
in #tyrnannoght4 years ago (edited)

the less info the better ? if i look at all major studios its really what they do

privacy is not a crime

fresh logo : "vincentgoggles" ...

click for full-res , its a 43 megabyte gif so it wont fit in any upload section here or cloudinary and this one is a really compact lossy gif compressed version
  • Thethawing, 29 : very likely to be an issue if it would ever go live in an alternate universe (quote : Alleycat - article29 != 5th amendment in a soviet hole)
  • Thethawing, 29 : yagh - loadbalancing is for rich kids (quote : ZeroDesign - design)
  • Thethawing, 29 : supernub, && !|| (quote : Syntax Error - spaghetti)

    • linux desktop first development
    • after some consideration in the middle of having my mail opened blatantly without even trying to hide it, just to find out two days after theres a national drug raid im not just simply slightly insulted ... that doesnt even come close to describing it, in the middle of stuff going on and the whole world going bonkers over "we have vaccines"-fever (no one has an actual clue about the longterm impact or the duration of vaccine immunity yet for one thing - scarred heart tissue even in people who didnt have symptoms, blood-brain barriers and what not and the fingerpointing goodyshoes pointing everywhere but in the meantime getting nothing, if i had a country to run, id make sure mine got its own first as well so personally i dont blame the mericans (for once) for hogging 30 million AstraZenecas , neither would Nikolo (the white Mack ...) its called 'taking care of your own' and if the despots here want to moralize then they should say "you should send it to brazil" not "but we dont have enough" imo ... BESIDES, nothings stopping anyone here from invoking some ancient war-law and confiscating the Pfizer factory, they're just to weak to do so with their high morals and then umbers show the results - SuperMario did it and no one lifted a finger when he did, the french even said : "were gonna do it too" and none of that even made national tv - theres too much going on and the prospect of having hell turn back in to hell with the noise and the mongrels is making my head fuzzy


    • before i do damage to me im gonna be taking a break, maybe until april, maybe until may, check how shit goes and be nowhere in the mean time - i also fell through my chair , literally, somehow the METAL tore apart .. (like ??!? an attempt on my life) and i toppled over, could have cracked my skull on a hard corner, sadly for the enemy i didnt , heh) SO

    • i dont only need decent glasses, which costs about ... more than putting up an NFT, for which i already dont have the money to spare, and a new chair so i'll need some calculating on my broke ass

    • and ... well, and nothing ... the autovoter might stop in the meantime but the @tipu subscriptions will probably continue if i dont forget to deposit

    • welll ... the point is LESS personal info, not more, so thats it for now

    • e.t.a. is sitll a.d. 2150 , highly dependent on wether i win the euromillions lottery, get a harem and / or covid mutates to v20 and kills the western hemisphere or not

    • i'll be back

    • Manpages


      (the) rest

      (working on it ... like the princes of Amber, from chaos it comes , woven the strands by the ones who live in the original from which all mirrors come)

      click the little book icon (all wip - ... )

      Webp.net-gifmaker (1).gif

      then select an entry to the left -

      Webp.net-gifmaker (2).gif

      you get an animation and it will show you a render of an in-game item/concept/zone/npc/something with the name - for visitors the intention is to have full 4k renders possible for viewing, actual players will get a whole wad of text (with hopefully clues and #stuff) - again : NOT MADE FOR MOBILE : the game client wont run on a phone anyway and even if i compiled it for android i dont see how i that would work on a 5 inch screen

      ~~ removed~~ irrelevant *, ed : Kanamo-ni

      i dont keep these indefinitely , just like the screenshots, except the ones i wanna keep that is ... most vids are deleted after two weeks

      removed is manpage1 now*, ed : Kanamo-ni

      I am greatly misunderstood by politically correct idiots .
      *Brigitte Bardot*

      supporting on Patreon

      doing on Patreon

      • nothing yet

      though it must be awesome to sell people coca cola and throw a billion at charity whenver your pockets get too full im afraid as a no-income project hobbyist im stuck to the lower-lever tier but i assume 500 x 1 = 500 in most countries (here that would be 200 or something) - translated : if someone doesnt have a $1 tier i simply cant b/c at the end of the month its for busykeeping and gets me no money - i'll flag it loud when that changes after i win the lottery. I can also not deduct it since i dont have my own business as such. Tough luck :)

      "You are a deviant from the social norm!"
      "Is that an insult or a diagnosis?"
      Roger Zelazny(creatures of light and darkness)

      sadly an inescapable fact, ed : Kanamo-ni

      yea - posting screenshots to the site ill probably do when working on it as well as try to polish that thing up a bit perhaps

      it all depends on how fuzzy i'll be getting in the next months ... already missing that lockdown-quiet ... twas good to remember what it was like to be creative-without-thinking back when it just poured out

      ... some blame it on the weed (which i quit like nearly 20 years ago now) but i dont think its that - its the endless streaks of HELL-gium that turned me into something akin to janes underground and broke me into mental pieces , the weed was just a bonus and if that was it then everyone i knew should have been breathing creation, but they werent - only a few and

      • morality ? this is not moralethics or filosophy 101 , theres one ancient (i believe eastern-asian) that says :

      if you save a life its yours

      which means : if you do so you upset the natural order of things b/c there will be a life where there would have been none so from that moments on its your (responsibility) 's

      and the other one : in order to take care of anyone you have to be able to take care of yourself so the natural order is : first become bill gates THEN donate spare billions-a-day to charity to feel good about it - so i really cant blame the mericans for doing that i think its hipocritical to do so and if i had a country that was Catland with me the boss and a harem like a saudi prince id do just that as well : take care of my own before i try to save the world


      before Kanamori gives me the cold panties and starts editing :



    i think opensea is free to list :)) and the buyer pays the gas

    thanks !!! , ill give it a look

    oh wait you have to do one transaction they asked for min 0.06 eth, after that its free so hmm ... hundred bucks later:))).

    yea i noticed someone forgot to update the gas prices into 2021 :p

    theres others like rarible and https://opensea.io/ but im not all too sure about all of it - i think it will clarify itself in a few months, considering all the hype i meet way too many people who go like "WTF is an nft ? " which means its like "not really" , you know?

    everybody knows what a BTC is now (xept here perhaps) - they hype might implode on itself and if justin sun knows whats good for steem we would have steem NFTs at steem transaction prices by june

    what do you think :D

    hmm how to create value is a bit like luck i suppose preparation meets opportunity by chance :)))

    lol yea, ... i think when linux tech tips quits youtube its time to re-assess youtube anyway ... "do simple tasks" i know that one from mister robot or something, right ?

    Coin Marketplace

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