216 an original sci-fi fantasy ongoing story is about space, time, parallel, universes ,astral plans, dimensions travel followed with amazing adventures.

                                                                                                   The Pink Bay

7 pm Monday, just a regular evening, I’m all on different, king love with my phone on Steemit, and “suddenly “ knocks on the door , I get up to open the door , and as I get up and walk to the door I feel something different , like the air itself was slightly vibrating .

I open the door “hi how can I help? “ Thinking to myself weird looking Dude. “You know claiming up and down the street won’t do you any good if you’re only dreaming about it “.
“What did you just say?” And then he asked me, ”Do you remember your dreams, did you notice something different about them?”

“Dude I don’t know who you are, but now I’m definitely not letting you in my house “ I must come in “and before I could realize he was already in my living room.

I wasn’t scared in fact I felt overly safe, and a slight feeling of euphoria. He said “ it’s better if we sit, I will explain everything, I will prefer that you don’t ask any questions until I finish “ . “ all right man, Let me get a 6 pack from the fridge, and some rolling papers, and I’m right with you “. Thinking to myself, “this is going to be interesting”.
“Here man have a beer, what is this all about?”

zet humanoid is what they would call me, Zzet as Zeta Reticuli the star system, and humanoid for I am the product of genetic engineering by the Annunakis just like the earthlings, just like you. But your kind doesn’t know it yet.

“Zeta humanoid?”

Zet, not zeta don’t confuse us from the other zeta humanoid, they were made by the reptilians.
“you're telling me your an alien ???, is this what you're telling me? Are you a prankster? Are you looking for trouble?“.
This is not a joke please I will explain everything, you been dreaming lately of the white city on the mountain above to Ridi river.

“How do you know that I was dreaming about a white city?
I will need you to remember everything you can about that dream. “I don’t know I don’t remember much “.
And like out of nowhere he started telling me this story.

“Bluesun set, “he said and took a big breath.
“It’s something special walking in these dense forests at this hour.
Deep blue, purple and warm yellow sun’s rays finding their way through the trees and hitting the ground.

I take a moment to stare at the light show that they produce, one deep breath, one peaceful smile and keep walking.
I must get to the ocean before Bluesun will set. And why am I going on such a hick? You might ask, there I will catch a ship that will take me to Nibiru “.

So why was I going to Nibiru ?you might ask, and I will tell you that I had to find Derdjerzel the leader of the Hittirjikei tribe and I will tell you the whole story and why I am here, and try to remember those dreams.

I'm taking my first steps out of this forest I can already see the ocean from where I’m standing, now the only thing left is to get down from this cliff and sneak into the ship.

The view is just incredible. Pink water bay, as much as I love you I’m afraid this will be the last time we meet.pink water bay is the only place on our plant that the waters are not gold. It gets it pinkish colors from the algae that grow only there, the marine life is also unique to anything I saw.

In the future I will tell you more about it, as a kid I was almost eaten by Brodus, they look similar to what you earthling call starfish, harmless here but there, due to high radiation they have a fatal poison that freezes your muscles so you cant move, and then they fest on you. So if you see one just get out of there!

“Okay… dude… why are you telling me all of this?”
Sorry I got carried away, so as I was saying I had to sneak into one of the ships.For my luck I am equipped with topnotch Zukitechnology, no one will ever know I was anywhere near the ship.

Temperature -15 c-, winds at 117kph, radiation level – low.”Zuki turn on invisible mode, now turn on levitation.”
It feels so good to take that first step of the edge of the cliff when levitation mode is on, you feel it in the lower abdominal area, just like when you ride a roller coaster.

“Zuki lower me down”. The sensors on my shoes will know exactly where the ground is and will turn off levitation mode as I programmed it to do so.

Just to be clear it’s not my shoes that I levitate with, it’s a vibration my suite makes.

40 more meters, 30,20,10,5,4,3,2,1, ground level. Only I can hear my suite and only she can hear me for I have a sound blocking field all around me.

I’m on the sand, only 2 kilometers more and I’ll get to the ship. It’s an old one, slow, beat up and worst then that, it stinks, it is used for the transportation of huge Joginder.

Jigindosare like a huge what you would call a shrimp, and the Ananukies love their Jigindo, they just can resist it, and security is low on those ships, that’s what is going to make it extra easy for me to get to Nibiru.

so I'm on the sand, I'm going to get into the water and swim to the ship and enter throw where they upload the Jigindosare and sneak in.
the water is super cold, but thanks to my suit I don't feel it at all, it took me about a minute to get to the ship.

But damn it, why are there guards here? I'm hiding and who do I see? Dair the sun of El, king of Nibiru ! what is he doing here?

what does a prince look for in a Jigindosare fishing ship?
I have to find out ! and I have to get on that ship ...,
but how?
to be continued...217.jpg

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