Your guide to using openSUSE distribution - a comprehensive topic
OpenSUSE is a Linux distribution developed by the contributors to a collective project supported by Novell. The OpenSUSE distribution is relatively easy to use.
OpenSUSE features:
1 - easy to use [installed with a simple graphical interface]
2 - control center yast: center to control the components of the system and the computer
3 - come in several interfaces
4 - installation with one click
5 -
Requirements for running OpenSUSE:
1 - Pentiumium processor and above
2 - free space 20 Giga
- 3 Ramat 1 GB and preferably 2 GB If using the KDE interface
In Open Susie you will find live CDs as well as DVDs
Live CD: Only available with GNOME and KDE
interfaces [but you can try OpenSuzy without installing] DVD: Large size and you can choose during installation any interface you like but you can not try it [just install]
download links
All links are here
Live CD with KDE interface [32 bit] Direct link
Live CD with KDE interface [64 bit] Direct link
LiveCD with KDE interface [32 bit] BitTorrent
LiveCD with KDE interface [64 bit] BitTorrent
LiveCD with GNOME interface [32 bit] Direct link
LiveCD with GNOME interface [64 bit] Direct link
LiveCD with GNOME interface [32 bit] BitTorrent
LiveCD with GNOME interface [64 bit] BitTorrent
The 32-bit DVD is
The DVD 64 bit
After the download we need to work two needs:
1 - Ensure the integrity of the file, whether you are in Windows or on one of the distributions of Linux
2 - Burn the distribution either on the CD - DVD - USB whether you are on the Windows or a distribution of Linux
To check the integrity of the ISO file in Windows, use this program
This is the image of the program
Click the browser and go to the ISO file
and below put the number md5 of the numbers below, for example I carried a 32-bit DVD I will match this number
12.2- of the openSUSE 0373980cd6f270e1172067b86c044633- the DVD-I586.iso
26dd6c187f743f3af0cbb31eed138a07- of the openSUSE-12.2 the DVD-X86_64.iso
Cdfa82bbee419524a73ddf30b120f19e- of the openSUSE-12.2- the GNOME- a LiveCD I686.iso
14fbb9d62ba66ab6ac1ebf52e6d7d26f- of the openSUSE-12.2- the GNOME- a LiveCD X86_64.iso
5b605fd5d467e2d9810f6a9ff93bb40e- of the openSUSE-12.2 the KDE -LiveCD-i686.iso
ffc91f02ba2a95c71f79f6d8d0a04c96 openSUSE-12.2-KDE-LiveCD-x86_64.iso
As for Linux, it is very simple to open the terminal and then go to the location where you downloaded the ISO file, and
if it is
cd Downloads
Then ls even
browsed the files then md5sum the distance then the ISO file name then fully inter
md5sum xxx.iso
As for burning on a cd or dvd in Windows, use this program, for example
This interface select write image file to disc
Then you will move to this window in front of the word destination icon yellow click and go to the location of the ISO file and click
Then do not forget to change the burning speed to the right of the image instead of max to 8x
For burning on a cd or dvd in linux many programs i personally prefer k3b
burn on usb - that was your It supports booting from USB and you want to burn the distribution on the flash.
In Windows, use ImageWriter
If it does not work with you in Windows, install
NET 2.0 Runtime
Fermat Flash of course [create] simple right click and choose to configure and then run the program this interface
Of course, if you press select and proceed to the path of the ISO file, it is surprising that it does not exist. Simply apply a file like this below. Place the name in front of file name Type *. * Then enter the following file.
