ENERGY VAMPIRES - (Short-Thriller)

in #twentyfourhourshortstory6 years ago (edited)


I don't know how many people smile that way when greeting someone, I mean, it's pretty polite to smile but to spread your cheeks so wide that it almost reaches your ears is pretty creepy to me. Mr. Andrew had always been a weird case to me, for instance, I always seem to catch him gazing at me, you know that feeling you get when you sense someone gawking at you, each time I sensed that and I look back, there he is with that wide smile again, his eyes almost bugging out of its sockets with each stretch of a smile but this time he raised his hand almost waving at me.

"Sarah, look at that weird man again," I nodding at his general direction

"C'mon, be nice Rudy, his just being friendly"

Sarah has always got that pure aspect of herself, she's always trying to see the better side of people, I guess it's also one of the reasons why she's with me, that's why I hesitate to call her naive sometimes, she looks at me with an innocent smile that seems to always melt my heart at the right moment, I could only respond with a warm smile beaming on my face but not a creepy kind of smile like Mr. Andrew over here.

"I'm telling you, Sarah, that guy is an alien, something's off about him, He listens to Trap music for God's sake, I hear him blasting it at night... what kind of 50-year-old man listens to lil-gunner,"

"I dunno, what kind of man is still laying on the couch at this time of the day," She responded with a witty smile, "Lazy butt, how many times do you want your buddies at work to cover for you."

I work as a security personnel at a nightclub, don't call me a bouncer though, I hate that word, it's like it reduces me to a lap dog, even though I have a carefree attitude, I do have an ambitious side, my dream job is to be a stunt double in Hollywood, the pay is pretty decent and I get to hang around celebs. I did try my hands on acting but I didn't have the range for it, although I have a good physic for the big screens, if I do say so myself.

I took a deep sigh as I finally flung myself off from the couch, I had to make it on time for my evening shift, I could see Mr. Andrew from the corner of my eye through the window, he always spends most of his time on his rocking chair outside his porch, I had to rush over and close the curtains this time around, I know that Sarah loves to have some natural light beaming indoors but I wanted the satisfaction of shutting the old creep out of my sight.

"See you later hun,"

"Yes dear, do take care of yourself," I kissed Sarah just before I made my way out the door.

I walked a few steps towards my car before I felt that gaze again looking at me, this time around I turned and gave him the harshest mean mug as I clenched my jaw, "weirdo," I scoffed to myself.


It was a typical day at work, I dealt with the usual drunks, underaged teenagers trying to sneak in, and the rest of the hassles that came with my job description, It was almost an hour until the end of my shift when I saw a scrawny figure walking towards the bar entrance from the distance, as he came close, his dark figure became clearer.

"What the hell, what is this old man doing here," I blurted out.

"Oh, you know him," One of my buddies, Jason, responded, "Maybe he's just out here to catch some fun, can never be too old to party I guess."

I kept looking as he approached, I kept hoping he would take a left turn and go to some old people store somewhere, the truth is that I had never had a close encounter with Mr. Andrew, he gave me quite a negative vibe and I didn't want to deal with that. I was kinda surprised when he took a halt, now standing inches in front of me. He looked at me with that same creepy and wide grin, only this time it was so close it made me feel so uncomfortable, his bulging eyes even looking more shiny and rubbery like they could pop out at any second.

"How are Y'all doing fellas,"

"Alright, I would like some Identification, please," I said sharply with a squared jaw, the truth was that I wanted to get some more information on his character, I still had my theories that he's an extraterrestrial.

"C'mon, you wanna frisk the old man," Jason interrupted "Come on in sir, welcome to the sunset bar, we'll be sure to treat you right, just let me know if you need anything." He looked at me like I was supposed to feel some type of shame as he ushered the old man in.

Jason came back a few moments shortly and looked at me like he was about to say something but I wasn't ready for all that chit-chatter, I had to keep an eye on this creepy old man, what could he be doing at the bar by this hour.

"You can take over the door spot Jason, I gotta check up something inside"

"Okay man, look out for that drunk fella with the red snapback, seems he's gonna be troubled."

