News’ 60 Minutes. The RT report of the 60 Minutes story barely does it justice:
A former Navy pilot has claimed that encounters with unidentified flying objects were commonplace during his years of military service, as the US government finalizes a much-anticipated report on such sightings.
Once sequestered to the back pages of salacious tabloids, reports of UFOs, also known as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), have gone mainstream after the Pentagon confirmed the authenticity of leaked footage showing a US jet interacting with a mysterious object. Since then, the US military has opened up about the taboo subject. Last week, the Defense Department confirmed that a video of an incident that reportedly occurred off the California coast in 2019 was authentic.
With footage of the bizarre phenomena now public, some service members who claim to have come in contact with UAPs have begun speaking to the media.
In a new ‘60 Minutes’ report, former Navy pilot Lieutenant, Ryan Graves said that UAP sightings were part of his daily routine. Graves told the outlet that pilots training off the Atlantic Coast came in contact with unidentified objects “every day for at least a couple of years.”
— https://www.rt.com/usa/524017-ufo-navy-pilot-sightings/
Compared to 60 Minutes this is feeble. 60 Minutes also interviewed the two former officials whose persistence forced the US Navy to declassify the Nimitz “Tictac” incident and other recent incidents, Lew Alexandro and Christopher Melon, a former deputy secretary of US Naval Intelligence. These men resigned in order to speak freely.
Mr Alexandro minces no words and tolerates no foolish knee jerk skepticism or giggles. These objects have been seen visually and painted by radar and infrared cameras and are therefore real physical machines. They have been witnessed by US Navy pilots and recorded on radar descending from 80,000 feet to the surface of the ocean in less than a second without making a sound much less breaking up. That’s roughly 55,000 miles per hour through our dense lower atmosphere. There is no such thing as any human made technology that can do that.
So forget balloons, meteors, the planet Venus, or even “secret US/Russian/Chinese technology”: the stupidity of those debunkers’ stories is unbearable now, if it ever was excusable.
I could refer Lew or anybody to Paul R Hill’s theory of UFO matter-repulsive force field capability which is neatly confirmed by the sightings and explains why this performance does not, in fact, defy the laws of physics as Newton and Einstein understood them. I have personally seen a spherical vehicle flying soundlessly through the lower atmosphere at jet plane speed close enough that I could see details of the colour changes over its surface and I can tell you I don’t have to believe Paul R Hill was right, I know it for sure.
60 Minutes also interviews the two retired US Navy pilots who personally witnessed the “Tictac” shaped machines the size of the F-18s they were flying from the carrier USS Nimitz that day in 2004, Dave Fravor and Alice Dietrich. These pilots saw one of these machines intelligently directed in response to their maneuvers shadowing their movements and zipping over the horizon and back in the blink of an eye and then disappearing in a flash and reappearing in seconds some 60 miles away as recorded by the Nimitz Task Force radar personnel and reported to them over their radios. Fravor and Dietrick were shaken up to put it mildly.
Dietrich felt then that she was terribly vulnerable, that she was unable to defend herself because her F-18 was unarmed. I’d say she might as well have had pea shooters as missiles. She says we should not “jump to conclusions” about these machines. This is ridiculous. There is jumping to conclusions and then there is coming to inescapable conclusions – or refusing to come to a conclusion when simple human sanity demands it. There is no other conclusion to come to and insanity and stupidity to refuse it.
We humans are being visited and observed by beings who have come from other star systems using technology which is advanced beyond ours, at least as advanced as our modern technology is advanced beyond our species' stone-age spears. Not just hundreds of thousands of years of advancement but millions of years of advancement is so evident we are idiots to refuse to see it. Technology like this would make interstellar travel feasible and the proof is before our eyes: They are here. There’s no more speculation about the possibility of interstellar travel, they have done it, here they are.
SETI and the late Carl Sagan and today’s popular science experts' speculation about impossible interstellar distances and “the search for alien life” can all go into the dumptster of stupid ideas. And so can all the Hollywood scare movies like War of the Worlds and Starship Troopers. Not only are they here, not only do they display technology that makes ours look like sticks and stones, they are here in peace. They could harm us but they do not harm us, they display their technological superiority as if to say, “Look at us. See us for what we are. We are tired of being ignored. Acknowledge us.”
And that’s the most wonderful truth of all.