Game of thrones-review season 7- White walkers-winter is here.

in #tv8 years ago

The White walkers where they come from what the want and why they hate humanity what we do know that they murder innocent people bring back people from the dead,reproduce by transforming innocent human,baby as white walkers and have massed enormous army of dead basically the people of westeros are screwed the white walkers possess magical power.the scope of their magical power is unknown.white walkers have some kind of weakness they can be killed by a sword made out of dragon glass.1-T8f0aJWJXwD7kC8JbKD0AQ.png
The night king who is an apparent leader of the white walkers. "We dont think night king as a villian as much as death. he is not some one who is like Joffrey and Ramsay.He is just a force of destruction.
On the out side the white walkers are truly horrifying they appeared to be brutally viscious ice demons who murder and then recurrect the dead.
As we move towards the grand finale of game of thrones many people believe that the north and south will unite in the fight against the white walkers and save kingdoms.jon will lead attack given his experience with the nights watch and with the help of Daenereys and her Dragons the white walkers will be defeated once and for all.It's a great story book ending our hero unite and defeat the enemy but what if it's not black and white. If you think this is happy ending you're not paying attention .
The living breathing intelligent ctreatures that wage war for purpose whether it be revenge,betrayal,survival or conquest.
The white walkers fight for something the question is what ? I dont think this is going to be classic tale of good vs evil living vs the dead. I think there's side to the story we haven't been heard yet and inorder to know what the white walkers want we must see their prespective which is almost impossible since we know little about them but we can look for past for answers


Game of thrones 😍😍

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