Horrible Injury at TwitchCon_In the foam pit stand at TwitchCon San Diego, a streamer breaks his back in two places.

in #twitchcon2 years ago

With all the drama that was going on on Twitch for the last month or so, people expected Twitch Khan to be a war zone, just this
battlefield of blood, guts, tears, mangled corpses littering the convention hall fights, breaking out, people spitting on each other. But
none of that's happened. In fact, a lot of the bridges that were burnt in all of that drama have been repaired. Now, who knows if
they've been repaired with bubble gum and duct tape or if they're genuinely okay with each other now. And friends going forward,
there's no telling. I guess we'll have to wait and see a month from now. But there has been something that's developed at Twitch Con
that nobody expected a fucking deathtrap, a goddamn booby trap, like something Wily Coyote would have sprung up to try and catch
the roadrunner. Of course, I'm just exaggerating. It's not supposed to be that way. It's one of those, like, gladiator combat things. I'm
blanking on the name of it, so I'm going to sound like a fucking idiot trying to describe it. But it's those raised platforms above a foam
pit where you have like pushing utensils to push your friend off into the foam pit and you win when you're the last one standing. I'll
show you a clip of when Xqc and Hassan fight each other on them. See, you know exactly what I'm talking about, but. Excuse. I'm
sure all of you have seen these before. I remember playing on these bad boys back in elementary school during field days, so they've
been around for a long time. Their tried and true, and they've always just been good, safe, fun. But unfortunately it twitch con it
seems the organizers really skimped on the amount of foam necessary to cushion a real fall because a streamer named Adriana
Tkachuk broke her back in two places jumping into the foam pit.
Oh my gosh. Sense of her own.

Great victory there.
I can't get out.
Are you okay? She's held down by the fifth of gravity. No, no, she's fine. All right. Make sure she is okay. Get her out of the. Now she
lives in the pit. I kind of think.
[00:02:12] Speaker1
You can see that she lands, like, right on her tailbone and, like, bounces up a little bit. Kind of like that episode in iCarly, where Gibby
jumps off the ceiling, hits the concrete and bounces a little bit, which was a real stunt performed by a real stuntman who shattered all
of his ribs doing that. So this is a pretty brutal injury here. And she had to go to the E.R. and she's now getting surgery in order to put
a rod in her back, in order to help support it. So an absolute life changing injury experienced here. And she wasn't the only one.
Another streamer dislocated her knee in the pit, and then the person she went there with, Eddie Abbott, the person who fell before
her, also experienced back pain but no like permanent injury. From that. I'm sure everyone knows this, but I want to vocalize it again.
Back injuries lasts pretty much forever, or at least they can even like minor ones will always kind of rear their ugly head from time to
time. I remember a few years back now I had like some kind of like little bruise or something on my L4. I couldn't sit right without it
hurting. I couldn't like climb upstairs without my ass just hurting. And that was just like a little baby booboo on my back. And that
lasted for months. Had to get Pete for it, had to get physical therapy for like a tiny little back injury.

And of course, you can always read about the people that have lifelong chronic back pain just from like really simple stuff, like sitting
in a chair the wrong way for too long or like the classic prank of pulling a chair out from out from under someone and the person falls
and then has like some kind of disk contusion or like slips a disc or something. And those injuries, they don't ever fully go away. So
this I have no doubt we'll have a long lasting effect on the rest of her life. So it really is like a pretty serious thing, just a really
unfortunate situation. And I don't think this was a twitch booth. As I understand this was a completely separate booth from another
organization that was just at Twitch Con, and it seems like they really just didn't know how to do this properly because this just
doesn't seem up to code at all. This cannot be the regulation amount of foam required in these pits because it looks like there's
there's only like two layers of foam cubes there. They just like sprinkled them in like breadcrumbs. And then at the bottom of it just
seems like it's a fucking slab of concrete, pure, unapologetic, unforgiving concrete at the bottom. It doesn't seem like there's any kind
of cushioned pad there, which is just wild to me. But what's even goofier is the zero IQ takes I've seen on Twitter about this blaming
Adriana ZEITCHIK saying it's her fault that she got injured.
She did it to herself. She should have known better than jumping into the foam pit like you. Absolute brain dead troglodyte. It's a foam
pit. The entire purpose is to cushion a fall. They're common at like trampoline parks, carnivals, like I mentioned in school for field
days and shit like that. I have done exactly what she's done. Cannon balling into foam pits with no injuries to show for it. I have
flipped into foam pits with no injuries to show for it. Even McDonalds, like their ball pits, are probably lighter to land on than this foam
pit at Twitch Con. Like. The whole purpose is it is supposed to be there to cushion your fall. So something like this a catastrophic
injury doesn't happen. You are supposed to be able to jump into them. The problem here is it's not a foam pit. It's a foam puddle. And
I don't think that information was relayed to the competitors here that took part in this activity. It's not an actual like three feet, four feet
deep foam pit at all. You can tell by looking at other videos from the event, when people are walking around in the foam pit, the foam
cubes barely make it to their knees. So it's not very deep to begin with. So it's not even a deep foam pit.

