Some brief reviews of potential interest to fellow SF/fantasy fans:
The Last of Us: It's a very impressive series. Both lead actors give very strong performances. There are also interesting political themes of various kinds, that cut across conventional right-left lines. While it's a post-apocalyptic zombie story, the series mostly highlights the evil that arises from normal humans. I do have a few reservations (e.g. - episode 8 is by far the weakest yet, and another episode portrays a quasi-utopian commune that would have been more balanced had the producers read up on the literature on kibbutzim and other real-word communes). But overall, very strong.
The Mandalorian, Season 3, episode 1: Also very good. Exciting and gets a lot of work done in a short time. Pedro Pascal is excellent, as almost always (he's also the co-star of The Last of Us). My one reservation is that Din Djarin seems to be taking a step back that makes little sense. In previous seasons of The Mandalorian and his episodes of the Book of Boba Fett, I thought he realized that the Mandalorian "Way" - especially in its more extreme forms - is cruel and stupid. Now, it's as if he's unlearned that, and been drawn back into it. But perhaps the Star Wars universe specializes in depicting philosophies that are superficially appealing, but actually harmful. The Jedi Order is the other obvious example.
Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever. I watched this on the plane on Thursday. It's a bloated, pointless mess. I had more reservations about the first movie than most viewers, but it was still good, overall. This one is very much not. I get that the producers were handicapped by the tragic early death of Chadwick Boseman, star of the previous movie. But this instalment is lame even after making some allowances for that. The one positive is that, thanks to United Airlines, I didn't have to pay good money to see it at the theater!