To burn an open suzy on flash in linux - use the dd command - wipe all the data
possible be the name of the flash i have / dev / sdc or / dev / sdb these variables
How to know the flash name you have
sudo fdisk -l
Flash displays the name if it was / dev / sdc
It's going to be that way
dd if = xxx.iso of = / dev / sdc
xxx.iso : The name of the ISO file is complete and in order to be clear the way to see this video
Now that we have finished the methods of burning we come to install but before installation .. If you are a user of Windows and the radar you have not partitioned for example, only one section must take free space from C until we prove Suzy in case you want to install Suzy next to Windows -
Take part of Hardisk in Windows 7 without Format to install the Suzy Opera
Either that you have free space or originally decided to dispense with Windows or your previous distribution, then follow me until we reach the stage of division clear several things
Now we come to kick either flash or CD must be seized motherboard settings for
example , I have even enter the fairest on the settings , press or press f2 to f12 chose to take off either flash or CD and then Inter
We care about the first step to verify the safety of burning or the safety of the DVD
You are perfect
If you encounter a problem and remain on the black screen, I noticed some cards from Infidia
press f3 and choose no kms
f2 languages and now stay with English and explain how to install the Arabic interface after the end of the installation
Keep it as it is
Select Country
This is the most important step of the partition stage
If you were previously installed one of the distributions of Linux, you have a section of Rout and SWAP If you have a home,
it suggests that you use the same division of the former took the
section followed the routine
and Fmrmh as well as barbers and
hum but Marah works for him Format
If you are essentially auto-partitioning, this is what you liked. You can choose manual partitioning
If you want to scan the entire hard drive and divide the automatic
20 GB + SWAP + space remaining space of the home Click on the previous image on the creat partition setup
In this picture, if you have several hardcats, choose the HardSec you want to erase completely
From here you can control any section
delete sections or add sections
If you delete the defaults or you want to add the new sections now, right - click on the name of the hack and add
Choose a basic or logical section
Choose the size of the partition
Now select mount point + format as
if you have put two sections, root and swapp, select the file system ext4
mount point: [/]
mount point for the host: [/ home]
The partition section is not necessary but useful in case you wanted a future upgrade work, for example, and you already have a home partition will keep all your files in the HOM
when upgrading or reinstalling the distribution, for example will be partitioned only the section and the home and the
inside of the files and settings will be provided as it is
Now we have done this section first .. So repeat the steps to work section Swab and the third time that you want to work Hoom section .. If you finished all of your sections only choose accept then go to the next step
Enter a username and password
This is the installation summary that lists the specifications of your device. + What to install? This only exists on the DVD, not the CD + partition and its function.
Approved to be installed
Suzy is installed now for the AVCD
while in the DVD in the same window there is a details option
to follow the packages while installing
Installation completed ... reboot
Click on Open Suzy [Option 1]
If you installed Suzy next to Windows you will see the Windows option in the last
The first thing you are doing now is to update .. We will enter the control center
Type your password then enter
Choose online update
The repositories will occur and you will find these updates that you agree to upload
Once it is finished you will see this window
now because it has updated the package manager will return again opens and installs all updates
Press OK
Well here is OK
Then continue
Once all the updates have been completed you will be prompted with a window telling you to reboot as soon as possible
Now we will come to the definitions of graphics cards and wireless .. It often works automatically, God willing, but there are some ideas
For screen cards:
1 - Intel is powered automatically and does not need to define the effects will work with you
2 - NVIDIA free definition nouveau is activated by default for me good I did not have problems at
3 - ati Maan knew about the truth but I will put links to how to identify this type of cards
