The Handmaid's Tale - Offred 57:25 Episode 1 (Warning SPOILERS )
The Hanmaid's Tale
Just got Hulu for the free 30 day subscription. I have seen the original movie 1990's. From what I had remember Faye Dunaway was on scary female. And there was a lot of illuminate symbolism. So wondered how they were going to do this now.
Commercials are you kidding me - you pay the monthly subscription and they put in ads. WTF?
"Under his Eye" - Greetings and GoodBye I wonder why they say "EYE" and not "EYES"?
New Living Translation : Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.
King James Bible : Proverbs 15:3
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
Again another Commercial not impressed with Hulu.

WOW another crazy scene with a man, an insane one eye impregnate lady.
"There's an EYE in your house" ? What does that mean ???
It's not even just that their are ads. Look at the ridiculous TYPES of ads they run. Wrote a piece about my thoughts if you're interested in checking it out: