Muslim Uber Driver and Him
He trudged towards one of the pickup points nearby and saw a car parked on the other side of the narrow street in front of him. He hastily crossed the street, dodging the two-way traffic, only to open an unlocked door of the car. He barely heard remnants of something just before the driver decided to completely go off-air with whatever been playing in the car. He still recognized it though. That was something that we all hear every day in public places.
He probed the driver, "Why did you stop it suddenly when I entered the car??"
The driver answered quizzically, "Does your religion allow to listen to this?!"
He paused for a moment since it should neither exaggerate his religion nor demean the driver's and carefully answered, "Well, my religion will not be dishonored by listening to that because all scriptures teach the same things. In fact, I will see my god in yours If you ask me to bow down to yours".
The driver smiled broadly and continued to play the audio version of Quran to enjoy the further ride.
P.S. I hope that we all will stay away from people, tweets, FB pages, and Youtube videos who are spreading lies and communal disharmony among us.
Expected racists bullshit, a bit of faith in humanity restored. ty