Star Trek Discovery Season 1 Review

in #tvshows7 years ago


Star Trek Discovery had an interesting season 1 journey, did they go where no man has gone before, or is this just a short trip into parallel universe with more logical holes that every Vulcan's mind would implode? You can find out in this review from a lifelong trekkie fan. Overall, I said it many times before, The Orville feels more Star Trek than the real one, but that is not necessarily bad for the franchise. Discovery is using more of a cinematic approach with one continuous story line instead of standard episodic format we are used to watch.


From a timeline perspective Discovery takes place 10 years before the Enterprise when federation was being attacked by the Klingon Empire. The Klingons are the main source of controversy in this version of Star Trek, mostly because people are used to a certain look they always had. Now they look more menacing and they use their Klingon language more than ever, which is good. Their ships also look different and they are ruthless without any remorse in their war effort. Story wise this season has more twists and turns than Monte Carlo formula 1 track, which kept things interesting for me until the end.


New characters are interesting and you will never truly know what is their end goal here, specially when a certain character was introduced. Acting was pretty decent and you won't find any flaws there. I specially like the performances of Sonequa Martin-Green and Doug Jones playing an alien called Saru. Doug Jones is an actor who is always hidden behind some monstrous face, a true specialist if there ever was one. There were some confusing instances of the show where writing wasn't as clear as it should be due to a fact the show went multi universe at the time which created a lot of paradoxes, for the viewer that is. It all ended with a very strange last episode not in par with the rest of the season, but all in all it was a very interesting season. I will definitely continue to watch this show in the future. Score: 8.5/10


I loved a lot this show and I can't wait for the next season!
One of the things that I enjoyed was the apperence of the Klingons pre-virus generation. Also the gene-mutilation that Voq/Ash Tyler has gonne through.

I lost interest after DS9. But I have heard good things about Discovery. I may need to clear my plate for some binge viewing. You make it sound appealing. I hope the Klingon is subtitled. :)

Lol, they are subtitled :)

A true trekkie doesn't need subtitles :)

Yes, I'm fluid in Cardassian, Romulan and I even know some Vulcan dialects. And of course I have a bottle of slivovitz.

Oooo the Star Trek Discovery series opinions are mixed among the Trekkie community. As a fan of the Star Trek world, I have mixed feelings about the series. To be honest I stopped watching after episode 7 or so. The idea to give the show new life is worth the praise with new CGI and a makeover of the scenography, Starfleet, and so on. The story starts out great, war with the Klingon Empire will surely give you good TV stuff to watch and makes some prime time television. On the other hand, I did not go for it much, the show lost a lot of what it once stood for and I understand that a new audience needs to get on the Star Trek train. I think this is the wrong path to go on it will be nothing more than an instant product, a money printing machine to sell merchandise. I would not be surprised if they cancel it just after 2-3 seasons. Another thing is the acting, most of the Voyager and Next Generation cast were mostly trained theater actors. The difference is clear in Discovery not that it is bad actin but one can notice.

You gave it a high rating that's why I won't rate it here just to be safe 😁

Sorry for the long post here you have a space potato.


Cool potato. I figured a lot of people won't like the show because of it's flashy style and theatrics, very different from the original series. I didn't mind that, I like the whole premise of the new experimental ship using biological network to travel all over the universe in an instant #nerd. We need a new Start Trek, good bad or the ugly :)

Not much of a Trekkie avid. I find the show interesting, just never sat down to watch, ya feel?

But those Klingons and their armor remind me of the monsters that would emerge from the portals in the video game Oblivion and even in later Skyrim. Perhaps Ill take a peep at the new season.

Daedra you mean :)


I can always remember Mehrunes Dagon with his Dagger

A bit of a dissapointing series. I still have one more episode to go but overal not a big fan. The way they got rid of one major character was really dissapointing. The only episode i really liked was the one with Mudd. The plot twists were too obvious and the love story was badly done. I really liked Tyler at the start but now hes just completely unapealing as a character just like Michael. Id give it a 4.5/10
Sorry for the negative comment but its just how i feel. 😁
My boyfriend made us binge all of Star Trek a few years ago and he kinda pulled me into it.
I might not agree with you but it was a nice and thourough review. I love discussing things like this .

It is perfectly fine to have a negative opinion on the show. I like it because my blood had a lack of Star Trek in it, just like when you are anemic, in this case I was Star Trek anemic :) I always look at every first season of any show as a starting point for the future, takes time to get to know the characters. I think it will get better, hint: the ending of the last episode.

Id better get out of the comments not to run into spoilers. Haha. I mean its enjoyable so hopefully it goes the way of DS9 which was extremely boring the first season and turned into, i would even say, the best ST series so far.

I have also been keeping up with Star Trek
Discovery. I had never watched Star Trek before (except when a half started episode of on TV) so I didn't really know what to expect.
I like it so far. I immediately liked Saru and I'm so glad they have given him more stage time. He's quite a badass too with that 60 mph running speed.

I'm on ep 9 and I'm still not hooked. I love the cgi, hate the klingon makeover and can't wait for The Orvilles season 2 :)

It looks like most Croatians hate Star Trek Discovery, country of haters it seems. It was a decent season one. The Orville was better, Discovery is decent enough, it will get better.

I dont if it is just me, but I feel Discovery in total has darker aura surrounding it, which fot me is an intersting new tone to the Star trek universe. Only because of that I enjoyed watching it, but like you said Orville is a true sucess in sci fi this year

I follow The Orville closely. I lost Star Trek somewhere at 4-5th episode.

It gets more interesting later on.

Interesting maybe but it also breaks canon a lot. A Trekker would be constantly facepalming.

Never have been a fan of star trek series cause I haven’t watched most of them. Thanks for sharing and since you have scored it 8.5/10 I’ll look forward to watch it.

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