For nvidia cards .. There are two easy and difficult ways .. It is not difficult really, but its steps a little more and you just need to understand the commands no more than the manufacture of a bomb
The easy way is to install with a single click .. A small file extension ymp .. Once the definition of this extension will be opened yast and you have to agree to the packages and definition
If your GeForce 6 and above [talk means] except cards that comes with Optimus
This is your definition
http: //
For the owners of Optimus cards , here is
If your card is Geforce FX-5xxx, this is your definition of
http: // opensuse
If your NVIDIA legacy cards - Geforce 4 is older then this is your definition
The difficult way is that you carry the definition from the nvidia site directly, and we started it,
but until we prove it we need several needs:
1 - Upload the definition
2 - Give him permission right click Permits permission
3 - Load from Yast [gcc + make + kernel - devel]
4 - Nouveau must be disabled by printing this command and you are narrated
echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf
- You need to add styleset.nouveau = 0 to the kernel line through the yast - boot option - boot loader option and then add the words we have at the end of the line [and your eyes are opened correctly]
Then click OK again
6 - now reboot
7 - return the intervention of the Susie and you notice that the dimensions are too large possible interference in your face Mo problem click ctrl + alt + f1
- Enter the user name and password and enter the root su
9 - type init3
10 - print cd command to go to the place Your download to the definition
11 - Do it NVIDIA sh ... ......... .run agreed to any message Tjik until the end of the promising operation
Or check out this script
Owners cards ati
For network cards
Who installed Suzy with a KDE interface Note that the network icon is located next to the clock
even if you add the network network management is added but the sign x and the
reason that by default control of the connection settings is through yast, we must disable it and the way simple
Enter Yast and network settings
Here if you are confused, the wireless will appear to you until you set it to be encrypted and then point it to edit
To change the Nost Hobo
After reboot you can now control the connection settings through network manager
but how do we add the network icon? Right click on the bottom panel in KDE and then panel options - add widget
Look for network management and add it double click and you will now find the network icon next to the clock
To install the Arabic interface, enter yast and language
Select Arabic - Egypt
Packages are now installed
The language turned to Arabic as you notice
Now log out and the simple way - click on the icon that suzy by the panel then Logout
has now installed the Arabic interface
Firefox as well
Lepro Office, and others
Now how do we add Arabic support for the keyboard and how to add a shortcut key such as Altashvat!
Simply click on the icon to open the programs and then configure the system - configure desktop
Click on the Input Devices icon
Choose the diagrams and follow the numbers
2 - Put the shortcut key
3 - Press only the x on top to cancel it
4 - To add the languages
No. 5 - Click Add and choose Arabic and then apply
Setting the lines is still bad !! And you do not like us
first this is about 800 lines collected by the load and decompress them in the
open dolphin Dolphin dolphin - file manager
Then, in order for hidden files to appear, press alt +.
You will find a hidden folder named fonts. [Point means folder is hidden] Here add all the fonts you want
Once you have added an exit log to be activated
For download
I recommend you these fonts, especially if the script is proven next step you will notice that the fonts in Firefox is somewhat small
if you loaded this group will improve the situation a lot
you want more ? Open the terminal and enter the root su then print this command
[as you also notice Arabic in the terminal is not like ...! ]
zypper in fetchmsttfonts
Mieh Mieh find out
The font for you is small? I remember God, but I do not know what to do with the display of fonts in Firefox, as well as Chrome,
enter the preferences
The minimum size of the cell line is 15 kwes very then OK
It is also a nice way for Firefox to choose a specific font to apply to all the sites you
Type in the address bar about: config then OK
then search for font and you will find its value
double click on this value and clear the written line put the name of any line like Tahoma for example and then restart the browser
Wow good result * _ * is not it?
A moment of my brother's moment? What do you want * _ *
Let's adjust the lines in the system as a whole? Also, the font is not clear in the system. For me, you have applied the following: You will see a good result.