Thus you shouldn't be jumping in it. Yes, but no one's going to know that just by looking at it, because we're all trained to see a foam
pit and expect it to be like an actual real foam pit where it is up to code and you can jump into it. But this one is not this is like some
bootleg shit that was just shoddily thrown together and is genuinely unsafe because there are multiple injuries that have occurred
here. And yet for some reason they kept it open even after the injuries. It's not her fault this happened. She expected it to be like an
actual deep foam pit, which it was not. And a lot of people have asked me why I didn't go to twitch Con. Well, it's cause they're trying
to kill you out there. It seems it's unsafe to be there. That's not the real reason. I just don't go to conventions or anything. And I'm
certainly not fucking flying to San Diego or wherever this is to to go to it. I'm afraid of flying in the first place. I'm not flying out there.
And especially to be around like a ton of people, which I don't even like doing in the first place. I'm not going. But now the cherry on
top is these dangerous, life threatening booths out here. Like, what's next door, I wonder? The catch an arrow out of mid-air booth or
something like, Good Lord.

You know, it's just I'm sure Twitch Con is a lot of fun and this is just a really unfortunate circumstance here, but come the fuck on.
This is so easily preventable If you just had more foam, just be safer with it. And especially twitch con where all the streamers are like
gamers, you know, like I'll be the first to admit I'm not the most athletic guy in the world. If I was competing in that, I probably would
have fallen headfirst, like diving in there by accident after losing my balance. And from the looks of things, I would have absolutely
just died. There just sort of hit my head on the bottom of it, died instantly. So just feel like it's kind of obvious to expect things like this.
Like, hmm, it's a foam pit. Some people like to jump into foam pits. Is this deep enough for that? Probably not. So let's put a pad at
the bottom at the very least. Or let's put more foam in there. Like just obvious solutions. I just don't know how this mistake could have
even happened in the first place. Now, a lot of people are saying that she should be suing for this. And, you know, I'm not a fucking
lawyer. I didn't pass the bar or anything. And I'm certainly not her agent giving her direction on what she should do with her life and
her decisions.

But I think it is worth mentioning that everyone that went into that arena signed a waiver beforehand. So I don't know if she even
could sue if she wanted to. Again, maybe she could. I'm not familiar with the law or anything, but there was waivers that needed to be
signed prior to entering into that. But anyway, I just wanted to talk about this a little bit because I think it's very sad. Like the event
overall from everything I've seen has been very positive and very overall great for a lot of people. They've had a lot of fun and like I
said, I have no doubt that it's a very fun event and this is just a really unfortunate booth that's been set up here that doesn't really
seem all that safe. And again, I'm not there, so I don't know if there's truly no pad at the bottom of that foam pit. But regardless, it's
clearly not a good enough pad if this kind of injury can occur and this many injuries as well, because not only has there been an
extremely serious one with Adrianna breaking her back in multiple spots, but there have just been a decent amount of injuries in
general at that location. So clearly something isn't set up properly if this many people are getting hurt there. So, yeah, I just wanted to
talk about it a little bit and that's about all. That's about it. Yeah.



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