"Sure, will do," I responded but I was more interested in keeping an eye on Mr. Andrew.

I looked around and found him in the far corner of the bar looking out of place, I shook my head as I kept studying him, he stood close to the rest rooms with a beer in his hand as he nods his head in a random manner to the techno beat in the background, shortly afterwards, a lady walked past him to use the toilet, she wore a red dress and walked swiftly in a pressed manner, I then noticed Mr. Andrew turn his gaze to this lady as he smiled and followed her to the rest room. My eyebrows are now rising across my forehead as I stomped over to the scene.

"I've got you now, you old creep," I whispered with a dutiful smile.

I pushed my way through the crowd just as Mr. Andrew was making his way to the restroom following the lady in the red dress, I could have called for back up but I felt I could handle the issue on my own. I saw him enter the toilet and I followed suit just seconds after him, I opened the door with a loud bang as I clenched my jaw.

"What the hell are you doing here old man, and don't give that crap that you're lost, I saw you follow the young lady in here, are you okay ma'am, don't worry I got this."

"He's a strong specimen, I can see why you choose him," the lady in red turns toward the old man and smiled with playing with her lips in a seductive manner.

"Wait, Da... Fu*k, you two know each other, what the hell is going on here," I shouted, this time gripping my baton, "Y'all some weirdos? right.... Okay, I'm going to need both of y'all to step out of this bar, right now!"

"You like to give orders don't you, I looooove that," The lady in red laughs like a drunk maniac as she made her way towards me "I already like you, we're going to have so much fun. haha..."

I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole situation when she reached over and touched my chest with her long purple fingernail, I immediately went into defense mode and twisted her arms in armlock behind her back as she lets out a surprising moan like she's enjoying this whole ordeal.

I was about to put her in a cuff, when the old man made his way toward me with a surprising speed, in one motion he punched me as I flew into the bathrooms mirrors, with glass shards falling all around me.

"You don't touch the queen," he whispered coldly while standing over me, this time his voice sounding deeper and masculine. even his stature has changed, no longer is he standing with an arched back but now upright with more noticeable muscular definitions.

"Oh stop it, Andrew, like I needed your protection, he can't hurt me even if he tried," The lady in red responded as she made her way towards me. she held me by the neck and lifted me with no effort at all, I could tell by her taunting smile that I was among some beings that are more powerful than I am, The thoughts of my fiance flashed before my eyes, my conspiracy theory was true after all, these guys are aliens or shapeshifters of some kind.

I let out a wheezing cough, gasping for air as she squeezed my throat more tightly, my feet now inches away from the floor with my arms getting numb as I let go of the baton, I held on to her arms trying to scratch and punch it but my strength was fading, all of a sudden, she finally let me down as she drew me into a forced kiss which seems to last longer than I could remember, the only thing I felt was a slimy creature sliding down my throat as I struggle to get her off me. she finally let go as she laughed like a deranged Joker.

"You are one of us now, welcome to the hive... Rudy"

This is my entry into the twentyfourhourshortstory organized by @mctiller Thanks for reading friends :-)


Wow just very good post

This is a fantastic story, loved reading through it and it was all the more special because Sarah in it reminds me so much of @saffisara - are you sure you didn't use here as inspiration?

#thealliance #witness

haha... it could be her... thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed

That proves it - when you think someone is an Alien, stay away from them. Nicely done!

haha... indeed, trust the guts instincts lol

Hi @abmakko

That was great fun to read. Your main character really popped and came to life on the page. The grinning old man creeped me out too. Loved the pace and, of course, the payoff at the end. Awesome job :D

anjkaracarve banner.jpeg

Thanks for reading, I appreciate @anjkara

ohhhhhhhhhhh creepy! hehehehe
I was interested in this because I'm also writing a story about people who manipulate energy! :) I'm writing chapter 23 tonight! hahahaha so i'm deep into it now!

are you going to be writing more of this??? :)

thanks for reading, all of my stories will be continued, I do tend to write in parts, although It will take quite a while. I appreciate you passing by :-)

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