Enter the settings of the system - configure desktop
then the appearance of applications - applications appearance
then fonts - fonts
Click Edit All Fonts and choose font, font style, and size
Beautiful, but my brother, the line is still haad !! And you are in the same window
instead of the system settings make it possible - enabled
In front of hint style
Then Oki and Oki scored the exit
Look now for the fonts in the system better than the previous image
Is there anything else related to fonts? No Haha Homs to move on to the other stage
I will not touch every one of you. This control center is quite strange but I will talk about the most important points in it
- Software management From here you can install and search for programs with a graphical interface
You can also see the program description below and you can find out the program releases and the changes log to follow the updated packages and their updates
2 - repositories software - software repositories
to add repositories from here through the add but be careful in Suzy to add the warehouse twice! This is a disaster and
generally continued explanation and continued way to add warehouses through the command line in an easy and simple
3- online update - To view updates
4 boot loader - The bootloader is interested as we have previously modified on the kernel line
Printer - Once you have connected your printer, you will be notified directly
6 - groups and users - users and group to add example vboxuser in the case of proven Visual Box
7 - for the definition of the connection through Yast as well as modem - modem and continued the process of control is very simple
8 - system services runlevel .. Some note that the departure of Suzy is somewhat slow and the reason is the activation of many services, for example if you have a printer and enter the system services and the failure of cups and so on
The package manager in Susie is zypper and we deal with it through the command line .. very cool
most of its uses in this image
The most important
zypper up: for update
zypper in: install for
ref zypper: to update
zypper repositories lr: display repositories
zypper re: delete package
zypper en: add repository
Ash wait? Open the terminal and try, for example, the command of modernization
and the rest by way of those who say such a thing and print as well as the image
Install the entire Kodak - open the terminal and
add this repository .. You need to enter the root su and then type the password
zypper ar -f packman
Then this warehouse
zypper ar -f libdvdcss
Now we are working to update the warehouses and send you a message about reliability, press t from trust this for the first warehouse and then again Tjik press t
zypper ref
Now if you have a KDE interface installed, print this command to install all codecs in and out to play all audio and video formats
zypper in libdvdcss2 vlc libxine2-codecs libxine2-pulse k3b-codecs lame gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ffmpeg gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-origon addon w32codec-all MPlayer smplayer gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good libxine2 libdvdplay0 libdvdread4 libdvdnav4 xine-ui libmad0 libavutil51 sox libxvidcore4 xvidcore libavcodec52 libavdevice52 libvlc5 lsb pullin-flash-player flash-player gstreamer-0_10-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer-0_10-plugins-fluendo_mpegdemux gstreamer-0_10- plugins-fluendo_mpegmux gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good-extra k3b vlc-aout-pulse libquicktime0 gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-orig-addon gecko-mediaplayer
As for Gnome and the rest of the façades, he wrote this
zypper in libdvdcss2 vlc libxine2-codecs libxine2-pulse lame gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ffmpeg gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-addon totem-browser-plugin w32codec- all MPlayer smplayer gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good libxine2 libdvdplay0 libdvdread4 libdvdnav4 xine-ui libmad0 libavutil51 sox libxvidcore4 xvidcore libavcodec52 libavdevice52 libvlc5 totem totem-plugins nautilus-totem lsb pulin-flash player flash player vlc-aout-pulse gstreamer-0_10- fluendo-mp3 gstreamer-0_10-plugins-fluendo_mpegdemux gstreamer-0_10-plugins-fluendo_mpegmux gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good-extra libquicktime0 gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-orig-addon
So, congratulations Yabasha fill any formula sound and video ..
Now we see how to install Google Chrome .. Open Vineyard open and add the repository followed browser
If you have proven open suzy 32 bit this frown
zypper ar Google Chrome
The 64-bit Open Suzy is a disgrace
zypper ar Google Chrome
We are updating the warehouse
zypper ref
If your message is reliable click t
Now we install the browser
zypper in google-chrome-stable
Install Dropx Dropbox - two KDE interfaces
Add the warehouse
zypper ar -f kde-extra
Then this warehouse
zypper ar -f Network12.2
Now we are working to update the repository and install the program
zypper ref; zypper in dropbox dropbox-servicemenu
Once you are done open the program and set your account settings
Install Samba
If you have loaded the VCD .. Enter yast then - samba server Samba server .. not installed by default so will install a window to install it
As for those who carry the DVD is installed directly and will enter the settings window
Now how do we set up Samba so we can share files between OpenSUSE and other devices on the network or even with VirtualBox simple after you install Samba this window settings
First we will do the Samba service to run with the startup
select when boot - during boot
Then save - save will ask you to put a password for Samba save it like your name
Now go back to Samba again in Yast
then go to the tab of the posts - sharing
Here you find all you can share it .. Let's say for example I want to add a folder named x I have in the home I want all the devices on the network share this file with me first we must add folder
By pressing the Add button [not even we can also share the printer from the same step ]
Add x folder now can anyone on the network to share with me this file and add it easily and easy to forget only activate the two options shown below
And do not forget to save
Now all you have to do with other devices is that Windows, for example,
activates the network option from the control center there
and activates all the network discovery options and explained them by video in the channel in detail
If you are using a mike usb or a usb headset then i would better use pulseaudio so we will prove it
Open the terminal and enter the root su.
Print this command to install
zypper in pulseaudio pavucontrol paprefs
pavucontrol This to control the inlets and exits in case you have like my case use several headphones and mics on the same device need to adjust, for example, the sound of the earphone, while the recording is from another Mike and so I have already explained the channel in detail
How to disable automatic access
Some of his love in Suzy Gap Eid al - Fitr and al - Adha
Their problem is that they did the automatic login and tried other interfaces, and some of them had problems with this interface. Want to go back to the other interface, for example KDE or any other interface? If you say 'log out' and 'no sessions', you do not think so!
It is important for
those who take off and enter me and u called a earners press ctrl + alt + f1
Biholk on a black screen [text interface]
Type your user name right then the busses and then OK
then type this command su as you enter the routine and type the password and enter
Then print
nano / etc / sysconfig / displaymanager
The possibility of telling you an error message caused by nano This text editor is not installed in Suzy If you have an error message, print
cnf nano this picless shui looking and say you actually nano is not installed, even if you install it, you will have the command to install it starts with zypper copy it and paste it until it loads
And go back again
nano / etc / sysconfig / displaymanager
Here you open this text file and in it the words we care about this line
Surely you get a side mark equal then any word you were important to give up exactly like that
Means the same word and then equals and the quotation marks between them, thus
canceling the automatic login activation
So you are
saving your job and you are using nano and you print ctrl + x
then y
then inter
A simple illustration:
You must be connected to the Internet by cable at the time of installation [this is much better] for two reasons:
1 - it does you to connect to the cable directly
2 - If you after the installation and installed wireless only and tried to control the connection through the yast, you will receive a message that says you need to install a package name [iw] and therefore trim the bone completes the settings of the wireless
Time to connect if the cable is very normal is recognized by the installation after Mo problem but the wind is set not configure so intervention
network settings Click
on the contact name and then
select "dynamic address"
then next then you will be recognized and work with you.
For libreOffice 4 - there is a repository for oben susi but it is "unstable" "Unstable" is here
if you get the way I'm basically basically done this warehouse and now I have libro office 4 ..
- Enter yast then software repositories
- Click add until we add the repository
- Select specify url - then next
- Now add the repository + its name [repository + name you find them here . Whether you are a 32-bit or 64-bit Suzy loader]
We care about the name and the link and that's it
name = LibreOffice Development Version (openSUSE_12.2)
baseurl =
5 - This is the addendum
6 - was added to the warehouse
Then close the window through the ok button below until the update works and after the lock is
open, open the terminal .. Enter Root
Then print
zypper dup
It lists you a set of updates for libro office approved by all .. so you get libro office 4
The story of Linux and a profile about Open Susie
Download Suzy and clarify differences between versions and methods of burning
Install OpenSUSE and dual boot with Windows 7
Updated distribution - screen cards - network cards
Adjust Network Manager - How to define NVIDIA [CSS definition] - Adjust Windows Rip
Install Arabic Interface - Script to improve fonts
Software Installation - Suzy Warehouses - System Services
Zypper package manager and how to handle it
Install all Kodak - Flash - Google Chrome - Druks
Adjust translation settings for video players - Optimize font display and quality in vlc - Solutions for most audio problems
Service suse studio
Share files via Samba
How to get help with OpenSUSE?
35 minutes useful tutorial on how to customize the KDE interface
My experience with recording annotations
These are all parts of the OpenSUSE episode, which I have already shown on [The World of Linux]
References and some very useful sites
http: //swerdnaoz.***** ****** / 2012 / ... e-122-kde.html -12-2.html 64bit /
http: // www. ... uto-login.html